
Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Tips

A detailed look in to the finer points of the new Battlefield 3 multiplayer. Classes, vehicles and environments all explained!

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Hufandpuf4590d ago

Instead of a general overview, can we at least get some really good advanced tips from the pros that we don't already know. Like, which spots are good for defending and attacking. Counters and so forth.

Rgoodwin114590d ago

I COULD do that, and probably will. But this was just for a beginner to get an idea. I may well write a Battlefield tactics article.

Avernus4589d ago

How about a serious beginners guide for all the new players. What it means for the team to spot, drop ammo, drop med kits, and revive.

Engineer is not the only class around, and some maps suit other classes. STOP shooting the same guy your team mate is shooting at! What happens when another guy comes around the corner and the both of you are reloading? I can go on and on.

I just hope that the new people learn to play the objective...soon. It gets a little annoying when I'm the only person trying to cap flags.

Rgoodwin114589d ago

I agree, I could write a whole book on Battlefield. No beginner would read it though lol


Battlefield Needs the Glory Days of BF3 and Bad Company 2 Back

Whether it comes through remakes or a new game with a similar style, DICE should aim to revive the glory days of Battlefield 3 and Bad Company 2.

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masterfox569d ago

hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia568d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad568d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

568d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin568d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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Battlefield 3 Reality Mod Installation and Beginner's Guide Released

This Battlefield 3 Reality Mod installation guide will show you step-by-step on how to install the new reality mod by Venice Unleashed.


Battlefield 3 Reality Mod Release Locked for July 17, Explosive New Trailer Fires Out

Battlefield 3 Reality Mod release is now set for July 17, and we get a brand new release date trailer that brings the action and grounded gunfights.

MadLad694d ago

There's fun to be had here.
