
Everybody Plays: El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron Review

Everybody Plays: These days, companies often seem afraid of trying something new, as corporate bosses increasingly believe that the average consumer prefers to play it safe, and is more likely to play Generic Space Marine Game No. 457 than something that honestly tries to do something different. Everywhere you look, there's sequel after sequel lining the shop shelves – Modern Warfare 3, Gears of War 3, FIFA 12 – because they're all safe bets, that have been proven to sell.

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El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron HD Switch review [SideQuesting]

A classic action game makes its triumphant return on the Nintendo Switch

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El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron HD Remaster Review - Gaming Respawn

El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron is an action game by Ignition Tokyo and UTV Ignition Games for PS3 and Xbox 360, later released on Switch.

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El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron HD Remaster (NS) Review | VGChartz

VGChartz's Evan Norris: "Presenting El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron to a new audience and preserving it for future generations is a great thing, especially considering its cult status. Whether that audience will enjoy it is another matter entirely. Due to its cryptic storytelling, repetitive combat, and clumsy platforming, it doesn't quite escape the orbit of mediocrity. Still, there's a lot to admire, including exciting boss battles, impressive production design, and powerful music. If nothing else, it's an ambitious game with a singular vision. And that's something to celebrate."

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darthv7237d ago

Its a pretty cool game. i have the 360 version but Id buy the switch to play on the go.

coolbeans37d ago

Would be great if it came to Xbox/PS as well.