
Quit B****ing About Call of Duty

An Intense Gaming TV editor reveals the truth about Call of Duty, as well as some harsh words for the needlessly enraged masses.

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Beetey4618d ago

As in no access? If so, than ditto.

Mr_Lu_Kim4617d ago Show
evrfighter4617d ago

Thats like saying

"shutup and eat your gruel"

Gazondaily4617d ago (Edited 4617d ago )

If no one stands up to complain and make their voices heard, game companies will be content with churning out the same old recycled p.o.s for increasingly extortionate prices.

The complaints here are justified and I am a HUGE fan of MW2. I don't care for this stupid argument that people are only complaining because its the best selling game. No, people are arguing because a cursory glance at the series will show you that no real efforts have been made whatsoever by the developers to invest in moving the series forward, instead opting to release glorified expansion packs of the same game on the same ageing engine.

I really want COD to be good but I am not going to help fund those who unscrupulously exploit their loyal fan base either via frankly ridiculous DLC prices for little content, charging full price for a game that has hardly changed and hardly reflects the sentiments of the gamers it misleads about supporting.

Highlife4617d ago

You can b!tch and moan all you want but nothing is going to change. They sell way to many games to be worried about the few who complain about it. The only way to get through to them would be if people really were feed up with the game and they have a huge drop in sales. Frankly this game is Madden all over again.

There are aspects of the game that I don't like as well. I have said this many times if they are not going to change their engine then why can't we use are old maps from previous Call of Duty games in this one. That would be a huge deal to me it would give the map packs much greater value. I have only got one map pack for Call of Duty and felt like it was a rip off and the simple fact that it costs to much and it is only good for a short period of time if you move on to the next game.

LOGICWINS4617d ago

"You can b!tch and moan all you want but nothing is going to change."

Correct. Activision doesn't care about a couple thousand people on the Internet who complain when MILLIONS of people will buy their game Day 1.

Spinal4617d ago

dude +agree and bubble for this part in particular:

'I don't care for this stupid argument that people are only complaining because its the best selling game. No, people are arguing because a cursory glance at the series will show you that no real efforts have been made whatsoever by the developers to invest in moving the series forward, instead opting to release glorified expansion packs of the same game on the same ageing engine.

I really want COD to be good but I am not going to help fund those who unscrupulously exploit their loyal fan base either via frankly ridiculous DLC prices for little content, charging full price for a game that has hardly changed and hardly reflects the sentiments of the gamers it misleads about supporting. '



20Million fans dont Bitch so why u Butt hurt??

Xenial4617d ago

I accidentally agreed when i meant to disagree.

PRHB HYBRiiD4617d ago

Quit b***hing about people b***hing about call of duty.

Solidus187-SCMilk4617d ago (Edited 4617d ago )

I hate when people write a complain article telling people to stop complaining. How ironic. Now Im complaining about their complaining article telling other to stop complaining. Now some please tell me to stop complaining so we can continue the never-ending cycle of telling others how we think they should feel.

But really, a couple thousand people on the internet are loud and vocal and complain about COD and this guy getts a BUTTHURT and writes an article about it. Geez, it not like 20 million people wont go out and buy this game. Dont worry crappy blog writer, COD is still the most popular game and the couple thousand people online who spend most their time complaining, arguing and bitching wont change that. Your precious COD is safe, dont be threatened by a few people online who hate on COD.

But screw this blog and Im going to say COD has gone downhill since 4 and is now for noobs who need to be able to get 12 kills by pressing right on the d-pad. I will not be buying COD or Battlefeild, both are played out and generic. Been there, done that. Can these devs make anything other than a military shooter? Apparently not, all their games are so similar, played one played em all.

ohh and FPS are by far my favorite type of game, Ive just seen nothing interesting from either. Only thing that was even remotely interesting from either was the great visuals of battlefeild on PC. Other than that nothing at all looked interesting or new to me and since my PC is dated I will pass since all Id be getting is stale and boring old gameplay that is nothing new or special.

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zeal0us4618d ago

Getting hit with vBulletin Message, article or opinion piece can't be view unless we register with the site. Unless it just me.

4617d ago
trenso14617d ago

@3m1ll that was such a fanboy troll comment im actually ashamed to be within the same gaming platform as you. to say something so outlandish to xbox owners show some class a lot of ps3 owner do play other games. but a lot also on play cod. so stop disgracing the ps3 with you fanboyism

Kamikaze1354617d ago

Complaining about people complaining is worse, imo.

farhsa20084617d ago

I will stop Bitching when they don't release the same damn game every year with just new maps, and basically no innovation.

cogniveritas4617d ago

Some people just find their niche. It's like if you go to Burger King, for better or worse you know what you're going to get. If you get tired of the quality and flavor then go somewhere else. The establishment isn't going to change for you when people still enjoy what it has to offer.

And on top of that, there are new gamers buying into the COD franchise for the first time each year. Those new customers didn't play all the past games and have no reason to think it's old or repetitive.

Sometimes "innovation" will take a back seat to "stability" to level out for various reasons. If you want innovation, there are others out there. COD will be COD.

4617d ago
FragGen4617d ago (Edited 4617d ago )

That Burger King analogy is great. Good job. And the fact the BK exists does not mean there is no other market for gourmet burgers, just don't expect the gourmet places to put up BK style revenues/numbers.

Whatever people are willing to spend money on will continue to be made. No amount of complaining on the net will affect it. As gamers, your best strategy is to buy the good stuff and turn other people on to it rather than crying like a schoolgirl about some thing we don't like that puts up bigger numbers.

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