
Battlefield 3 'will look, play and sound better than the beta'

DICE general manager Karl Magnus Troedsson has moved to assure Battlefield 3 beta participants that the final version of the game will feature a host of improvements, shaped in part by fan feedback.

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Ezio20484633d ago

sorry i did NOT know this before!!!

Soplox4633d ago

Yeah is more for the people that are bitching about it and don't know what a BETA is. And also MW3 fans.

Treyb3yond4633d ago

In all honesty, they would have to at least increase the quality of the visuals by 50%. I can't see that happening.

There is far, far more polished games coming to pander to the pleadings of large publishing companies.

If I'm not impressed by the final product, I'm not buying.

WANNAGETHIGH4633d ago (Edited 4633d ago )

I'm confused are u people crazy or just bias,Have in mind I'm a Cod fan. What do u expect from consoles that are 6-7 Years old?. Graphics that look like real life???.. If u want high quality graphics go spend some money on the latest PC upgraded with the latest Gaming Tech. I played the beta and for console standards it looks very good. Obviously Killzone2/3,Gears of wars,Uncharted..e.t.c will all look better but they are exclusives. U can't compare an exclusive game with a multiplat game. For a multiplat game this game graphics are up the with some of the best looking multiplat games this Gen on consoles and have in mind its a compressed beta. Obviously I don't expect the finally product to b a huge jump visually from the beta but I expect after polishing and putting it on a CD it will look reasonably better than the beta. I don't know what u expect from consoles that r going to b 10Years old in a couple of years. If this was an exclusive I would understand people complaint about the graphics but its not. I'm a console gamer but all u little bitches talking crap go buy ur self the latest PC so u can enjoy ur graphics but if u can't shut the hell up. I would like to c u people develop a game b4 u talk sh1t.

PhantomT14124633d ago


Crysis 2 beta played like crap. The released game was so much better, at least on PC.

CloseSecond4632d ago


I can understand where console owners are coming from. Both consoles have titles that look vastly better than what is seen in the BF3 beta. This is also the twilight of both consoles when developers should know how to exploit every ounce of there respective strengths. Dice have also made statements about pushing the PS3 to its limits. Yet here we have a beta that would have looked good if it had been releases 2-3 years ago.

I was not expecting PC visuals but I was expecting better than what was shown in the beta.

Corax4632d ago

I can't stop playing the beta with all it's flaws. So I know this is gonna be a first day buy for me if all those flaws are gone. Sorry but not to bash MW3 players but I know you came in here to disagree so before you disagree with everyone and move on to the next article really look at BF3 and look at MW3. Now tell me does MW3 look any better than the last few games? Let's be honest, I'm not saying BF3 looks better but is it about the looks of the game or the solid gameplay? You have a choice right now to decide to get a new gaming experience from your old. It's not that fast paced like MW3 but it still is enjoyable. Maybe your not the team player type and like to go solo and think MW3 is the only way you can do that. Well that's sorta true but working together never felt more rewarding. Think about the last COD game you played online. Was it memorable? Did you feel like you did something that wasn't a waste of time? I'm not saying get BF3 but really decide if you want the same thing over again when you pick up MW3. If you like being hustled and that's what you all are. Your being cheated into buying a game that didn't take no real work or effort to make. I mean the same team that made COD4 and MW2 isn't behind MW3 you know. But this is just something I want every COD player to do if you got this far. Look up some HD videos on COD4, MW2 then MW3 and compare and tell me what is different from the gameplay, graphics, and online. Don't just disagree this time give a reason.

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Philoctetes4633d ago

Obviously the final release will be better than the beta. But the beta also makes it pretty obvious that this game needed more development time instead of being rushed out for the holiday season.

MysticStrummer4633d ago

Too bad they weren't clear about how old and buggy the beta build was going to be before they let us play it. Now they have morons who don't know what a beta is mouthing off online and giving the game bad reviews, as if you can review a full game by using the beta. Anyone who cancels their preorder because of a beta shouldn't be allowed to reproduce. I almost didn't download the beta at all because I knew it would most likely be a mess, but I was still going to buy the game regardless. A beta is not meant to be a commercial for the game.

gamingdroid4633d ago (Edited 4633d ago )

All you have to do is compare it to other beta's you played. Many whom have had more than 2 months to release is much more polished.

I don't remember a "beta" that is as bad as BF3 and it is more akin to an alpha. An alpha 6 weeks before going Gold is a bad bad sign.

I guess we will know in a couple of weeks.

Ezio20484633d ago

i know many of you would laugh at me....but after having compared Uncharted 2 and Battlefield 3 beta....it was not difficult for me and my brother to clearly figure out that Uncharted 2 was better(though BF3 was just a beta)...

Edit: i know BF3 looks awesome as a beta but yet improvement is seriously required if Dice wants to win the competition.:)

gamingdroid4633d ago

In fact, the Uncharted 3 MP beta had far less issues months ahead and was relatively polished.

That BF3 build is only a month old? Dice got a lot of work cut out for them especially when you compare it to other beta's that happened far earlier than 1-2 month before release.

MrSent4632d ago (Edited 4632d ago )


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EazyC4633d ago

It had better be, the beta was disappointing in many respects.

jamstorr864633d ago

Visuals aside, what was dissapointing? Seriously?

I played the game, found it fun, notice one or two bugs which I would expect in a BETA, but overall I thought it was a great game.

Clear progression from previous editions.

Other games, such as fallout's release edition, have a lot more bugs than this BETA does, yet people still love playing it?

People have to remember that BF is always going to be different from your CODS and such, and so should be judged on the what it brings to the genre.

Jafooli4633d ago

Aside from the bugs. I'm not happy with the gun play. Hard to tell if you hit someone as there is no reaction from the character model and very little impact/blood, and close quarter battles are very awkward.

Hope this improves drastically.

BeardedPriest4632d ago

Aside from visuals what was dissapointing? Now we know you are defending the game because you are a fan and not because of its quality... I got stuck in the fucking floor by the M Com station so many times. I got killed by people hiding down there too...

MrSent4632d ago

Perhaps it was because it was a Beta.

Ezio20484633d ago

i have no issues with BF3 beta...the game irrespective of anyone will be spectacular...
i am just more excited for MW3!!!

Burning_Finger4633d ago (Edited 4633d ago )

Battlefield beta is one big mess. I've encounter a lot of glitches and bugs during my play through.

The graphics is rather dissapointing. It's like playing COD again. I had to go back playing Killzone 3 again. Now that's intense.

HK64633d ago

You comparing Beta software that is over a month old to a full retail game (CoD) is a pretty nice compliment.

Jobesy4633d ago

I think it's more contrast than compare buddy. A 1 month old build and you act as if it's a year old build. If the beta is only from a month ago you SHOULD be worried. How much do you expect to change in the retail release? It's going to be bug riddled, especially all the maps that didn't get tested.

HK64632d ago

"A 1 month old build and you act as if it's a year old build."

I was unaware that directly stating something is more than a month old is saying it is a year old. Also, you have obviously never worked with games before if you think nothing will change from a Beta build to a release build.

Jobesy4632d ago

HK6, I never said nothing will change but isn't it apparent to you that this is a rushed game? My god, take the blinders off. Has it even gone gold yet?

jamstorr864633d ago

You should expect glitched and bugs in a BETA. That's what they are there for. If we are experiencing these issues, I'm pretty sure that DICE are aware of them too. I remember bugs and such in the bad company betas. they were fixed.

that is the advantage of this generation, patching can be done on the fly. And while we would like bugs and glitches to be none existent in the games we buy, it will just not happen. So much pressure to produce and realse games, to make money. Afterall, they are a business. Plus, games are getting more complicated than they were in previouls generations too.

e-p-ayeaH4633d ago

haha DICE sounds pretty desperate.

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Battlefield Needs the Glory Days of BF3 and Bad Company 2 Back

Whether it comes through remakes or a new game with a similar style, DICE should aim to revive the glory days of Battlefield 3 and Bad Company 2.

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masterfox573d ago

hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia573d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad572d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

572d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin572d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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MadLad699d ago

There's fun to be had here.
