
Dark Souls Collectors Edition Pre-order Screw-up from Newegg.com

The new egg screwed up the preorder of Dark Souls Collectors Edition big time.

This is the email from the Newegg.com,

"Dear Valued Customer,
We're contacting you today regarding your recent pre-order for Dark Souls Limited Edition. Unfortunately, due to an inadvertent order error, the only version Newegg will receive is the regular edition. In an attempt to prevent any confusion upon delivery, and because we understand you may have placed your order with the intention of receiving the Limited Edition, your pre-order will be voided.

We apologize for any inconvenience that you may experience as a result of this situation. As a valued Newegg customer, you are receiving a token of our appreciation for your understanding and continued support, in the form of a $20 promotion code that you may use toward the purchase of the regular edition of Dark Souls or any other game you might be interested in. This promotion code is designed to work only with the Newegg account associat...

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-Alpha4632d ago (Edited 4632d ago )

Damn that's a major screw up!

The L.E is sold out EVERYWHERE for PS3 and now the 360, it's impossible to find. I'd be PISSED. The L.E goes for like $100 on Ebay too now

ggamdori4632d ago (Edited 4632d ago )

Sad sad sad. Snotty gamestop employees were like "Oh, you should have preordered a month ago, we only have copies for reservation tonight." I hung up crying.

Kenshin_BATT0USAI4632d ago

Crying is a bit extreme of a reaction...

Tanir4632d ago

actually i used to work at a game crazy, and its true, u shuda pre-ordered a month ago, pre-orders get sent out like 2 weeks before the game launches just so u know :P

ggamdori4632d ago

It's kinda difficult to sell sarcasm here I guess.

Oh, I preordered it from Newegg Aug 6 because they had 10bucks off at that time.

DaTruth4632d ago (Edited 4632d ago )

You probably don't live in Canada, but usually Futureshop has LE editions on sale without preorder. I don't think they take preorders, but they always get preorder editions and just sell them on the floor day 1. \

I even got the uncensored LBP on the original release date at Futureshop!

Omega Archetype4632d ago (Edited 4632d ago )

Amazon.com would help you out I'm sure!

EDIT: Never mind, I just saw the post directly below mine. Wow, that's crazy.

Luckily I've had my pre-order for quite a while now. I'm just waiting for it to ship!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4632d ago
Tanir4632d ago


dude the prices on amazon are crazy too wow

Alpha_Gamer4632d ago

Oh man, over $100 already. Wonder what the chances are of a 2nd print run.

Lol, it`s odd seeing a limited edition in ACTUAL LIMITED quantities. Most of them usually plummet in value.

rdgneoz34632d ago

The first one (Demon's Souls) never had a second printing of the limited edition, so this will most likely be the same.

Eromu4632d ago

Pretty sure the CE was only for the stores listed on the PrepareToDie preorder page.

Newegg is not on that list.

SweatyFlorida4632d ago

I've think I've seen Amazon having C.E Dark Souls for $129.99. Still, glad to see Dark Souls is getting as much sales as it can get

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4632d ago
Bolts4632d ago

People order games from Newegg?

GamerElite4632d ago

Newegg usually have some pretty sweet deals. I got BF3 and U3 for $46. Sometimes you even get a free egg with your order.

nyobzoo4632d ago

what does the LE even come with?

spunnups4632d ago

soundtrack, mini strategy guide, steel case, among others

nyobzoo4632d ago (Edited 4632d ago )

IC, thanks for replay.

Would've sucked for me as I was considering pre-ordering at Newegg since it was $47 for the LE but decided to hold off

Alpha_Gamer4632d ago

I`m pretty sure it`s now just an artbook and the game case in a cheap steel tin, at least that`s what Ive heard.

I managed to score a CE from Amazon but I just want the damn game at this point, lol.

Ravens204632d ago

Got my amazon order set since august, they better not mess that up!

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phoenixwing79d ago (Edited 79d ago )

i understand the authors frustration i'm not the best at parrying in games. not that i can't complete a game that requires it but it is a definite harder thing for me than other kinds of techniques in games. which might be the main reason it's so heavily added in games nowadays. want to make your game challenging without having to do a lot of work? just add a parry boss. (what i mean by parry boss is a boss you have to beat by parrying such that their attacks will kill you otherwise)

Dudeson79d ago (Edited 79d ago )

I always think it's fine as long as such games also have the roll/dodge panic button. But I understand the will to parry, it seems so cinematic in a fight when you pull it off.

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Father__Merrin107d ago

bastard sword and claymore do the job when grinded up