
What if Quake was done today

DSOGaming writes: "Now that’s hilarious. We all know how most FPS games got dumbed down over the course of the past few years but watching a classic fast-paced FPS, like Quake, being remade by today’s standards is funny as hell. Simple graphics options, slow-paced gameplay, pop-up menus, enormous target icon, achievements and childish boss battles are re-imagined with a sense of humor."

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Thrungus4597d ago

Well, id software must be up to something OTHER than Doom 4!

Cajun Chicken4597d ago

Personally, thought this was GENIUS.

kevnb4597d ago

investors wouldnt let them make it pc exclusive, even though it would be for the best. Try to convince an investor releasing on one platform is better than 3... Maybe nvidia and amd should get involved with a few "first party" games.

Letros4597d ago

lmao nice video, too true, consoles have dumbed down everything, this would be a modern day Quake.

Check out Hard Reset if you're looking for an old school fix.

4596d ago Replies(2)

Milestone Games in the History of the First-Person Shooter (FPS) Genre

Have you ever looked at a modern first-person shooter and wondered "How did we get here?" Wealth of Geeks performs a deep dive into the genre, including some of the most influential games, from the very first FPS from the cross-genre experiences that changed the game entirely.

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shinoff2183109d ago

I've looked and wished we never did get here.


Drop COD and nab this iconic FPS for $3 right now on PS5

Call of Duty owes everything to Quake, an iconic FPS game that is heavily discounted for PS5 players right now on the PlayStation Store.

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CobraKai150d ago

I bought both. I love the graphics. Slightly remastered without losing its og look.


7 Game Series in Need of a Reboot

Rebooting seems to be all the rage these days, so here's Chit Hot's picks for seven game series that need a reboot.

RavenWolfx367d ago

Dino Crisis and Legacy of Cain I can get behind. The others, meh. I would also love to see a Remake of Resident Evil: Outbreak, Legend of Dragoon, and Jade Empire.

SpacedDuck367d ago

I absolutely love Banjo Kazooie but holy crap is a Dino Crisis remaster such a massive opportunity for Capcom.

The engine they have used for the RE Remakes is perfect and it would be so cool to see the first two games remade.

isarai367d ago

Mercenaries, True Crime, Dead to Rights, Max Payne, Manhunt, Duke Nukem, Prince of Persia, Burnout, Matrix, Outrun, Jet Set Radio, Otogi, Kenka Banco, Syphon Filter, Power stone, San Francisco Rush, and despite not being a series, BLACK

banger88367d ago

The Saints Row reboot needs a reboot. Saints Row 2 holds up quite well, but the original needs a remake at least. Keep everything exactly the same, just with better graphics.