
Developers Cracking Down On Second Hand Games. Is It Right?

GameDynamo - "There's an unfortunate trend sweeping through the gaming industry nowadays. It's a trend that's slowly spreading through the development community, one which is slated to adversely impact the entire market. Those of you who've been following the gaming industry for a while have probably already picked up on it. For a long time, developers have expressed negative opinions about second-hand games: from irritation, to resignation, to outright hatred."

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Lord_Sloth4583d ago

I say there's nothing wrong with devs wanting to make money off of their products sales. Even if it's just a small "tip" from the used game sales, something would keep 'em from all this day 1 DLC bullshit.

ATi_Elite4583d ago

I say that cause this has a PC tag and the PC doesn't have used game sales. Used game sales are not relevant to PC Gamers.

Anyway i kinda enjoyed the part about how used game sales are worse than piracy which is very true cause you have actual paying customers and people making money off of your product but you see NO REVENUE from it.

That's why i really see consoles going to Digital Distribution next gen seeing how they experimented with it this gen by way of XBLA and PSN.

Lord_Sloth4583d ago

While Digital would be a way to fight piracy in Gamestop, until they get some retarded HDD that can hold about 20 games at once or they have a breakthrough in streaming games I don't see that as a viable option anytime soon.

gamingdroid4583d ago (Edited 4583d ago )

except, piracy meant NO MONEY TO THE PUBLISHER AT ALL!

While, second hand sale is derived from a legitimate copy the publisher ALREADY RECEIVED PROFIT FROM.

It is ridiculous that consumers would even support restricting their own freedom to support companies. Especially when that restriction can potentially force them to pay more.

I find it incredible that the commpanies has been so effective in brainwashing users to believe all this nonsense to the point where they believe piracy is equivalent to used sales.

If it is, then why is one illegal while the other not?

Commander_TK4583d ago

This move is probably one of the worst in 7th gen of video games. When I buy a used car, I don't have to pay extra money so I could use the A/C or the radio. I don't have to pay Universal extra money to watch a deleted scene from American Pie.

This is a big fuck you to us gamers. I don't even know why some u guys are siding with those corporate pigs.

smoothdude4583d ago


I can't agree with you more. People sell their games in order to purchase new ones, which is revenue that the developers will make. I don't care what anyone thinks, there is nothing wrong with buying used games, I don't care what the developers want me to believe.

To top it all off, why do they want you to preorder a game now-a-days? You know that it will be patched and have DLC, so if you wait a couple of months, you will get the game cheaper and with less bugs. This to me is just sloppy...

Heartnet4583d ago

Its not worse than piracy... for a game to be second hand somebody would have had to of bought it first so gives the publisher a sale anyway...

And You people do realise the games industry is like the only place where youll find them punishing us for buying second hand? Do Cars take away the steering wheel if u buy it used? Do films cut out the ending if u buy it used ? No and there both doing well.. So what justification does the games industry have for doing this? None

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4583d ago
Darkfiber4583d ago

They can do whatever they want. There's nothing wrong with offering an incentive to buy a game new. They aren't keeping anyone from buying a game used or playing it.

It's just like buying a used car. Sure, you might save some money, but the brakes might be shot and need replacing. You're going to have to put more money in the car if you want it to run like it was brand new, just as you might have to put in a few extra bucks for something like an "online pass" or DLC if you wish the game to play as if it were new. Buying used is simply paying for the privilege of spending less money on it with the understanding that it wont be as good as it is when it's brand new. If you understand that fact when purchasing a used game, then you have nothing to complain about. If you think you should be able to pay half price for ANYTHING used and expect it to be exactly the same as if it were brand new, you need a reality check.

thebudgetgamer4583d ago (Edited 4583d ago )

Yea but you don't have to pay extra to get in the trunk. you still get to use the whole thing.

breakdancefight4583d ago

You can still play the whole game when you buy used. It's not as if buying a used copy of Madden you only get to play half a season and are forced to buy a pass to complete the season. It cost money to maintain servers which run Cerberus network on Mass Effect, Online multiplayer on battlefield and online competitive football on Madden, so when you buy used you are not contributing. Darkfiber is right and we as consumers are spoiled. If you look at the film industry they are combating the second hand market by charging you $15.00 dollars a ticket and the prices continue to rise. My parents payed $50.00 a game when I was a child and I did until the current generation console which went up by $10.00 dollars while development cost continue to skyrocket. We keep making demands of the developers, but are unwilling to to do our parts to make sure their doors stay open by supporting a new game market and not lining the pockets of the Gamestops of the world.

Heartnet4583d ago


No but if u buy madden used u cant go online which is one of its advertised features...

and if it cost money to run the cerberus network on me3.. then get rid of it! that was a useless feature and cudve just offererd dlc instead on the XBLA/PSN Store...

frelyler4583d ago

Games are not cars, so there is no logic to your argument. Also, when you buy a used car typically it comes with what you need to make it run, at least if you buy smart it should. Online that you have to pay extra for is like buying a car and going to drive it only to find it has no motor, but it can for a cheap price. If developers hate gamestop so much they shouldn't allow them to sell their games, not punish the people who can't afford new to begin with.

breakdancefight4583d ago

If you can't afford $5.00 dollars more for a new copy you have bigger problems than Gamestop.

Heartnet4583d ago


Wow maybe 5 dollars makes all the difference... if buying alot of games and u save 5 dollars a time and u buy 3 or 4 games uve saved 20... all adds up mate and for some people thats all they can afford.. not every1 is as rich and spoilt as you are ok?

Akiba964583d ago

@heart lol yea he spoiled in ruch because he pays 5 more dollars than you. Honestly if 5 dollars is worth more than helping out the industry which gives us all so much enjoyment, then you really should rethink your morals.

frelyler4582d ago

Why the $5.00 mark, when I buy used I save upwards of 20 to 30 dollars and that is a huge amount. Games today are overpriced. MW3 is a perfect example, it should only cost 30 if it comes out every year, especially when assets are recycled from 4 years ago which in the tech industry is a century. I don't make enough money to buy new games period. I have to buy used or wait for a price drop or rent, but if I rent I only get to experience half the game unless I want to fork over more money. If I had the capital I would start a store and contact all the game companies. I would say I'll give you 30% of my used game sales if you give me incentives back. It's a brilliant business idea and the only reason no one has done it yet is because of greed.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4582d ago
Trenta274583d ago

I'm all for it. It'll show those bastards at Gamestop what for.

Noticeably_FAT4583d ago

I think it's wrong, people buy and sell items all the time and you don't hear the creators of those items complaining. Someone used a car analogy and I like that one, however, what if car manufacturers put some sort of chip in the cars so if they were sold to someone else they wouldn't work?

Why not do the same with consoles themselves next? We cant allow these types of things to happen in our society, I know this is just video games, but nobody is going to one day come out and say we have no rights, it's a slow process where we allow companies and people to have control over us.

ZombieAssassin4583d ago (Edited 4583d ago )

"what if car manufacturers put some sort of chip in the cars so if they were sold to someone else they wouldn't work? "

Nah because you can still play the used game you just can't play it online...think of online like a factory warranty and you can only use it if you buy it new or pay for it. The MP of games cost money to run so I can see why they do it and it's somewhat justifiable...now that whole Batman AC locking SP content thing is kinda bull.

EDIT: @below nvm you don't get it and prolly never will.

Noticeably_FAT4583d ago

Well where are all the people complaining about paying for something you already pay for, which is internet service?

If you buy a game, used or new it should work all the same, except maybe if there was DLC included that had already been redeemed.

I think it's a horrible practice and I'm glad not every company is in on this trend.

kneon4583d ago

ZombieAssassin is correct, there is a big difference between video games and all other items I can think of. When you buy a movie, book, TV, toaster etc. second hand it doesn't cost the manufacturer anything more. But when you buy a game that has an online component it costs the developer money when you play online.

That has to be paid for somehow. If the developers price in the extended usage of the servers into the initial price then game prices will just go up. Do you prefer that option?

palaeomerus4583d ago (Edited 4583d ago )

If you sell the game you will not be playing online anymore and the guy who buys it will simply be using your slot allocated for your copy of the game the same way that you did.

The total number of required online slots does not change when the game changes hands, so no more money is being spent by a publisher to support online play when games are purchased used.

If you have 5 million copies produced and sold then you only need a maximum capacity of 5 million online slots no matter how many times the games gets resold as used.

The seller and the purchaser of a used game cannot both play it online at the same time.

Recovery of expanded online costs is a bogus argument for prohibiting or discouraging used sales.

kneon4583d ago (Edited 4583d ago )


That's correct but when they work out the budget for server usage they make some assumptions about the typical usage patterns. Usually most people will only play online for a few weeks or months and then move on to something else. When the game is resold this pattern is reset and starts over.

The bottom line is that typically each new owner of the game will make additional use of the servers. Had the game not been resold usage would drop and they could pull some servers, reassign them to another game, or if it's a hosted service they can stop paying for additional servers.

Hicken4583d ago

So you're telling me gaming companies assume you're not going to play the game online very long? That they think you'll, at best, spend a few weeks online, and then stop, and that's all they account for? Isn't that stupid? No, there's no need to ask; it IS stupid.

If the developers and publishers fail to plan ahead, that's their fault. I have no interest in paying for their fallacy.

But, as paleo said, that used copy is the same copy as the new one, taking up the exact same spot on the servers.

And, as Noticeably_FAT said, excluding extras the game should work as advertised. It'd be a different story if the multiplayer or online was something you could purchase separate, even for a new copy, but every game comes with that ability built-in. This is why the car analogy makes sense.

kneon4582d ago


If developers aren't doing this kind of planning then they are stupid. Have you ever had to design a network or size a server or server farm? I've designed wireless networks with budgets over $500 million.

You always need to make some assumptions of usage patterns so that you aren't wasting money building out a much bigger system than is really required.

They certainly won't build the servers to support every customer playing online at the same time. They will build the system to support the expected peak load and will remove or reallocate capacity as usage drops off. With used game sales that usage drop off can be greatly extended thus costing them more money.

As for selling the online separately I agree that would be the right way to do it, I've suggested it myself. But as that would result in a lower initial price for the game I can't see it happening.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4582d ago
Lord_Sloth4583d ago

I've been poor most of my life and homeless for a portion of it so don't throw that around like it's a viable excuse for not supporting a company and then bitching about it when they decide to try and get their prophet.

Bimkoblerutso4583d ago

They already made a profit. The game has to be sold to become secondhand.

Lord_Sloth4583d ago

Indeed but since so many people are purchasing these games second hand, you can hardly blame them for wanting to earn cash when their product sells a copy.

Bimkoblerutso4583d ago

And then nine times out of ten, the money gets pumped back into the industry, because the vast...VAST majority of sales to Gamestop are credit sales.

-Gespenst-4583d ago

I honestly just think the big names in videogames are just getting greedy. The videogame industry's been assimilated into the corporate agenda. Who knows, maybe someday they'll have sweatshops full of programmers haha.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4583d ago
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Ubisoft say AC Shadows protagonists will be "romantically attracted to different types of people"

Ubisoft recently shared more details about Assassin's Creed Shadows protagonists, confirming that both of them will romantically attract and be attracted to different types of people.

Hugodastrevas3d ago

That should please everyone I'm sure...

RpgSama3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Feudal Japan DEI LGBTQ+ Samurai, sounds very accurate for the time period. Surely a decision made only with historical accuracy in mind.

Crows903d ago

Or even modern day accuracy.....

Lexreborn23d ago

You have no idea what you are talking about, bet you didn’t know nobunaga was bi-sexual. Or ran maru his is often depicted as androgynous was a “beautiful boy”.

So yeah, feudal Japan had tons of lgbtq and kawaii enough… A BLACK SAMURAI! All without the need of offending a Caucasian because the world is diverse.

VenomUK3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

This story has cracked me up so much! Bravo Ubisoft, bravo! 🤣. So last week everyone was upset that in the long-awaited first Assassin’s Creed: Japan game the protagonist is black. But NOW he is also LGBTQ+ ! It’s like the Ubisoft creative team sat around a table and said “How can we best impress our Kotaku/IGN/Polygon friends and antagonise gamers? Let’s make it woke x 100!’ And then they all silent clapped!

Just you wait until the Star Wars: Outlaws details come out, there better not be anybody complaining about Kay Vess’ dating preferences and the gay droid armies.

Christopher3d ago

It actually is.

Japanese were very Greek in their sexual experiences.

lodossrage3d ago

Lexreborn2 is right

Go read up on Japan's feudal era homosexuality and bisexuality was a very common thing in that time.

I just have to laugh because the same people complaining about this are the same ones crying about wanting "historical accuracy". When it's clear most of the whiners don't even know history themselves.

Christopher3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Facts don't care about downvotes, btw. You either claim to understand historical accuracy or you just admit you don't like the stuff people did throughout history.


thorstein3d ago

Japan had no Christian stupidity about sexuality.

That's where your nonsensical puritanical view comes from: the Abraham's faiths.

It's feudal Japan, they don't believe in your religion's made up nonsense.

I mean, if you're going to embrace a particular viewpoint, you should at least be aware of where it comes from. Most of the world doesn't care about your ideals.

In those days, they certainly didn't care about your religion.

Get over yourself.

RpgSama2d ago

All of you guys missed the point, I even said I'm very sure they did it ONLY because they wanted to be historically accurate. Stop defending this, we all know why they did it and who they want to pander, it's not out newfound respect for history.

lodossrage2d ago


Nobody is defending anything.

People are just pointing out the fact that after they just cried about the game not being historically accurate, when they SHOW they're accurate, they cry about it because they don't like certain parts of history

Not to mention you contradicted yourself RPGSama. You just pointed out you said they "ONLY because they wanted to be historically accurate". Then turn around and accuse them of pandering and/or having an agenda. Those two things are opposing statements

Cacabunga2d ago

Dumbest decision ever.. always online was a pass for me but now not even for free I’ll try it..

LordoftheCritics2d ago

It's made by Ubisoft Montreal.

Obviously we'll be allowed to bang anything that moves.

RiseNShine2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Yeha pretty sure.

H92d ago

People actually telling you that Japan had sexual deviancy which is correct however what's hilarious is that they will act as if it holds the same moral value that the LGBT community holds today, oh the things men used to say about themselves when they are attracted to other men, it's not empowering in the least bit

senorfartcushion2d ago

It was more common to be attracted to the same sex before the crusades.

2d ago
Tapani2d ago

You are completely lost on Japanese history. Japan was one of the most liberal places in the world, and in many ways still is. You can slice and dice it from your western hubris and whatever point of view, but the reality is that history tells great stories about freedom of choice and people not being judgemental on this island. Also one of the reasons I want to raise my family here, no need to have those whatever Western woke bullshit here, because everyone just respects each other without using all that nonsense.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2d ago
CrimsonWing693d ago

Geezus, just make a good game… holy sh*t this is becoming insufferable.

Crows903d ago

Oh yeah!!!! What about being inclusive???

I'm sorry
..please replace the word inclusive with stupid.

Hofstaderman3d ago

You asking UbiSoft to make a good game? This is not 2002.

thorstein3d ago

I thought you crybabies wanted "historical accuracy." Now that your going to get it, you're going to cry more.


It's past the point of retarded, everyone seems forced to do this bullshit now in games. 😑

Barlos2d ago

Hell no. A good game or film is secondary now to the agenda and the 'message'.

It's not enough to be simply entertained these days, there has to be an overarching real world narrative. I mean look at Dr Who as a recent example. Disney have completely destroyed it all in the name of 'diversity'.

senorfartcushion2d ago

You sound like you don't have a very active sex life ,😅

CrimsonWing692d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Are you projecting? 😝

senorfartcushion2d ago

It's the only thing that explains the incel crap. They can't simply be angry virgins who don't get any, so then a lack of a sex life i.e. a dad of three or something, is also a good additional explanation. They're either lonely and don't get any or too busy to get any. There's a horrible news for sexual control with incels, and they're angry because they simply aren't the right people to achieve that control. They're weaker animals.

notachance2d ago

dude’s too busy commenting on other people’s sex life to actually stay on topic.

That or he’s angry but didn’t have half the brain needed to refute back so he went for the classic ad hominem fallacy.

senorfartcushion2d ago


It's a fact that remains true. The only way it can't be true is if humans were not greedy and heavily reliant on procreation.

Your username is fitting.

CrimsonWing692d ago (Edited 2d ago )

dude, let’s be real, you’re on a video game news site going into the comments section and taking time out of your life to go to war with people you think don’t f*ck. You sound as much of a virgin as any incel does.

Let’s be real, bub you’re just as pathetic as the rest of them. Anyone who would look at this who doesn’t waste their time on a video game news site or video games in general probably thinks the only thing you f*ck is your crusty ass pillow.

C’mon, man. Anyone who f*cks doesn’t immediately go into a comment section claiming others have no sex life. It’s just one of those things if you are getting your d*ck wet. It just comes off like you’re projecting in hopes to god nobody figures out you can’t get any, so you try to flex, even though you’re completely full of sh*t.

I mean, that’s the only thing that makes sense to me 😅.

senorfartcushion1d 15h ago

I'm engaged without children - I'm doing just fine.

This is just nerd sites now. Users are just so angry and for basically the same reasons. Most people go through phases with this type of stuff but it's scary seeing the same attitudes being regurgitated over and over again. From what I've seen it's a strange mix of sexual frustration, lack of proper financing and the need to have 100% control over both so that they aren't taken away from the users.

CrimsonWing691d 8h ago


Look, man, people are allowed to have opinions and show frustration with stuff. It has no bearing on them not getting sex or not making money.

I have no idea how people commenting on being tired of hearing about SJW sh*t being shown in the spotlight like some carnival sideshow where publishers are wanting some pat on the back for means they’re financially unstable and don’t have a sexual relationship.

What, are you on the spectrum? Like how do you come to that conclusion and make multiple responses to the discourse with “virgin alert” or “you need to have sex?” That right there is kind of sus to me.

I don’t know in what world you lived in where this hasn’t been a nerd site, but people are allowed to comment their thoughts on things and still have relationships. You’re just as much of a nerd as everyone in here.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1d 8h ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1d 8h ago
Hofstaderman3d ago

I take my hat off to you good sir. Brilliant.

Laskin3d ago

Thanks… I was originally going to write Samu-Bi but then I realized it was right there already so it works better

darthv723d ago

Is that genuinely a selling point for people?

RpgSama3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

They sure as hell want to see if it is, time and time and time again.

VincentVanBro3d ago

You have to understand they’re incapable of writing a good story so this is the best they could come up with

thorstein3d ago

Well, after last weeks crying about historical accuracy. Now Ubi days, " Oh, okay, historical accuracy: here you go."

Now you're saying you don't want the accuracy? Can you guys just make up your minds?

2d ago
notatallsurprisinggg2d ago

It's a genuine click-bait snippet to rile up people like you to push traffic.

2d ago
2d ago
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There are no "thoughtful" ads in video games, EA

There are no thoughtful ads in Video Games, EA. Leave them be.

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northpaws9d ago

I think the only type of games that can gets away with it would be sport games, having those sponsors ads on the side like on real life.

But don't put freaking Doritos ads in Star Wars or something, it breaks the immersion. If it is a pop-up ads, then big no.

Hofstaderman9d ago

EA can thoughtfully eff themselves.

Makersbreath29d ago

EA coming back for the crown of being perceived as the worst company in gaming.

Chocoburger8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

One of my favorite series is the THPS franchise, and it was packed with ads, but it didn't bother me. Posters for skateboard companies, JEEP, and Nokia phones. It did sort of fit in with the game world, but that was the past, these days ad would be intentionally intrusive or unskippable loading screen type of imagery. Ugh, I know EA would do it in a horrible fashion. Screw them.


Ubisoft to Focus on "Return to Leadership" in Open World Genre, Expand Live Service Experiences

Ubisoft says they are focusing on two "core verticals," and that's to return as a leader in the open world genre, and live service games.

enkiduxiv11d ago

Calling Ubisoft a leader in open world gaming at any point in time would be like calling Dollar General a leader in retail.

excaliburps10d ago

Well, to be fair, they did pump out good open world games before. It was used as a template so much that people now know what it means when you say it's like an Ubi open world collectahon.

shinoff218310d ago

What though? I can't think of one game they had where I liked anything about it. Atleast since the ps3/360 Gen

Kornholic10d ago

If they have never been the leader in open world gaming, then explain me this: why does almost every open world game follow the same tired old Ubisoft open world formula?

Follow the Leader.

Aphrodia10d ago

YO dont' talk bad about the General. There'll be problems...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 10d ago
isarai11d ago

You were never the leader bro 🤣

shinoff218311d ago (Edited 11d ago )

I don't think they were ever the leader tbh. I've never really cared for any of their open world games. I do wanna try watch dogs 2 because it looks like it's set in San Fran. Looked interesting

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