
Test Your Knowledge of Mounts and Pets in World of Warcraft

Are you a pet and mount collector? Are you working on the many achievements that are related to pets and mounts? If so, you'll want to test your knowledge and see just how pet-savvy you really are.

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Muckbeast4607d ago

I got 10 out of 15.

Not bad since I quit during Burning Crusade.

Cool quiz.

NuclearDuke4606d ago

Is the quiz wrong?

Question #14: In addition to the Druid and Worgen, which can transform into mounted shapes, there are three classes who have access to mounts, not obtainable by other classes. They are:
Warlock, Engineer, Tailor
Warlock, Paladin, Death Knight
Warlock, Paladin, Hunter
Rogue, Paladin, Draenei

I choose answer #2. Response:
Sorry, that's not correct!
Answer: The Warlock can summon a Felsteed and Dreadsteed; the Paladin can summon a normal and epic ground mount based on his or her race; the Death Knight can summon her own Acherus Deathcharger and and the Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade. Tailors and Engineers can craft mounts, but those are professions and not classes.

It asks which classes have mounts whch aren't obtainable by other classes, but then lists professions as two classes? Da fook.


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Gamingsince1981212d ago

The xpac that is still known by the majority of wow players as, the downfall of wow, it did nothing but lose subs from then on but releasing it as classic is good idea ?? Ok

Shane Kim212d ago

Hehe they are just re-releasing the game a second time.

Snookies12210d ago

That's what I've been wondering since they announced Burning Crusade coming to WoW Classic... I was like, so what are they just going to keep releasing expansions for a second time? What the heck is the point in that? It's like something a parody would make fun of. Except, they're actually serious about it.