
Would you buy Uncharted 3′s offline mode on its own?

In an interview with The Sixth Axis, Naughty Dog’s Justin Richmond has defended the decision to require an online pass to access Uncharted 3′s online modes. Apparently – given the sheer amount of content the MP modes boast – without the inclusion of the online pass the company would have to split the game into two and charge separately.

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Motorola4593d ago

Yes.. I do like the Multiplayer as well though.

Misterhbk4593d ago

Yep, sure would. Uncharted definitely rely has one of if not the best single player of this generation. The multiplayer is just icing on the cake.

da_2pacalypse4593d ago

who buys uncharted games for multiplayer anyways? :S

Iroquois_Pliskin4593d ago

couldnt have said it better! bubbles

Boody-Bandit4593d ago (Edited 4593d ago )

I buy Uncharted for the offline portion of the game. The multiplayer gives me something to do once I have done all I can do in the story mode.

So to answer the question: HELL YES!

badz1494593d ago

it's highly acclaimed as an SP game, not MP! so for me too, it's a YES in a heartbeat!

MaxXAttaxX4592d ago

Single-Player/Story mode is more like it. And yes. That's the main reason I'm buying the game.

nveenio4592d ago

I'd pay $120 for just the single player portion of Uncharted 3. Just like I'd pay $120 to have someone go to Connecticut and buy me a grinder. All we have here is Subway...and they just don't compare.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4592d ago
Sevir044593d ago

LOL i didn't even touch Uncharted 2's Multiplayer an i payed 60 USD for it at launch! It stands to suffice that i could careless about the online modes are pass associated with it because this game is by large and foremost a single player game! I agree its multiplay has been given more attention from the onset of its the development on the the 3rd game, and i'm sure they've become experts of their craft, but its just that I'm from a time when single player games were most prominent! I'm a stubborn one! I'd Gladly plunk down money for both halves of the game... Since i'm already getting the game new the online pass doesn't affect me! soooooo its like buying the original uncharted

EmperorDalek4593d ago

Uncharted 1 is one of my favourite PS3 games so far... but 12 hours is a bit of an exaggeration. It took me 8-9 hours on my first playthrough.

Sevir044593d ago

It isn't a stretch, people play games a bit differently, my first play through of U:DF was 12 hours and on hard!

JsonHenry4593d ago

I'd rent it. I don't buy any linear single player game. No matter how good, even if it is as good as the Uncharted series. (which I consider in a league of its own from most platformers/3rd person shooters)

nycredude4592d ago

Your either cheap or broke, both of which sucks for you.

MaxXAttaxX4592d ago

Then you must have never owned many games from previous generations, because the majority of them were linear. It's nothing new.

JsonHenry4592d ago (Edited 4592d ago )

I'm just better with my money than you. No reason to pay $60 for a game that I will never touch again after a 4-10 hour long single player campaign. Gamefly has saved me so much money. Especially this time of year. Now if I could find a way to rent PC games, I'd really be saving money!

MaxXAttaxX4591d ago (Edited 4591d ago )

I don't buy every game that I play. You may be on a budget, but it doesn't make you any better with your money than I am.

Uncharted is a game with great replayability and unlockables. I probably have replayed UC2 about 6 or 7 times.
An open-world game that takes 80 hours to complete seems boring to replay more than once or twice. You'll almost never finish the second(or third) playthrough, as it takes a forever.

It would be like watching your favorite movie only once.

Besides, if you like MP, there's that to come back to and co-op mode and splitscreen with buddies.
Uncharted deserves a place on my collection of games.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4591d ago
Getowned4593d ago

Would you buy Uncharted 3′s offline mode on its own?

I buy Uncharted for the SP not the MP but I don't mind the Mp its a nice bonus.

Blaze9294593d ago

I think we'll be seeing this in the near future, even this gen. Where publishers will split their online and multiplayer components into two different $30 packages.

For Uncharted 3, I'd be happy with buying the SP package. Couldn't care less about Uncharted multiplayer

Quagmire4592d ago

I hope thats what they do in the future. Sell the SP games at half price, and the MP for half price.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4591d ago
jerethdagryphon4593d ago

if it didnt have online trophys to worry about getting a plat yes in a heartbeat i dont do online

NukaCola4593d ago

There is two online trophies. One for playing MP, one fr playing co-op. Not like it's a challenge to get them both.

With DLC, Uncharted 2 added fun trophies for the online, but nothing effcting you platinum. I think how they did it was brilliant and not a burden at all.

ON TOPIC: Hell yeah I would, I bought the original Uncharted and loved it's amazing story and gameplay and got Uncharted 2 on the same reasons. The multiplayer was just a big bonus that blew us all away. With Uncharted 3, it's all about the SP first. And then after Icomplete everything in it, I will start the co-op and then the MP. Oh it's a week away!

Tanir4593d ago

um, i mostly buy it for the singleplayer. i play the MP for a bit with my fiance but otherwise SP is all i need

zerocrossing4593d ago

I don't know where everyone else stands with this whole "Online Pass" thing, but I for one am strongly against it.

When you buy a game (new or 2nd hand) you should get the game in its entirety and not be forced to pay to play online, online gaming now is bigger than it has ever been and they know that pulling this crap means devs stand to earn a shi* load of cash! great right?, well that is if you don't mind it possibly being at the cost of second hand game reatailers.

guitarded774593d ago

Well, developers aren't getting any money for your purchase of the game second hand unless you buy a pass. So now that you've joined the rank of paying customers, write them a letter telling them how you "feel"... I'm sure they'll give a ______.

vickers5004593d ago

"Well, developers aren't getting any money for your purchase of the game second hand"

Neither are movie studios from used movie sales, or car manufacturers from used car sales. I love gaming, but it does not deserve special treatment. No other industry does that kind of crap.

And the argument of "well it costs them extra to keep up online/server functionality" is bullsh*t, since they are still only having to deal with that one game being online. The original copy was still paid in full, it has simply transferred ownership, so it's not like they're paying for an extra person, they're still paying for that ONE copy.

Human Analog4593d ago

@ Vickers500... The major difference is in the used car market, and movie market, the used purchaser is not consuming from them. If someone buys a used game, and plays it online. They are using resources the developer put in place. Bandwidth, server-time, ETC. When you buy a used car, you still have to pay to have it fixed, they don't give you a free ride just because you have their product, and neither should developers.

guitarded774593d ago

Well, let's take a closer look at your examples...

Auto Industry: We could argue dealers get used car $ but it's more of a grey area, so we'll jump right to the fact that cars are made of parts... parts need to be replaced over time. Consumers can buy factory parts or cheaper after market parts... both of which give money to the car manufacturer.

Movie Industry: Glad you brought this one up... you anti pass people always do. Movies (decent ones) start their moneymaking cycle at theaters, where, if good, make a ton of $$$ after that they have licensing money coming in so they can be shown on cable and TV, and this is all before you get to the retail market.

This is my last bubble because I said naughty words on n4g, so if you feel you still have a point, please PM me.

vickers5004593d ago

"If someone buys a used game, and plays it online. They are using resources the developer put in place. Bandwidth, server-time"

Yeah, but they are consuming from them using an already paid for copy. The developer already got paid the $65 bucks to be able to pay for the bandwidth usage, so no extra strain is being put on the servers at all, the servers are STILL ONLY ACCOUNTING FOR ONE SLOT/PERSON. So no, it's not like devs are losing money or resources when it comes to server maintenance/bandwidth fees.

"so we'll jump right to the fact that cars are made of parts... parts need to be replaced over time. Consumers can buy factory parts or cheaper after market parts... both of which give money to the car manufacturer."

Okay, since you are going to make THAT argument, then I'll make this one as well: Consumers who buy used games can also buy dlc, which gives money to the developers.

@your movie industry argument

Yeah, and games make money off of merchandise and nickle and diming DLC as well. The game isn't a developers only source of revenue.

Online passes are not okay. If a developer is going to implement one, then they damn well better reduce the price of the game, because if you pay full price for something that has restricted use (as in you can't do what you want with it, such as let other people play the full product), then you are getting less of a product yet are still paying full price.

I wouldn't have a problem with online passes if they actually did what they should do and reduce the price of the game, because you are getting less value for your money.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4593d ago
C_Menz4593d ago

Online passes aren't bad since they only effect people buying used games. The developers and publishers see no money from these sales and that isn't good since if they make less of a profit on a ge it is less likely to be continued or improved upon.

It costs money to run these online servers hardware wise and bandwidth wise, not to mention all of the costs it takes to create a game.

If you want to save money now you just need to wait a few month until the game drops by $20 to $30 instead of lining retailers pockets to save $5 to $10 on a used version.

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Naughty Dog’s Next Game Is “Really Ambitious” And Will Be “Really Hard” To Create

Speaking on what’s coming next for Naughty Dog, which could be either their new IP or The Last Of Us Part III, Druckmann gave what he seems to feel are realities of the project he’s talking about. That it’ll both be “really ambitious” but also “really hard.”

H976d ago

"I’ve really surrendered to knowing it’s going to be really hard, knowing it’s going to stress members of the team out"
As if crunch wasn't stressing them enough

helicoptergirl76d ago

Members of the team don't have to crunch anymore

helicoptergirl76d ago

According to people who work there

H976d ago

So the people who remained in a studio that had tons of workers quiting and others laid off said that they don't have to crunch, and you are just believing that

frostypants75d ago (Edited 75d ago )

They absolutely will wind up having to crunch. Happens at the end of almost every software project development cycle, especially with release date pressures. It's part of the job. Obviously they aren't in a crunch when they aren't in that late phase. But it's wishful thinking if they think they won't see that stress again. Druckmann himself seems to be aware of that.

helicoptergirl75d ago (Edited 75d ago )

Yes I believe them. The people who want to crunch can do it. The people who mentally and physically can't, don't actually have to. Some have young babies at home. Things have changed since the Schreier report.

rlow175d ago (Edited 75d ago )

It wishful thinking to think some workers can choose to crunch or not to do so. That’s akin to people you work with saying they don’t have to do work they don’t like and you’re the one that has to take up the slack. That’s not how things work. Especially if your the person assigned to a specific task that has to be completed for the development to move forward. It’s a team sport when it comes to making a game. As with most things in life. Now that they are a smaller group, it’s even more important for everyone to pull their weight. Peace

helicoptergirl75d ago

@rlow that was exactly the mentality before the exposure and it was talked about and reported on. It's different now. You know, sometimes things and attitudes just change for the better. They knew they needed to change and they have and they're not stopping trying to make the creative environment as good as it can be.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 75d ago
Tristan198276d ago

When someone pays another person to do a specific job in exchange for a certain rate of pay, it's called work.

H976d ago

They didn't sign to crunch and neither were they paid for it, people were hospitalized in Naughty Dog

MatrixxGT76d ago (Edited 76d ago )

Exactly most of these people wouldn’t last a season in the trades.

-Foxtrot76d ago

I f******* love how many people are doing a complete 180 on their views of crunch culture despite the awful stories reported on over the many years just because we’re talking about NaughtyDog

You can’t just cherry pick what to be mad about

“They signed a contract…it’s called work…that’s life…it’s a job”

I mean really guys, if this was EA you’d be having a field day

I bet you any money if any of these guys regardless of studio went in and said to their superior “Listen, don’t feel like the over time tonight, I’ll just stick to my normal contracted hours if that’s alright” I highly doubt they’d be given a warm response

Crows9076d ago


Actually yes they did. If overtime is mentioned...that's crunch.

Christopher76d ago

@Tristan1982: The problem is crunch is because of the inefficient management and sudden changes in projects. ND made major story changes based on some feedback, that results in months of rework, redesign, etc. And none of those changes were built into the project from the get-go, so they still have to meet a deadline.

@H9: One person. And they did sign up for crunch, ND is notorious for hiring people who don't mind it. That's the problem, they tell you who they are, people just aren't listening. And, they did get paid, just their QA level of people are paid shit, which is an industry issue for something so freaking important. And people wonder why we have such broken games at launch. Because companies don't want to pay to deliver as long as people will buy enough to get them past first few months of patches and then re-release a major patch with an expansion to get people to come back.

@-Foxtrot " You can’t just cherry pick what to be mad about " -- N4G home of 'hold my beer' on that alone.

CantThinkOfAUsername76d ago

The kindda guy to guilt trip others into overwork or tell them to be better slaves ('employees'). Exactly what corps like. How does it taste?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 76d ago
anast76d ago

They get paid and they signed the contract. It's not a slave factory.

Shane Kim76d ago

Shh... your in the era of feeling sorry for people.

jwillj2k476d ago (Edited 76d ago )

Assuming you have a job, how would you feel working 80 hours a week for the same pay? You’ve not experienced crunch otherwise you wouldn’t be speaking like this.

senorfartcushion75d ago

As somebody who has crunched before. No, it wasn't my choice, no, you couldn't handle it, and no, you don't work in a better industry than I do.

Markusb3375d ago

exactly, get the game out before PS6 and if it takes crunch, or over time which you get paid for, get on with it

anast75d ago

"Assuming you have a job"

Assuming I haven't worked more for less, I suppose. And yes, I do.

"Shh... your in the era of feeling sorry for people."

I feel awful for the people that fought for the workers and got stuck holding the bag and lost everything.

"no, you couldn't handle it, "

You mean "I"

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 75d ago
Christopher76d ago

I really hope this isn't management BS stress. I get wanting to put the best out, finding the best new ways and concepts, and ensuring your design is just top notch and not wasteful and fulfilling, but when I hear some manager talking about this my first thought is "Are these jerks changing paradigms on a regular basis that's making people play catch up and redo work to meet their new goals?"

75d ago
Kiryu199275d ago

They lost so many great experienced talented people over the past 5 years

anast75d ago

Burnout is real. I even had to change my job because of it.

Markusb3375d ago

as if you dont get paid for crunch, get on with it,

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 75d ago
Stuart575676d ago

That it’ll both be “really ambitious” but also “really hard.”

Not 'is' but 'will be', kinda suggests that they haven't started yet, hope not.

Come on ND, a game PLEAAAAASSSSEEEE. Desperate this gen.

S2Killinit76d ago (Edited 76d ago )

From the article:

“Working on this new game, it’s really ambitious, parts of it are really hard,…”

That is the actual quote. They are already working on it.

LucasRuinedChildhood76d ago (Edited 76d ago )

Yeah, a lot of people push fake narratives about NaughtyDog and misquote things. That quote is very straightforward.

Above is the complete debunking of a false story that still gets spread around all the time. And the bad faith actors doing it also only pin it on Druckmann for some reason and ignore Straley. They want to portray Druckmann as an evil schemer, even when the false story they're spreading doesn't align with their narrative. They don't care about reality ...

SuckerPunch doesn't get even 1% of this criticism and they haven't provided any update whatsoever on their next game, and it's a sequel not a new IP, so turnaround would be quicker. That's not logical.

Markusb3375d ago

probably 7 years out at this point after wasting all that time on factions

Stuart575676d ago

Also, just off-topic slightly but..

Does anyone think that layoffs now may well be making space for AI integration of game development, and 'crunch-time', 'unsustainable', 'big budget' are all terms been used to butter us up to receiving the news that AI integration will help and maintain the level of AAA games that were accustomed to? Perhaps the layoffs were the devs that didn't join a union quick enough and if only they had the smarts of SAG members and strike while the time is right, before its too late?! Imagine DEV's on strike at a time like this, there's already a game drought.

isarai76d ago

Nah, quite literally every industry around is having layoffs.

shinoff218375d ago

I work in manufacturing. Layoffs here to. Especially people with no skill. I feel bad for them more then anything.

isarai75d ago (Edited 75d ago )

I work in advertisement, Im being laid off in may despite being the 3rd best on my team of 15 just under the team lead and assistant team lead, and the assistant team lead is out next week. Yet the last two years we've all been congratulated for record numbers. Times are weird.

shinoff218375d ago

Game drought. Lol what. I can't keep up. There's so many dope games releasing. I gotta ask what do you play

Stuart575675d ago

Not Naughty Dog games, not this gen. You know, Naughty Dog? Who the article is about?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 75d ago
Brazz76d ago

I hope they remember to make it realy fun to play.

FunAndGun75d ago

I hope it's extra woke and really fun to play.

Kneetos76d ago

And then Sony will lay off 900 more staff to save costs

Christopher76d ago

Is this supposed to be a big gotcha after Microsoft laid off 1,900 and we're ignoring that? Let alone the over 16,000 other layoffs from Microsoft in 2023?

Kneetos76d ago

This is an article talking about Sony, no one said anything about Microsoft

And we should always be reminded of it like people are doing with Microsoft, Sony shouldn't get a free pass either

Christopher76d ago (Edited 76d ago )

Yes, and this article is 100% about Sony firing people.

ND says new game is ambitious - until Sony lays off 900 more staff to save costs!
Sony publishes new gameplay video - until Sony lays off 900 more staff to save costs!
Sony announces weekend sale deals - until Sony lays off 900 more staff to save costs!

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You almost got a version of The Last of Us 2 inspired by Bloodborne

A new The Last of Us 2 documentary reveals that Naughty Dog almost made a different version of the PS4 and PS5 game similar to Bloodborne.

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Scissorman106d ago

Just make a new IP with the same concept. :)

toxic-inferno106d ago

Or just release a remaster of Bloodborne 😛

rippermcrip106d ago

Kind of a misleading comparison. They were simply talking about the game being melee oriented and more of an open world. I wouldn't compare a game to a soulslike based on that.

toxic-inferno106d ago

Open world in a very specific sense though. The sense of exploration and discovering shortcuts within a large, challenging area would feel great in a survival game like TLOU. But I'm sceptical it would be nearly as satisfying without the bonfire/lantern respawn system.

Inverno106d ago

A more melee oriented Last of Us 2 would've been so much better imo. The combat mechanics barely got any use from me cause everyone just shoots at you, and then the Scars with their bows are even more annoying. Level design was also more Bloodborne, and I love the level design in Souls game, there's a real sense of scale and exploration due to the branching paths. We really gotta move away from open world in the style of GTA and BoTW and do it more like Souls.

toxic-inferno106d ago

Completely agree with your final comment. Semi-linear open worlds like those in soulslikes are by far the most satisfying. Even Elden Ring (which is of course amazing) loses some of its heart due to it's open world.

105d ago
toxic-inferno105d ago


Of course, my comment was my opinion, and may be different to yours.

I completely agree that Elden Ring's world is incredible. The design of every inch of its map is fantastic, with so much care that has been put into its layout and design to tell a story in the classic ambiguous way that FromSoft always manage. I would argue with anybody, any day of the week, that there is no finer example of open world design anywhere in gaming across all platforms and genres.

However, the 'heart' that I speak of is perhaps more aligned with gameplay. The more linear form of the previous games provides a distinct level of focus and determination that Elden Ring lacks due to the nature of it's open world. In Dark Souls, Bloodborne, etc. you often have between one and three bosses available to you at any time, requiring dedication and a certain level of grit. You have to learn each boss, master the techniques required and vanquish them before moving on. Between 60% and 90% of the bosses in each game generally result in this experience.

I had no such experience in Elden Ring, except for the fight against Malenia, because the nature of the open world meant that there was always something else to do and explore. The open world encouraged this, meaning that I spent most of the game over-levelled for the bosses I was facing. And I didn't even go out of my way to over-level.

To conclude, the heart of Soulsbourne games isn't inherently the difficult; it's the grit and determination required to beat them. There are other things that factor into the soulslike genre, but that gameplay loop is the real soul of the series. And Elden Ring, mostly due to it's open world, lacked that particular aspect.

As I have said, you are welcome to disagree with me! But I hope that further explains my original statement.

shinoff2183105d ago

I don't think we need to move away from a gta open world style. There's room for all. I enjoy open and linear along with in between. If you have an issue I imagine it's on the devs.

Inverno105d ago

An in-between then should be considered more often. I'm just not a fan of the long stretches of land of nothing. Idk whatchu mean by the last thing tho, I like ND.

Demetrius105d ago

Def did good with their own thing I'm so over the whole copy souls combat sheesh I can dee if in certain games it would be bosses that looked like a souls boss but straight out copying the combat and feel takes away from a game that supposed to be its own lol

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Naughty Dog is in danger of missing the boat with the PS5

Following a string of remakes and a cancelled The Last of Us multiplayer game, Naughty Dog needs to leave a mark within the PS5 generation.

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LucasRuinedChildhood141d ago (Edited 141d ago )

The second NaughtyDog show their next game, I think we all know that any concern about them leaving a mark will be gone. NaughtyDog publicly stated that they're working on multiple big single player games and when they're shown off they'll be closer to release. Demoing TLOU2 3 years early caused some crunch so they're avoiding that now.

SuckerPunch are also yet to leave a mark this gen or announce a PS5 game. There was a long 6 year gap between First Light and Ghost Of Tshushima too and they had to cancel another game and restart development. https://youtu.be/aR_E-nbeI4...

I think both will be fine. GOW Ragnorok and Horizon Forbidden West were iterative sequels still also made for PS4 and they still took around 5 years.

purple101141d ago

Ps5 has secret sauce, these studios just learning how to season it

-Foxtrot141d ago


Yeah the next game might be great but it doesn't automatically excuse and cover up how they've handled themselves in the recent years.

You talk about Sucker Punch but at least they were focused, they had a game it didn't work, they restarted development. They didn't come out like Neil did with Factions and pretend everything was hunky dory "Yes we will have info coming at the end of the year, Yes everything is going smoothly" etc

The fact is so far for being Sonys biggest studios NaughtyDog hasn't done a new IP since TLOU in 2013 and the last NEW game in general was TLOU2 in 2020. Everything they've done has been Remasters or Remakes, hell they even took over the awful PC port of TLOU. By the time a new game comes out it will be 2025 at the earliest.

Key people have left, the work has gotten slower, structure doesn't seem to be there anymore, there's been rumours of management issues, crunch, they've cancelled something, Neil the ONLY guy in charge now seems to be more bothered about his TV show...I mean, come on. If this was any other studio these concerns would be justified.

derek141d ago

@Foxtrot, if only you where as critical of other none Sony studios your complaint would be more believable. Why should you expect ND to abandon the Tlou ip after on a mere 2 games when every other studio has made several sequels to their popular ip. You hold ND to this standard you won't hold any other studio to. The ND haters better get their complaints in now because once they show off their next game everything else will pail in comparison.

shadowknight203141d ago

Fanboyism is like the idea older generations had regarding corporations and tenure/loyalty. They all thought they mattered and cared about them. Only to realize how little do these companies people work for care about them. That same treatment, is for gaming Companies.

Redemption-64141d ago

Naughty Dog has really hurt you so so bad. It's honestly very pitiful at this point

-Foxtrot141d ago (Edited 141d ago )


Lmao I have been, I call both which is why people say the yOuR nEgAtIvE reply to me. No one is off limits

One minute you’re a Sony fanboy

The next your a Microsoft fanboy

So on and on…


Here he comes, upset because someone said something about a studio he adores

This is why studios fall, like BioWare, because of die hard fanboys like yourself who hates when someone says something mean about them. Bless.

I do find it adorable you have this massive thing about me, just being an overall ass about it. Not surprised at someone who boot licks GaaS games and defend them so…

None of these replies so far have actually countered my points, you think calling me as a person does that when it really doesn’t.

outsider1624141d ago

Fox, I know what you're getting at but jeeze man this whole Neil thing, you gotta let it go. The guy is a writer. You guys didnt like the story, we liked story. End of.
And as for ND, who doesnt want a new ip from them. We all do. Remember how people call out on R*? These guys haven't released a game in 10 years...q0 freaking years. 1 trailer was all it took and they forgot everything and looked forward to 2025. This will be the same with ND...unless they somehow do a redfall of some sort.

derek140d ago

@Fox, you made no valid point to address. You still haven't explained why ND should abandon Tlou after just 2 games with the ip or why anyone should expect a new game from ND now since the just released their last one just 3.5 years ago. The rest of your rant was just regurgitating internet nonsense about factions based on speculation of speculation or the fake supposed mass exodus of ND employees.

-Foxtrot140d ago


No no, you just choose to ignore points and gloss over them.

Yes the next game might be great but like I said it doesn’t excuse how they are currently handling themselves.

Sucker punch did restart development before GoT sure but going off interviews and their portfolio they seem to be better structured at the moment

Neil did continue to big up Factions, there’s a bunch of update posts on their social media. Look it up they are there

ND hasn’t done a new IP since 2013 and the last brand new game that isn’t a remaster or remake was in 2020.

Key people did leave the company, you’re talking about a mass exodus? Never mentioned those words in the above post. Key people. Which is true. Amy Hennig left, Bruce Straley, Evan Wells.

I mean I could go on, I’m not saying anything wrong. You just don’t want to admit that there’s anything wrong with ND which is why great studios can decline because die hard fanboys refuse to say anything

I remember people trying to cover BioWare in the early days and look what happened

So yeah boot lick harder I guess, they aren’t gonna give you a tour of the studio you know.

__SteakDeck__140d ago

@Redemption-64 TLOU 2 broke him since they killed his father Joel. It’s sad. We know he’ll rip whatever ND does next.

__SteakDeck__140d ago

@outsider1624 The last Rockstar game was 5 years ago. Did you forget about RDR2? Lol

-Foxtrot140d ago (Edited 140d ago )


Oooo more personal attacks and immature responses from N4G assholes because they can’t come up with decent counter arguments. What? Did I call you out in a previous article months or years ago and you’ve held a grudge ever since?

How scary…

Yeah I didn’t care for the story in TLOU2 but even if I did and loved the sequel my opinion on ND right now wouldn’t change. I know that’s a hard pill to swallow but…that’s how it is.

140d ago
Crows90140d ago

Exactly right. Sony Fanboys will disregard valid criticism for sure. Just like Xbox Fanboys do. It's a shame because naughty dog used to be great.

repsahj140d ago

I'm sure their next game will be awesome, like what happened with TLOU2. That game is one of the best (or literally the best) looking during PS4 days. If they don't release a new PS5 exclusive game during the console's lifetime, that will be the time I will help you criticize Naughty Dog.

RNTody140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

Foxtrot, whilst there are valid reasons to have concerns about Naughty Dog, the problem with many of your opinions is that you're holding unrealistic viewpoints about them that could also be applied to other Sony Studios.

Sucker Punch have two games, Infamous and Ghost of Tsushima, which came out in 2020. That's since the PS3 generation. Santa Monica has God of War only, and it took them five years to release God of War (2018) after Ascension and then almost four years to release Ragnarok (2022). Guerrilla Games made Killzone since the PS3 era and created Horizon (2017) followed by Forbidden West five years later in (2022) and their VR experience in 2023. Media Molecule released three games from 2014 to 2020. Insomniac are an exception but they have made three Spider-Man titles and a remaster across more than five years, as well as Ratchet and Clank at launch. Bluepoint Games has released four games since 2015, two remasters and two remakes.

Naughty Dog had The Last of Us Part 2 in 2020 and The Last of Us Part 1 Remake in 2022. They have three franchises, Jak and Daxter, Uncharted and The Last of Us.

Why are you acting like anything strange is going on here in terms of gaming releases? They're on par with all other Sony Studios barring Insomniac.

What I will give you however is the bad communication on Factions, key personnel leaving and an over reliance on remastering. But beyond that, we can't really say much until we see what their new IP looks like.

StoneTitan140d ago

Some key people may have left but if you take a minute to look up who is there its absolutely insane the people working there are some of the best in the industry. They will be fine

Chard140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

ND has allegedly been trying to address crunch culture, which may go some way to explaining the slower pace, and that would be a good thing.
I'm personally no longer in a rush for any game anymore as there are already more good games in existence than I'll ever have time for, plus I'm less interested in 'movie games' than I used to be.

FinalFantasyFanatic139d ago

I'm personally disappointed with Naughty Dog's output this gen, I'm more surprised that people aren't upset with them since they're only significant releases have been unnecessary remakes of games that aren't even old enough to justify the treatment.

It reminds me of Square-Enix where, for the longest time, they avoided releasing/announcing a new FF game, it's like they didn't know what to do with the franchise, so they kept using left over assets to make direct sequels and side games. I kinda feel that Naughty Dog is in the same position and just milking their most popular franchise (I'm really shocked they haven't tried to milk Uncharted as well). For me, this raises warning flags, even though I don't think Naughty Dog is quite at that point, but we'll see what happens in the next few years, surely, they would have a brand new game ready for release by then.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 139d ago
Christopher140d ago

***The second NaughtyDog show their next game, I think we all know that any concern about them leaving a mark will be gone.***

I'm not into blind fan-service like this. Naughty Dog has to earn my support and right now they haven't delivered in over 3 years.

LoveSpuds140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

Listen to yourself dude, the idea that a dev team can knock out games of thie quality put out by ND every 3 years is ridiculous. It's been 3 years and for a good chunk of that 3 years we were in a global pandemic. I understand wanting to see what's next, I am hungry for that too, but the idea that because ND haven't released a 'new' game in 3 years they must be struggling is bonkers.

FinalFantasyFanatic139d ago

I think it's more annoying because instead of directing man power to a new game, they've gone to mention several times that they've directed resources and labour to producing the remakes of TLOU 1&2 which you can easily argue weren't needed.

Christopher138d ago

***Listen to yourself dude, the idea that a dev team can knock out games of thie quality put out by ND every 3 years is ridiculous.***

What they have produced in the last 3 years have been time wasters that are telling me that they're focused on old games and not new ones. Let alone having to can an ill (and IMHO wasted) attempt at a GaaS MP stand-alone game. Let alone there are two ND teams now and the one has been working on a game for over 4 years now and yet nothing on it.

Compared to what has come out of ND to what I want to see? ND has to earn my support and right now they haven't delivered in over 3 years.

CrashMania141d ago

I'm not a fan of live service at all, but I do think Factions had the potential to be pretty fun a chance of being quite popular for Sony, shame it's not being salvaged in any way, like a non-live service or a standalone non-f2p.

Certainly had more potential than Marathon and Fairgame$ lol.

Storm23141d ago

I am hoping they can use a lot of the live service factions for just a MP mode on Last of Us Part 3. Similar to the first

__SteakDeck__140d ago

@CrashMania I think you meant Concord. Marathon is being made by Bungie. They know how to make multiplayer.

isarai141d ago

I know they'll release a big title this gen, but it is really delayed as are many PlayStation 1st party studios. Likely too late to release more than one this gen though, this live service BS really jammed up everything 😞

LoveSpuds140d ago

I don't suppose the pandemic impacted on anything then?

Zenzuu141d ago

As much as I'm loving my PS5 and enjoying the games released thus far, I got to admit, despite an initial strong start with first party games, it's lacking quite a fare bit compared to previous generations.

Other than the The last of us part 1, Naughty Dog has yet to actually release a new game for PS5 whereas in the past multiple titles have come out for Psone, PS2, PS3, & PS4.

Many of Sony's other first party studio are very quiet, with no new PS5 titles announced from them... Hopefully we'll see something from their studios sooner than later.

derek141d ago (Edited 141d ago )

We are only 3 years into the generation, Sony has done far better in their release cadence then for any other generation before. People complain online too much these days becuase we are constantly told we have something to be upset about by the fake news merchant's.

isarai141d ago

This is simply not true, I've been there for every PlayStation launch, and while this one had better launch titles than say PS3, 1st party has been lacking since. 1st this cross gen stuff just made for very half step feel sequels, and although good games, they don't feel like a "next gen" thing because at their core they aren't. Now it's this live service push delaying all major projects. Year 2 is when PlayStation generations start dropping those next gen experiences, those games that wow you and show you what this new hardware can do, changing even the foundations of how games can be designed, yet here we are entering year 4 and the only 1ST party games made specifically for PS5 are Spider-Man 2, Ratchet and Clank, and Demon's Souls

the only game I see in the horizon that has been announced that is really showing the next gen I have been waiting for is GTA6.

Rude-ro141d ago

PlayStation 3 took off in year 3
PS4 took off in year 2
Ps5 is holding a line…
But has yet to scream gen defining as of yet.
I have no doubt they will…
But this is the slowest of gens as of yet and yes.. Covid had its impact.
The good news is, where Sony was going to go with live service is not the goal any longer.
They have read the market, and the market no longer is on board with “attempts” at live service.

Si-Fly140d ago

lol, your list was so short you had to add GT7 VR and HFD dlc 🤣

WelkinCole140d ago

Said the same thing and I got roasted.

PS3 gen by this time we would have Uncharted 3 already from ND.

We had shit load of 1st party AAAA games by then

__SteakDeck__140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

@Zenzuu @isarai Spiderman 2 Rift Apart, Returnal, and Demon Souls are still much better than Killzone Shadow Fall, Knack, Infamous Second Son, and The Order 1886. Yes the PS4 had more exclusives during it’s first 3 years. But they weren’t better. Give me quality>quantity. More PS5 exclusives will come.

isarai140d ago

You sure are missing a ton of games bruh. We are at the end of PS5s 3rd year, by this time on the PS4 we had

Killzone shadow fall
Infamous second son
Little Big Planet 3
MLB 14
MLB 15
Order 1886
Until Dawn
Ratchet and Clank
MLB 16
Last Guardian
Uncharted 4

And that doesn't include remaster/remakes, standalone expansions, VR and smaller titles like unfinished swan.

PS3 had

Resistance fall of man
Heavenly Sword
Ratchet and Clank tools of destruction
Uncharted Drake's Fortune
GT5 Prologue
Hot Shots Golf 5
Little Big Planet
MLB 08
Motorstorm Pacific Rift
Resistance 2
SOCOM Navy Seals
Killzone 2
Ratchet and Clank a crack in time
Uncharted 2

Also yes quality is also part of my issue, gowr, hfw, Smmm, and even DS are all games designed around limitations of older generations and while they are all great games, they are still ps4/3 games, just with high res and faster loading screens, but this hardware can do much more than that above previous gens, and things like R&C Rift Apart, Matrix UE5, and GTA6 are really showing what we should have been seeing as the new standard over a year ago

derek140d ago

@isarai, nope this gen we've had 2 Spiderman games a gow game, returnals, ratchet, ff16, gt7, gt7vr, hfw + burning shores, demons souls etc etc. No previous playstation has ever had this amount of quality exclusives this early, none (maybe the ps2 my memory is foggy there).

outsider1624140d ago

Yes i knw about rdr2. The point was actually about how i saw people being disgruntled because they haven't released gta since 2013..and saying how they've fallen/will fall after houser left. One trailer was all it took to frget everything..lol.

FinalFantasyFanatic139d ago

This is why I haven't bought a PS5, I just haven't had compelling reasons to do so, it's a pretty weak line up thus far compared to previous gens.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 139d ago
derek141d ago

ND's last brand new release was a mere 3.5 years ago, why is everyone expecting a brand new game from them now given current dev timlines. The remakes/remasters are fine it allows the company to earn money while they cook. Especially given the technical craftsmanship on display in their games it will take time.

shadowknight203141d ago

Because as far as anyone knows, that time gap hasn't resulted in much development leading to any new releases anytime soon.

purple101141d ago

This is true
3.5 years
So they should , SHOULD have smoothing in the next 6months to 1.5 years

Which means, they SHOULD, perhaps have something to show pretty soon/ soon-ish
And IF they don’t, I will become worried too

porkChop140d ago

Naughty Dog has more than one team though. One team launched a game 3.5 years ago, and cancelled the MP project they'd broken off from that game. What have the rest of the devs been working on? How does ND have nothing new to show 3 years into a new gen? Not even a title?

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