
Assassin’s Creed: Revelations – Flamethrowers: Did they really exist back then?


"Driving around in a Renaissance tank or firing a chaingun from a wagon in Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood may not be very likely (though these weapons of war were indeed based on Leonardo Da Vinci sketches), but they were surprisingly fun.

So it would be easy for gamers to assume that such liberal license was taken with the newest oddly modern gadget Ezio gets to use in the upcoming game Assassin’s Creed: Revelations: the flamethrower."

BadCircuit4598d ago

Wow, I never knew that they had hand-held flamethrowers back then in Constantinople...

It would be so cool if Ezio gets to use them! Though I think a few innocent bystanders might cop it!

gaminoz4598d ago (Edited 4598d ago )

Imagine it being used in multi though! Carnage!

I'm glad that they are using as historically correct a platform as possible for the series.

It is impossible to do it perfectly, but it really does make the whole 'feel' special.

Tanir4597d ago

well seeing as the ancients had batteries, built the pyramids, built complicated underground cities with air vents going up for miles, had air plane concepts, cut off entire mountains tops perfectly, and so much more hundreds and hundreds, maybe even thousands of years before the events of assassins creed. sure its possible

MAJ0R4597d ago

yeah I was surprised to hear it too when I learned it in history class a while back, they used some other funny stuff too like mirrors that reflect the sun on ships to burn them

Relientk774597d ago

Leonardo Da Vinci can do what he wants


ironfist924597d ago

If i remember correctly, there was a device like that used in Ridley Scott's film Robin Hood. considering that was a realistic era, and set during the time of the crusades (Altair's era), I wouldnt see why it shouldnt exist in 1500 Istanbul


Decommissioning of online services for several AC games (October 2022)

"Hello everyone, we have more details to share concerning the upcoming decommissioning of online services affecting several AC titles, including additional information regarding the DLC for these titles."

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CrimsonWing69642d ago

When will you decommission this new one? I’m only asking so I can be happier by not buying it at full price.

bunt-custardly642d ago

The dog Chorizo from FAR CRY 6 has wheelchair legs, so is hardly a decommissioned pet. In fact very useful for digging up dirt.


Historic Eras that Video Games Need to Explore

Xfire writes "Worldbuilding is a crucial part of any story. It's not an easy task to create a believable setting with its own set of rules, customs, traditions and political affiliations and then weave a story into the said setting. Luckily, storytellers and video game writers don't always need to create complex settings when we've got history books as thick as Big Chungus.

Historical eras make a fabulous setting for video games. They've already got the world-building nailed, complete with their own set of rules, customs, traditions and political affiliations. Honestly, I don't think I need to justify the fact that historical eras make an amazing setting for video games. If you don't believe me, just go ahead and play the Ghost of Tsushima or any of the Assassin's Creed games."

sourOG1175d ago

The first crusade would be pretty sweet. I’d probably enjoy any of those on your list if they were done respectfully. Like not some dork in Portland making a Russian Revolution game.

343_Guilty_Spark1174d ago

Benin Empire, Far East, Central America. Games are pretty biased toward Europe, North America, and the Middle East. There is a very big world out there.


Assassin’s Creed Build Your Own Bundle: 3 games for $9.99 or 5 games for $14.99

Fans of Assassin’s Creed will want to check out a new Build Your Own Bundle featuring ten different games from Ubisoft’s popular action-adventure franchise.

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FlavorLav011415d ago (Edited 1415d ago )

You know a game comes out too often when we’re getting BYOB (Build-your-own-bundle) deals! And this cheap? Good deal for parkour lovers! Haha!!

GoodGuy091415d ago

What Ill be doing for valhalla, wait for a sale. Ac and far cry games go really cheap pretty quick. Picked up fc5 for $5 and Odyssey for $10.

EastOfTheAnduin1414d ago

I always wait for Black Friday for Assassin's Creed.

Baza1414d ago

Sounds like a PC gamer deal.. *clicks on link* yup

Inverno1414d ago

Or just wait til Ubisoft gives em out for free lol. they've practically given out all the AC games for free, as well as both Watch Dog games, and Rayman. Ubisoft is weird