
Sledgehammer Games aren't finished with Call of Duty if they have their way

@XG247 In a recent interview with Glen Schofield (CEO of Sledgehammer Games) he revealed that Sledgehammer like the CoD universe and don't plan on leaving it any time soon.

ViciousHamster4567d ago

You think that bobby would have a heart and give other devs a chance in the spotlight for once.
But the greedy bastard just milks the same old raw nipple.

Urrakia344567d ago

Did somebody say nipple?! Where?!

AtomicGerbil4567d ago

+Bub for making me laugh out loud.

Thrungus4567d ago

I'd go as far to say: "What a waste of a bunch of creative minds?"

3GenGames4567d ago

Of course they're not done, they need more money and need to increase the investment to profit ratio still! A billion dollars is NOT ENOUGH for Activision!

Noticeably_FAT4567d ago

I will go out on a limb and say Sledgehammer Games have done the best job on a Modern Warfare game to date. Easily my favorite in the series. The campaign is the longest COD campaign and by far the funnest.

Hope these guys stick with whats working.

PshycoNinja4567d ago

I agree on the fact that this game is the best one (way better then the horrid MW2). However I hope they don't just "stick with what's working". If they do more call of duty games they innovate a bit more and go out side their comfort zone. Some of the best moments in MW3 was when they did things they haven't done before in other Call of Duty's.

Noticeably_FAT4567d ago

If they change too much they risk upsetting millions upon millions of people, I think they do a good job with how they do things now, baby steps, keep the gameplay tight, the controls tight and work on getting things like lobby's straightened out.


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Skuletor4d ago

Another L for Xbox, when are they going to have good news?

MrDead4d ago

I would read the article but the giant pop-ups from the top and bottom of the screen made me close it.

Without reading $23.4 million isn't a deterrent for a company that size.

peppeaccardo4d ago

Boss: Let's fire a few people to recoup on that loss.
Slave: Cortana has decided to get rid of Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks.
Boss: Let's get those Firing Letters "Copilot Approved" and send them through the power of the cloud.
Slave: Long Live Phil !!!
ALL in the room: LONG LIVE PHIL !!!!

rlow14d ago

Well another troll company with a patent trying to extort money out of companies. Seems like they’re going to try and sue everyone.


Not enough drain them for more, fuck Blizzard POS company.


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