
Battlefield 3's five biggest failures

OXM UK: "You've read about Battlefield 3's high points - now, witness its lowest moments. None of them make this a game worth ignoring, but they do make it a game worth screaming at occasionally."

WolfLeBlack4570d ago

Ah, that last reason brought a smile to my face :D

A surprisingly enjoyable read, I feel.

irepbtown4570d ago

Just something I noticed,

In the campaign 'Night shift' and you're taking (Might be slight spoilers people)

Al-Bashir to the heli, as soon as I left the Mall whiteness just blocked everything. When I look down it's alright but as soon as I look up this whiteness covers the screen.

I'm a huge battlefield fan and i'm still loving the game. Just a small problem I noticed.

Blogz4Fanboyz4569d ago

some gripes..

no colour blind option! for example, being unable to change the colour of the dot or the reticule on holographic sight.

not being able to open another server like you could on bf:modern combat

zeeshan4569d ago

The comment that I LOVED the most would be from Mr. GRUMMY. He says:

"I've got one

server issues at launch.

Why oh why oh why does dice never learn? Every time they launch a game, the first week or so is ALWAYS a haphazard clusterf**k of scrabbling to find free servers, random disconnects etc. They never ever seem to be able to cope with the load at first.

Also on my personal irritation list

Why can I only invite a friend to my match, not try to join his? He has to invite me every time, which is a pain in the sausages.
Why, in the 'my soldier' screen, can I only see the loudouts etc for the Americans and not the Russians? I spent part of last night wondering why I was earning kills with (what I later found out were) the Russian starting weapons and not the American ones. I never knew each side had different starting weapons, I just thought it was some daft glitch. My mate had to explain it to me and tell me that, for some odd reason, 'my soldier' only shows american progression. Very strange."

Let this be known that I am on PS3 yet, I find almost the same issues there. I hope DICE will fix all these issues sooner than later.

REALgamer4569d ago


Not sure how it works for console, but on PC in the battlelog if you click on the lower-right list of friends, as well as a speech bubble to start a chat there should be a 'play' button (triangle) to jump into their game if any server spots are available.

Seems weird this would be missing from console version.

StraightPath4570d ago (Edited 4570d ago )

Online pass and campaign, looks like MW3 campaign will be better after all who knows.

crxss4570d ago

4 of these biggest "failures" are related to the campaign... it's all about the multiplayer unless you were unfortunate and your code didn't work as is listed as one of the other biggest failures. None of these are actual failures IMO.

WolfLeBlack4570d ago

Not being able to open the door until the game lets you isn't a failure as such, no, but it is bloody irritating. The rest I would class as failures, though.

Somebody4570d ago

There's A LOT OF apartments and doors ind Deus EX HR but I'm allowed to open 2-3 pre-designated ones per apartment building even with my hacking skills maxed out. Plus, augmented people there seems to lost the art of lock picking or crushing chains and pad locks. Reviewers still praise the game highly.

So, a single unopenable door in BF 3 is still considered not a total failure.

da_2pacalypse4570d ago

This guy is just knit picking... just enjoy the game dude.... It's a great game!

trancefreak4570d ago

2pac you play it the single player campaign already? I'm glad you liked it but my experience was a little different I think

I thought it wasn't too deep of an experience and the qte moves were totally against how to make a fps shooter that's going for realism.

Now on the other hand I just got into the mplayer part today and while it seems cool so far since I am lost as hell, I can't stand the damn rubber band lag.

People say the game just came out give it some time for patches and it will be better.

A game shouldn't have so many problems at launch that it requires the game to be overhauled. This is what I call kick it out the door factor. Game isnt ready for prime time but we have a launch date then we will just patch it up later.

Not saying that BF3 is that way but My 2 gripes were campaign could've been so much better and the potential was there.

The MPlayer well I guess the lag is expected until the servers get tweaked.

IMO BF BAD CO. 2 Was a lot better and funner. The only part that stunk on that campaign was the boring desert part.

Tachyon_Nova4570d ago (Edited 4570d ago )

From my experience the biggest online failures would be:

1: Vehicles dominate the gameplay too often, and are too hard to destroy.

2. It crashes on me after nearly every round. Never during a round, but once it goes go the screen with the smoky background, it crashes there most times.

3. Takes extremely long to join a game

4. Can't change kit after you spawn (during the pre match waiting period).

5. Constantly battle the games poor collision detection when trying to walk over rubble, climb, walk over bump mapped sufraces.

6. When defending in Rush, nobody stays on base because it is more profitable in terns of kills to run off base towards the enemy camp than it is to actually defend. People don't care if they lose, the just want the points so there needs to be a greater incentive to stay on base while defending.

7. Frequently die immediately after spawning on a squad mate. If the game showed footage from the eyes of a player when you select to spawn on them,then you would get a much better view of what situation they are in than you do now.

8. Your body can clip through walls if you are backed up against one, which in some cases means you can be shot by someone on the other side of the wall.

9. No communication, on PC at least you cannot use a mic to talk to your team mates, at least not easily.

10. Basic commands like "I need a Medic", "Give we some f***ing ammo, you tw*t" are missing from commorose.


1: Shadows are the wrong length for the objects casting them. Prone on the tip of a trees shadow facing the sun and you will see that the sun is only about half way up the tree, despite you being at the top of the shadow.

2. Attackers cant enter the defenders base, but defenders can enter the attackers base.

da_2pacalypse4569d ago (Edited 4569d ago )

Sorry to hear you guys aren't liking it. I think the battlefield multiplayer is one of the best in a very long time. Given that EA servers do suck and lag spikes do occur sometimes, I don't blame this problem on the game. I think Dice has done everything in their power to make this game very good.

However,To all the people complaining about the campaign though: If Dice just shipped the game with the multiplayer component, like they used to do for older battlefield games, nobody would be complaining, and the review scores for the game would be much higher... so why are all sitting around focusing on the weakest mode of the game? I honestly don't see how people can complain about this campaign, but yet love the call of duty campaign. Honestly, it's the same, if not the BF3 is the better than all the cod campaigns since cod 4.

the little multiplayer bugs that you guys are noting to will be fixed though, Dice is very well known for providing lots of post launch service.

Ju4569d ago (Edited 4569d ago )

MP is OK, I guess. Typical BF, nothing new here. New maps, and some pretty visuals, but nothing new and nothing which really gives me the "awe" effect. Addictive, like all BF games.

But the SP is one of the worst I've ever played. If R3 gets less than 8, I don't know what this is supposed to get. Really?

One single thing could make this so much better:

A COVER SYSTEM! Damn, I mean, in a game, where the AI can spot you through everywhere, cover is crucial. Yet, you can't sneak up and take a peak of the situation. You have to hide and get out of cover...and boom, you're dead. WTH.

Generic military shooting as can be. The campaign is a total waste. They could as well release that game without. Quite disappointed.

This game has neither visually nor game play wise anything on KZ3; which I was hoping it would come close.

IrishAssa4569d ago

Cover systems in FPS suck, it's like a crappy leaning system.

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IrishAssa4570d ago

Haha, that last one pisses me off so much in FPS. Why oh why can't we just open the door?

xtremeimport4570d ago (Edited 4570d ago )

should say "battlefield 3's five biggest campaign failures"

only online thing is the online pass...and that's exclusive to Xbox from what I've read anyway.

but I do agree with some of this list...maybe wouldn't call them "failures" as much as I'd call them disappointments.

Ju4569d ago

PS3 has the online pass, too.

xtremeimport4569d ago

Ju...im talking about the issues they have with the xbox online pass.

bayport4570d ago

They forgot one...

EA's horrible servers...

Can't even enjoy a game because the lag is so bad.

MariaHelFutura4569d ago

Tehrah highway is the only place ive expierenced lag, which is strange considering its one of the smaller maps.

Legion4570d ago

"Why can't I open the door by myself, DICE? I want to open the door, DICE. You need to let me open the door, DICE, or I'll run off and write a feature about how you wouldn't let me open the door. THE DOOR. HOW IT MOCKS ME." - Too true!

Why I liked Rainbow Series and OF:Dragon Rising. Open and close those doors, a simple thing that often gets left aside.

thetorontokid4569d ago

I just hate that you can't see more stats on all your guns, unlocked, or not!
Bad Company2 was better at this.

Gameplay9994569d ago

Battlelog says hello! Extremely detailed statistics, more-so than BC2 ever had.

thetorontokid4568d ago

Is that an ingame(battlelog) feature? I'm really liking the game! Just finding really hard to find my gun stats, on the fly, like in BC2!

milohighclub4569d ago

I experienced an annoying part trying to do a mission and my player just dropped dead at a certain point this happened about 4 times in a row. Also on coop my friend was just stood still and it said he was leaving the mission area and failed the mission.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 4568d ago
bunfighterii4570d ago

I think we've all figured out by now the campaign is not worth even starting. People are buying this for the multiplayer, pure and simple.

mike_d_4570d ago

I honestly thought the campaign was great! I mean c'mon u gotta admit the Going Hunting jet mission wasn't EPIC and the sound just blew my surround away !

GroundsKeeperJimbo4570d ago

I play with a 7.1 Headset and that was some of the best audio I've ever heard. They nailed that aspect; now to get theses hardcore servers up...

Pintheshadows4570d ago

The sound in BF3 is absolutely amazing.

kaozgamer4570d ago

yea i thought it was awesome as well. they should have let us pilot the jet in the jet mission

torchic4570d ago (Edited 4570d ago )

I liked the campaign most when you played as the Marines. it's like you're playing a documentary. a day in the life of a soldier in the middle of the War in Afganistan. i really liked it.

in CoD they make you feel like some kinda superhero with guns. like John Rambo or Steven Seagal

ReservoirDog3164570d ago

Well, that's probably true but it's no excuse. The biggest multiplayer games like Halo and CoD and Killzone all have fun singleplayers. Why's bf3 counted out?

And since I generally don't care for multiplayer then you can guess how happy I am that I didn't buy bf3.

mrsatan4569d ago

BF3 campaign is easily as good as COD is and just as scripted. Almost all the campaign complaints are the same for the both games.

ReservoirDog3164569d ago

@ satan

Haha, well, I've seen a guy sneaking up to another guy with a knife and he somehow gets seen and has a hard attack or something. Seems poorly scripted but hey, I'll gamefly it and see if it's as good as CoD (the only singleplayer that was just stupid*** of CoD was mw2, the rest range from decent to some of the best this gen).

Shackdaddy8364570d ago

I always thought the night mission when you were alone was really cool...

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AtomicGerbil4570d ago

Let's not forget the many other games that suffer from most or all of these problems.

I would say you could take any shooter and apply these failings, with the exception of the online pass maybe.

mike_d_4570d ago

I also don't see why so many server complaints have been arising.Since i got it day one,i may have been disconnected 3 times at the most.And i jump into matches no problem.

GuruStarr784570d ago

Campaign flat out blows. I got to the tank level and gave up, it was so bad. Ende up selling my copy on craigslist yesterday for $45 (since this game will be obsolete once cod comes out and won't be worth $10)

Id recommend waiting a few weeks to buy this, as I'm sure it will be as low as 29.99 come black Friday......besides, there's too many other quality games coming out in the next few wks like skyrim, uncharted and saintsrow.

xruiner894570d ago

Confirmed for under age and a console player.

vyke34570d ago (Edited 4570d ago )

Console player? *sighs*

mike_d_4570d ago

I guarantee my whole entertainment system and car that game wont even below $50 black friday.You sir have no clue what you are talking about.
I believe by your name you are a kid and from your rant about CoD you are obviously a CoD run-n-gun fanboy that doesnt know about tactics.

Trenta274570d ago

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Jio4570d ago

So, you don't like the linear campaign yet you love COD? Then you go on to say it's trash and COD is better? trololol

Clarence4570d ago

You must be wack when it comes to BF games. Glad you sold the game. Blackops came out BFBC2 online was still busy.

Oschino19074570d ago (Edited 4570d ago )

Yeah I was one of those who skipped BlOps and kept playing BFBC2 (especially cause new maps just came out) but LOL come on, even with the new maps never saw more then 50K online ever usually in the 30s that I remember for peak times. Meanwhile BlOps was pushing well over 1,000k and even after holidays was at 500k or more practically all day every day for months on end while BFBC2 began to steady around 10-20k tops after Vietnam got old...

Only reason BFBC2 held any steam at all through last summer was hype for BF3 and prices dropping for BFBC2 but sadly most of who was left were vets that knew every trick and ways to spawn trap with noobs who never played BF before or came over from COD... It wasn't nearly as fun or exciting as it was the first 6-10 months after release.

Kahvipannu4570d ago

"Ende up selling my copy on craigslist yesterday for $45 (since this game will be obsolete once cod comes out and won't be worth $10) "

Thanks for the laughs.. :D

No seriously, that was funny, unless you were serious about that...

BubloZX4570d ago

Trollers gonna troll I guess.....

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hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia535d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad535d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

535d ago Replies(1)
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Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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MadLad661d ago

There's fun to be had here.
