
Empire Earth III: Eurogamer Review - 'Godawful mess'

Eurogamer writes:

"we can't quite bring ourselves to give Empire Earth 3 the savaging which, on some levels, it richly deserves - simply because there are good ideas here, underlying the godawful mess.

Particularly annoying are the unfunny, badly voice acted lines which your troops will come out with when you interact with them. They're not remotely amusing or well written, and just come across as another silly attempt to show that this is a game which is now all about fun and accessibility, rather than being concerned with history, strategy or, well, depth."

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allforcalisto6005d ago (Edited 6005d ago )

it seems another game is blighted by silly artistic design choices.

Dont get me wrong i think there have been some top-notch games to have come out this year, but i think the guys behind these games need to spend more time conceptualizing. It seems that certain aspects of games just aren't developed enough or are obviously haphazardly put together.

the elevator thing in mass effect and the sameyness of some of the planets and sidequests

the good and evil thing in bioshock

The samey side quests in assassin's creed, the silly AI

the cliche'd finale to halo

So much of lair to list lol

I Want That Old Time RTS

"I love real time strategy (RTS) games. I love the thrill of building up an impregnable fortress; watching your villagers expand your economy, attacking an enemy with a well rounded army. Those are the things I crave in an RTS. When I was young, I constantly played games like Age of Empires II, Starcraft and Rise of Nations (I still play them today), as well as Empire Earth, Command and Conquer, Homeworld, and Age of Mythology. Those games define the "classic" era of RTS games. Nowadays, the classic RTS games are impossibly hard to find. It seems that the industry has hit a slump. Sure, there are some bright spots (like Sins of a Solar Empire), but overall there are very few RTS games on the market. How did the RTS market come to this? How did a flourishing genre suddenly grind to a halt? The answers are very unsettling." -from Reid!

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kr90915421d ago (Edited 5421d ago )

A good RTS is hard to come by now. I miss the good ol days when i used to play Command & Conquer, Age of Empires 3, Rise of Nations, all those classic games that i would spend hours on every day...its a shame there are no developers that are willing to step up to the plate and create a true killer, next-gen RTS.


Top 50 Strategy Games of All Time

Locke Webster has compiled a list of the top 50 strategy games of all time for UGO.com. Titles include a few deep cuts including StarCraft, M.U.L.E., Sins of a Solar Empire and Phantom Dust.

"Putting together a list of the Top 50 Strategy games is like grabbing a handful of pins and seeing which one hurts the most. Like every pin that pricks, every game involves some form of strategy. Sure, we're a discerning bunch--not to mention absolute suckers for punishment--so we decided to stick our hands in anyway to see what we'd come out with.

Obviously, with literal decades of titles to choose from, we knew we'd need some ground rules to make this all work. We started out with nearly 100 games before we finally whittled down the outliers and redundancies to the point that we were safe to say that the Command & Conquer series didn't hog nearly a fifth of our list (though *SPOILERS* it still gets two nods). We decided to look at factors like a game's quality, it's historical importance, it's ability to stand the test of time, and (most importantly) how memorable it was--and still is--today.

Among you, there will be doubters, nay-sayers and the like. But we have faith that this is the creme de la creme of the strategy games currently available. To make it through this list, we recommend that you keep your mouse hand ready, limber up those hotkey fingers, and prepare for total war. Because frankly, that's what most of these titles are about.

And after all, if you disagree with us you can always let us know in the comments section. So let's not waste time gathering resources. It's time to jump into action.

These are the Top 50 Strategy Games of All Time.


VGGen Gives 5.5/10 To Empire Earth III

David Pulgar writes:

"I've never played Empire Earth I or II, but it doesn't take prior knowledge to know Empire Earth III is an unfinished game. The concept is great, a historical-based RTS with three unique civilizations, but the implementation stinks. Glitches and overall poor design make playing Empire Earth III a chore. Like a B movie, it entertains, but the end result is a feeling that you've wasted precious hours of your life."

- Good visual effects (even if units look horrid)
- World Domination mode is entertaining
- Each race is unique and plays differently

- Poor unit AI and pathfinding ability
- Limited diplomacy options
- Enemy AI is easy, even on hard mode
- Very, very, very small multiplayer community
- Random glitches

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