
GameSpot gives 1.5/10 to Wii's Anubis II: "One Of The Worst Games Ever"

Ultimately, what you need to know is this: Anubis II is one of the worst games ever created and fundamentally broken. If you play it, you can never get back the three hours you wasted on this unique brand of torture.

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MK_Red6041d ago

"These archaeologists then created a platformer called Anubis II in this vision, putting you in the sandals of the wolf and tasking you with defeating an evil... something. Somewhere."

Awesome review. GameSpot can write good and informative reviews after all.
Seriously, this game is bad. Bad in a way that should have never been made.

Mark 16041d ago

I was thinking the same about Lair. The industry. No. The world would be a better place without it

Danja6041d ago

UMM mark 1 do you happen to be mesh1 by any chance..??

have you played Lair..?? cuz that game wasn't as bad as reviewers made it out to be...

I don't see how Gamespot can give AC a 9 when it has more serious problems than Lair....and give Lair a 4...and the only thing that hindered lair in a bad way..was repetitve missions..and the targeting system..the controls have a steep learning curve but once you get the hang of it..it's not a prob...

BTW im not dissig AC I own the game it's a good game with a few unforgiving flaws

TruthbeTold6041d ago

How do they let such games even reach the point of a review? I bet you if 5000 poor suckers end up buying this crap, they'll make a profit. Bastards... :P

PS360WII6041d ago

heh dang. I know Nintendo wants people to make games for them but come on. Did they really need to allow this one? Hmmmm maybe it's bad enough to be good...

MK_Red6041d ago

There was a time that Nintendo's seal of quality prevented things like this now Nintendo allows anything it can get... Seriously, this could be the worst console game of the decade.

BubyDudy6041d ago (Edited 6041d ago )


That's because nowadays Nintendo is DESPERATE about third party support. They were in the last position before the DS and the Wii came out, they had like zero support from third parties.

(with the word "that" I am refferring to the absence of the quality seal, not to the game)

MK_Red6041d ago

Good point BubyDudy.
3rd party hasn't made a really good games aside from Zack & Wiki which didn't sell and even others faild aside from Ubisoft's launch titles and only best selling Wii games are 1st parties like Wii Play, Mario and such.

BISHOP-BRASIL6041d ago (Edited 6041d ago )

You guys just don't know (and don't gonna want to) those crap homemade games for the PS2 that you can find in Japan... Now it's all coming to Wii, so no, this isn't the worse console game even of this year.

One thing is right in this, Sony have the last gen on the amount and variability of games, but then Sony have many third party support, Nintendo don't have any choose but allow any developer to feed it's library, since it's not porn or AO or... you get it.

Danja6041d ago

I actually played Zack and Wiki at friends house the game is quite good...and it actually has probably the best lighting i've seen on the Wii...so far..!!

unsunghero286041d ago

Actually, the Nintendo seal of quality is representative of a time when Nintendo didn't want a lot on their console. I would go so far as yo argue that if Nintendo did weed out games like this, it would be a return to the dark ages and we would all be sitting around criticizing them.

So no, I don't think it's Nintendo's fault. Crap comes out for all 3 consoles, and considering the consequences otherwise, I don't think I'd have it any other way.

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Bladestar6041d ago

ahhhhhhhhhhhh! It's a nightmare... so many titles with low score for 1 day... ballistic! ahaha

Astro6041d ago

So it's only 3.0 worse than Lair (PS3). It must be a complete piece of crap!

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The Amazing 10 Worst Wii Games Ever

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No, today I'm listing off what I think are the Top Ten Worst Wii Games. Folks, brace yourselves, we're about to dig through some shovelware."

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411's Hall of Shame: Data Design Interactive

Ninjabread Man. Anubis II. Rock 'N Roll Adventures.

It's one thing if you've created a really bad game. It's another thing when you create multiple bad games. It's even worse if you've created three bad games, and they are all the EXACT same game! Unfortunately, that's what one company in the UK is doing right now.

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Games Radar: The Top 7... Games you don't want this holiday

Christmas is the sad time of year when well-meaning relatives and friends waste their money on gifts you pretend to like. Sweaters you'll never wear, candles you'll never light, and gift cards for stores you rarely visit are just some of the typical offenders that scream "I don't know you, but I had to get you something!"

But the worst presents for gamers are awful games, because you know the gift giver's hands were inches away from a title you actually would've wanted to play. Instead, they unwittingly gave you a chore that'll take you to the mall to return or sell the offending piece of software. What's worse than a lump of coal this year? Any of these Top 7… Games you don't want this holiday.

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ASSASSYN 36o6021d ago

Wow! She is stupid...I would hit it still.

solar6021d ago

lmao! amen. you dont kick that outta bed, and you dont talk to that for longer than "hey, get in bed".

Skerj6021d ago

LMAO I said "I'd hit it still" too as soon as I saw the pic.

ps3FTW6021d ago (Edited 6021d ago )

Why is call of duty 4 there?

Edit: never mind.

ruibing6021d ago (Edited 6021d ago )

It seems unfair to compare CoD 4 with AA. Didn't America's Army use to (and may very well still) be a free game on the PC? Why are they expecting to sell it for full price on the 360?

Foliage6021d ago

Because most free things cost money on the 360.

jackdoe6021d ago

This list is so true. They forgot to include SoF 3.