
TGH: RAGE Review

TGH: "RAGE is Bethesda and id software’s new IP that has been in development for quite some time and an official announcement of the title coming in 2007. Now 4 years later we are ready to experience what id Software and Bethesda have been talking about with their new id Tech 5 engine which features revolutionary textures, and a game that mixes an environment similar to Mad Max 2 and gameplay similar to Fallout 3. Can this game honestly live up to all the hype or does it suffer from the hype it has created for itself?"

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ferelinstincts4627d ago

Great review, RAGE looks like a very fun game. :)


Quake II Development: From Concept to Launch Day - A Retrospective

"Quake II is a masterpiece; an enduring first-person shooter that shows iD Software at their technical and artistic best."

- Christian 'Reggie' Wait, TechStomper

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Legendary Game Developers: id Software

The story of John Romero, John Carmack, Adrian Carmack, Tom Hall, Jay Wilbur and their legendary company id Software. From Commander Keen to Wolfenstein 3D, from Doom to Quake, they invented the 3D first-person shooter genre, and they transformed PC gaming into a multi-million dollars business.

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MadLad454d ago

They definitely pushed the FPS genre into the mainstream.


DOOM Games Ranked - What is the best DOOM game?

BLG writes, "Plug in your electric guitars and start shredding; we’re making a list of the DOOM games ranked.

Trying to decide the best DOOM game is like deciding who your favorite child is. You love every one of them, imperfections and all."

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bloop664d ago

I don't understand the hate Doom 3 got, but the original has to be tops for me too.