
ZoKnowsGaming: Max And The Magic Marker Review – The Ginge, The Jelly Bean And The Giant Pen

ZoKnowsGaming writes "I enjoyed my time spent in Max’s company, despite his gingerness and love of drawing Jelly Beans with mustaches. The game certainly has that ‘one more level’ appeal, it’s just that unlike Angry Birds that point comes way too quickly. The franchise certainly has potential; a Vita version with you controlling the pen using the rear touch screen whilst moving Max with the stick would work wonderfully, and just imagine if new levels were released every couple of months or so digitally. Press Play could have a hit on their hands, just stay away from the Jelly Beans next time lads, eh?"

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Indie Royale's New Year's Bundle Launches

Indie Royale has launched their newest bundle which features four games available on both PC and Mac including one exclusive Indie Royale title.

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Sidewinder-4540d ago

Didn't even think twice.

Been wanting to try Nuke-Dawn anyways.


Max and the Magic Marker DS Review - Brash Games

Jody Mulhern of Brash Games writes "Available on iOS, PSN, PC, Mac, Wii and now, Nintendo DS, Max and the Magic Marker has enjoyed wide exposure to the gaming community, amassing significant cult status for itself and developer Press Play. And now, being a game where drawing is an integral part of the experience, one would assume that it should continue its reign of quiet conquest on the DS".

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IGN - Max & the Magic Marker Review

IGN - In Max & the Magic Marker, the titular Max must work his way through a series of side-scrolling stages while using his trusty orange-colored magic marker to help him on his quest. As various iterations of the game have been released on WiiWare, PC and iOS, the formula for the game hasn't changed; Max's magic marker can draw platforms, ramps and other basic items to assist him.

4595d ago