
Splinter Cell HD Trilogy missing another feature: inverted aim

Joystiq writes: Look, we're not prejudiced, we just think people who play shooters with inverted aim turned on have backwards brains. Backwards -- broken -- brains. But regardless of our feelings on the control setting, Ubisoft took things a step further with this week's release of the Splinter Cell HD Trilogy on PS3, entirely removing the option.

scotchmouth4630d ago

Inverted is the only way to fly!

Solid_Snake-4629d ago

i can play both but not str8 away. i play inverted but can get into the swing of verted after a few mins.

bit of a shame that its missing though.

shouldnt WE as gamers who pay there salary decide how we want to control our games.

e-p-ayeaH4630d ago

Lol glad i dont use it anyways.

Quagmire4629d ago

Imagine if you will, your head is an analog stick, your hair being the top of it where you place your grubby little thumb over. Now, if you wanted your eyes to look up, you would slide your thumb BACK so that your eyes would aim to the sky. Vice versa if you wanted to look down.

People dont realise Inversion occurs in the natural world, despite people thinking its logical to have push up to look up, push down to look down.

toxic-inferno4629d ago

Glad I didn't buy this now. I much prefer inverted; it seems much more logical to me.

Bathyj4629d ago

I dont know why people who dont invert have to make such a show about telling us that fact.

"Well it doesnt concern me, so who cares?"

The simple fact is about half of gamers like inverted so it should be in every game. If fact its probably the first option that should go it, before brightness settings, difficulty or controller mapping. Inverted controls is a musthave, its should be standard.

oNIXo4629d ago

People make a big deal when a game doesn't have inverted controls, but when a game only has inverted controls no one bats an eye. I think they should have the option in all games. There are only a few games that come out with only one or the other, mountains out of mole hills.

Kishin4629d ago

I would outright NOT buy a game if it only had inverted controls.

oNIXo4629d ago (Edited 4629d ago )

You've never played a Legend of Zelda game? The look and shooting is always inverted.

BattleAxe4629d ago

I think you people need to convert.....

morganfell4627d ago

Convert? If you are right handed, then tomorrow start using your left. From now till eternity. Inverted isn't a matter of choice.

oNIXo4626d ago

We're not talking about legacy controls, we're talking about up is up and up is down. I can play with inverted controls, I just don't like it and it takes a while to get used to.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4626d ago

PS3's most disappointing HD Collections

Sony's PS3 has seen its fair share of HD Collection releases over the past couple of years -- here's four that could have done with an extra coating of spit and polish.

Myx234109d ago

sincerely: all of them were disappointing. will not buy any more hd collections in my life.

kB04109d ago

Ico/Shadow collection was awesome, MGS collection was awesome, sly collection....so many awesome collections....are you high?

The trend of remastering needs to slow down, I agree, but if the games were iconic then they need to be remade! :) This doesn't mean you need to buy them or call them disappointing.

I'm stilling waiting on shenmue HD collection:)

kB04109d ago (Edited 4109d ago )


ummm no it wasn't lol....but that's my opinion. I could think of a handful of games that made a better impression on me:P lol

delboy4109d ago

Funny thing is that Sony isn't just loosing curent gen exclusives, but with HD collection they also lost last gen exclusives.
Stupid move from Sony for allowing that, they literally put money in MS pockets.

jc485734109d ago

Shadow of Colossus unfortunately suffered from some slowdowns.

kB04109d ago

How exactly are they losing on current gen? It takes no effort outsourcing the HD ports (which is most cases), Current Gen Exclusives are still thriving...we still don't have the last of us, Beyond two souls...GOd of war...I mean a lot of exclusives still coming on a console that's about to be replaced....let's not mention the already new exclusives on PS4.

Also, if you notice most HD collections that were once exclusive to SOny were't rereleased by sony but by the company that made the game...why do you guys talk out of your ass?

How is HD releases a creation of Sony? These have been around long before PS3 you know?

Also for shadow, I personally never experienced any slow down...even when remote playing on vita.

People talking out of their ass, is just shit talk:)

kreate4109d ago

I dont think it should slow down.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4109d ago
schlanz4109d ago

I guess I only managed to buy the great ones; ICO/SotC, GoW, Sly, Ratchet and Clank, Jak, and MGS.

otherZinc4109d ago

See. This is exactly why BACKWARDS COMPATABILITY is important!

The Splinter Cell Series is absolutely Amazing. For those games to suffer like that is ridiculous!
For people to repurchase The Splinter Cell Series after you Purchased them once is Robbery!

I can still play the Entire Series on my 360.
If they had a remake on the 360 I'd buy it for the Achievements alone as for the Halo Anniversary Edition Remake.

People can lie all they want but backwards compatibility is a benefit to those of us that have been gaming for a long time!

Dark_Overlord4109d ago

The Prince Of Persia collection is terrible too

Eyeco4109d ago

what was wrong with it ? The only HD collection I've bought is the GOW collection and that was excellent

Dark_Overlord4109d ago

Its mainly bugs and glitches (There's an abudance of them) the visuals are pretty bad too (other collections handled them far better), and with Ubi refusing to fix them its annoying. I brought the PoP Collection and Splinter Cell collection both at the same time, both by Ubi and both are broken. Though saying that, all the issues could probably be patched, but Ubi got their money and don't care anymore.

Welshy4109d ago

Terrible? Really? i thought Prince Of Persia brushed up and played great for it's age!

Not to mention the MGS and Ratchet collection were really well done. GOW HD was pretty good too.

I don't want a trend of any old franchise "remastering" all their games and reselling them to go too huge, but if the games are as big as God Of War, Metal Gear Solid etc, then i'm all for it!

Dark_Overlord4109d ago

Yes really, the games themselves are still great to this day. The HD collection however is a mess though, bugs and glitches galore, and the visuals are pretty bad (Could have upscaled them far better).

imtheman20134109d ago

I don't think they were all terrible. The Sly Collection was pretty nice, save for having to exit the entire game to choose a different episode. By itself, Chaos Theory HD was fun. Same thing with Blood Money HD. But as a collection, they weren't really worth it. Better to just buy them separately off the PSN.

Also, The ICO/Shadow of The Colossus HD Collection was fantastic. Really improved both games visually, and technically.

Minato-Namikaze4109d ago

i can die a happy man if i can get a proper Onimusha HD collection, now that Kingdom Hearts is getting one. I'd perfer if they did all 4 games on 1 disc (1, 2, 3, DOD) but i'd settle for 1 and 2 then 3 and DOD

stuna14109d ago

Onimusha is definitely a series that deserves a HD collection.

Minato-Namikaze4109d ago

I know, but i think capcom is having trouble with likeness licenses since they used real actors (Jean Reno, Takeshi Kaneshiro and Yusaku Matsuda) hopefully than can sort it out

kenshiro1004109d ago (Edited 4109d ago )

^ This.

I loved the Onimusha series. I'll play 1 through 3 all over again. Including Dawn of Dreams.

Pozzle4109d ago

The Silent Hill HD Collection was the first HD Collection I ever bought, and it almost put me off HD Collections for good. Not only was it not even a collection (2 games don't constitute a "collection" imo), but they were so heavily edited that they barely even resembled the original games. :(

rezzah4109d ago

That's the fault of the developers, or the control the publisher has over the devs.

There are HD collections out there that are better than the originals.

Of them all I think SH suffered the biggest changes, in a negative way.

jc485734109d ago

the producer finally left konami. I think that's a good thing.

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20% off Star Wars: Kinect Release Day Deal

Online video game retailer are offering 20% off Star Wars: Kinect with free shipping to celebrate the release for the Xbox 360 and a host of hot discounted deals.

Read Full Story >>
4444d ago Replies(1)
Wenis4444d ago

Bargain bin price on day 1.. well hopefully LucasRATS will finally get the message that we (me) want SWBF3 and not more crap SW games.

thebudgetgamer4444d ago

The fact that there's no Star War for PSmove boggles my brain.

GraveLord4444d ago

Ouch. Still not worth it though unless you are a Star Wars collector or have a kid.


Where Did They Go Wrong? Volume I, Splinter Cell


"It’s a simple question we all find ourselves asking about franchises across all mediums: where did they go wrong?

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, “Pablo Honey” by Radiohead, Michael Bay-directed adaptations of established stories, excellent games choosing to appeal to broader audiences; all things that can go awry in a manner nearly imperceptible.

In our modern industry, gaming truly has risen from the foam to sit beside other forms of entertainment as a more socially accepted medium, but with that change of class comes ramifications that deeply affect die-hard fans.

This series of articles will cover the direction of – and attempt to pinpoint – franchises that caused fans to roll their eyes, hang their heads in shame, and silently shed tears for their fallen virtual heroes.

Today, the spotlight shines upon the ballad of Sam Fisher, and how he was forced to appeal to a broader audience."

gaminoz4517d ago

I really think that these days devs will struggle to sell games based on pure stealth. I often hear complaints about 'stealth' sections of games, and that isn't even a whole game.

Yet making a stealth franchise all action oriented makes the game almost industinguishable from all the others.

The answer is what MGS4 did. You could try and play it COD style, but there were open enough environments to find other sneakier ways around it and not die so much as a reward.

Conviction didn't offer as much opportunity for choice of approach.

A game like Thief 4 or Hitman would suffer if action became the main focus over sneaking, taking out lighting, stealth kills, and disguise.

Proeliator4517d ago (Edited 4517d ago )

You forgot that in Hitman Absolution there's a cover system, lower difficulties can see enemies through walls, and forced action segments; the stealth genre is dead. It's simply not profitable.

Conviction as a video game was excellent, but as a Splinter Cell title, it was very disappointing.

I do agree with your stance on Metal Gear Solid 4, though.

Eske4516d ago

I don't know if MGS4 is the answer. Playing that game stealthily was just...awkward. I found myself doing that goofy "inchworm crawl" across whole football fields-worth of open ground.

On topic: I think there's a ton of untapped potential in stealth games. We need to see some improvement in AI behaviors, though. Watching enemies repeat endless patterns of behavior and movement is immersion-killing.

OhMyGandhi4517d ago (Edited 4517d ago )

very nice article! and completely agree with everything you wrote.

I wrote a similar piece, lol.


jc485734517d ago

never liked any of the Splinter Cell or Tom Clancy's games.