
A Happy Birthday to F.E.A.R.

When it was released in 2005, F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon took the PC world by storm. The shooter offered players a unique shooter-horror hybrid that was both fun and rewarding.

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PixL4610d ago

"Happy birthday, Alma"?

Phantasm4610d ago

F.E.A.R. = Amazing
F.E.A.R. 2 = Good
F.E.A.R. 3 = Unfortunatley already forgotten.

kornbeaner4610d ago

True, I couldn't put down F.E.A.R. when it came out. Never played F.E.A.R. 2 and I didn't even care to finish F.E.A.R. 3 not sure why, but I just couldn't do it.

fossilfern4610d ago

True, though I thought FEAR 2 was bad too. I Couldnt get FEAR off my PC when it first came out. Great benchmark for PCs at the time too, but I felt FEAR 2 and 3 just tried to cater to the COD crowd and was slightly watered down for console. I dont mean to come across as some PC elitist but the last 2 were in no way a strain on your PC

sickshot694610d ago (Edited 4610d ago )

F.E.A.R. was the first FPS horror game i played and i loved it, F.E.A.R 2 disappointed me unfortunately and stopped me from getting the third one. Happy birthday F.E.A.R, thanks for wonderful on the edge of my seat nights(while the lights were turned off lol)


How Dumb Decisions Can Ruin a Game

We’ve all been there, it’s 1 am and you’re trying to sleep but your brain keeps reminding you of all the dumb mistakes that you’ve ever made and it’s keeping you awake. If you think you feel bad, imagine that one of your dumb mistakes cost a company thousands of pounds (or dollars if you’re across the pond).

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AK911566d ago

The dumbest decision I've had with any game was the devs/publishers forcing MT into a series that previously had none.

MeteorPanda1566d ago

the dumbest l remember is dishonoured. They gave us all these cool abilities but you actively got punished for using them and got the bad ending for doing so. like wtf. why put them in the game and then say don't use em?


Do memorials belong in video games?

Warner Bros. has made a big misstep with their newest DLC for Shadow of War. Their lack of transparency on paid DLC going to charity that was made to honor a dead coworker is a recipe for trouble. Especially when their only parroted response to the criticism is reminiscent of a well worded legal loophole.

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PhoenixUp2456d ago

We see memorials in a lot of mediums. Why shouldn't they be in videogames?

KwietStorm_BLM2456d ago

There's memorials in a lot of games. This specific situation does not fall under the same umbrella as in general, and changes the question considerably.

fenome2456d ago (Edited 2456d ago )

Memorials belong anywhere someone needs them, it can just be an insignia or rock formations, hell, I've got ink and scars that are memorials.

The whole paid DLC thing is weird though, especially since they're not very clear on the proceeds. If it was my friend I would have offered it for free with an option to donate directly. I'm not buying in either way, but that's just me.

EddieT2456d ago

Memorials in Video Games are a wonderful way of eternalising a person who had special significance to that particular game. Getting people to pay for that memorial and only donating a small portion of the proceeds to their grieving family is scummy and repugnant.


Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Nemesis Forge Will Bring Your Favourite Orcs to Shadow of War

AusGamers "The Nemesis Forge update for Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, across all platforms, introduces a new mechanic that will record your top Orc Nemesis and Follower for inclusion in Middle-earth: Shadow of War -- which launches October 10. Very cool."

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thejigisup2517d ago

I'm pretty sick of seeing Lushag hot tongs.