
Grand Theft Auto's biggest problem: Cars

The Grand Theft Auto 5 hype train has started rolling, but one writer can't get too excited about it. Why? Because of those stupid cars.

RockYou4593d ago ShowReplies(7)
Gungnir4593d ago

I agree as well. I hate driving for extended periods of time in these games.

news4geeks4593d ago (Edited 4593d ago )

I hated driving around those country roads in SA. Talk about boredom.

Cataclism04592d ago (Edited 4592d ago )

The problem isn't cars in general its the cars in game. Rockstar needs to grab some people from Midnight club to teach them how to make cars fun.

There's no excuse for stealing the equivalent of a 911 and being unable to drive down a highway at 80 without dying.

Steven214592d ago

If you dont like the set up of grand theft auto then dont play it. Thats is what the game is and always has been about. The author of this is digging for flame bait and its pointless. If you dont like a certain game dont play it.its that simple. Theyre not going to change the whole structure of their arguably best game ever because a couple people complain about the cars. I opened this thinking it would be about the lack of licensing but its flame bait.

THR1LLHOUSE4593d ago

If flying around Arkham City makes you *feel* like Batman because of how fun and exciting it is, wouldn't driving a car around LA trying not to blow it up make you *feel* like a guy driving a car around LA trying not to blow it up?

Sure, being Batman is more fun than being some guy, but it's not like you're gonna play a superhero in GTAV. What're you supposed to do if not drive cars?

crazytown994593d ago

Leave GTA to the people who will enjoy it, is what. :P

illegalyouth4593d ago

Only if driving a car around L.A. could be fun. Have you ever driven a car in L.A.? Further, would you really want to drive a car in L.A. with controls from a Rockstar game?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

HardCover4592d ago

Have you ever driven a car in Los Santos with a 4 or 5 star wanted level? Have you ever done that in a car driven by a DualShock 3?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Blaze9294593d ago

you know, Now that we are talking about the cars in GTA, that brings up an interesting point.

Grand Theft Auto - does the name even fit what the games are about anymore? I mean sure you can still steal cars but looking at it from a bigger picture, I don't even think the name fits the kind of games Rockstar makes in the series anymore.


mynameisEvil4592d ago

GTA is now more about, "Oh, I came here with a disadvantage and a terrible past. I lose all that's dear to me and then I become awesome and someone who aims to be on America's Most Wanted" than fun and stealing cars.

Saints Row took the spirit of what GTA used to be and is howing us what could've been. I don't want crappy driving controls and boring minigames like billards, eating, watching lame cabaret shows, and bowling. I can do all that in real life. I want to do what I used to be able to do in GTA. That is, jack a taxi and go on some intense rides similar to Crazy Taxi. I wanna grab a tank and go on a rampage. Hell, I wanna grab that dildo from the jail cell and go beat up old grannies with it.

But, no. Rockstar says, "that's not good enough". Thank God for Volition.

poindat4592d ago

I don't understand what you're complaining about. You can do all of that in GTA. Except run around with the dildo. But why would you want to do that anyway? I mean, unless you're twelve or something, which seems to be the demographic that Saints Row appeals to.

GTA has always been a mature game for mature people. Its witty and emotional and critical and substantial, which is more than can be said about Saints Row.

NagaSotuva4593d ago

You could always hop on a motorcycle. Much more fun and exciting.

gedapeleda4593d ago

I drove motorcycle in gta4 99% of the time

RioKing4592d ago

You don't drive motorcycles

THR1LLHOUSE4593d ago (Edited 4593d ago )

(@illegalyouth I hit the wrong thing, apparently)

Sure I would.

In GTA I don't need to worry about silly traffic jams or pedestrians, and if my car explodes it's not a big deal because, hey look, there's another one.

It seems like apples and oranges to me to compare GTA with Batman and Infamous just because they're all open world games. I mean, why doesn't Mario run as fast as Sonic? Why can't Sonic get a cape and fly?

RedDead4593d ago

Imo it's a stupid argument, Infamous was not fun to navigate. Cars/planes/helicopters etc are the most fun along with Prototype(to bad the rest of the game sucks)and Spiderman. And RDR, horse is all well and good but it gets boring navigating quite quickly imo.

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gold_drake13d ago

i think the only real loss is GTAV

OtterX13d ago

I think everyone and their sister owns the game by now. They likely want to squeeze the rest of the holdouts before GTAVI releases.

Profchaos13d ago

That game comes and goes from subscriptions so frequently I think it's expected now. Like rdr2 on gamepass Rockstar Games only last a max of 3 months On a service

MrBaskerville12d ago

Talos Principle is the real loss.

BanginTunes12d ago

Facts that game is good as fuck I'm playing through 2 now, very underrated

Huey_My_D_Long13d ago

indivisible was pretty neat. Cute artstyle, fun throwback to older RPGs, shame its leaving but it is on sale often

shinoff218313d ago

Definitely. I e joyed what I played of it. Still gotta grab the physical at some point

Petebloodyonion13d ago

I'm not surprised by GTA V removal, Rockstar never allows this game to stay long on a subscription service.
They usually allow 4 to 6 months.

lodossrage13d ago

Yeah, they do that routinely with both GTA and Red Dead.

But it's because they know they can still sell them so they take them off and on to these sub services in cycle.

The weird thing to me is why is anyone still buying those games at this point? You would think after 3 generations of being sold GTA 5 that everyone and their momma would have it by now

RNTody13d ago

I fail to see how the loss of an almost 11 year old game that released across 3 generations is in any way a problem.

12d ago
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