
Battlefield 3 Public Verdict

NowGamer speaks to the public at a public Battlefield 3 stand to see what they thought...

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Hufandpuf4603d ago

Did you read the article at all?

LOGICWINS4603d ago

Yup. Was hoping people would catch my sarcasm.

Kleptic4603d ago

yeah...I did, but most people on here won't...

so one kid says 'MW3 is a much better game'...and all of a sudden that is the headline?...

wtf is nowgamer anyway?...they've been cashing in on this kind of crap for days...

fluffydelusions4603d ago

Wish they'd spread these games out some...BF3, UC3, MW3, and Skyrim all within a couple of weeks...

villevalorox4603d ago

Funny how the public has a say in this when neither games are available to the public yet.

bruddahmanmatt4603d ago

*ALERT* *ALERT*, shitty website desperate for hits using sensationalist headline. *BEWARE THE FAIL*

swishman4603d ago

just torrent them all and buy which one u like

jeseth4603d ago

I was really hoping for an article that was .... well ... good and informative. I wanted to see what others were saying now that I've put a few hours into the demo/beta that dropped yesterday on PSN.

Oh well.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4602d ago
Sunhammer4603d ago (Edited 4603d ago )

The problem here is that DICE made a huge mistake showing off all that PC footage and claiming consoles would come close. Fact is, they don't. The PC version is so far beyond whatever they're offering on consoles it almost doesn't even look like the same game or engine.

Of course, gameplay wise, Battlefield 3 (even on consoles) still obliterates any Call of Duty.

And yes, all of us have already played MW3, actually. It's called Modern Warfare 1, World at War, Modern Warfare 2, and Black Ops.

Styxoric4603d ago

You just summed up everything i wanted to say.


Washington-Capitals4603d ago (Edited 4603d ago )

First part of your comment was bang on. But i dont agree that the consoles versions of BF3 offer more then the console version of Call of Duty.

The PC version of BF3 surely is a better overall product then any console version of call of duty. AND it has NOTHING to do with the graphics.

But to each is their own. If you can play BF3 not caring that the better (significantly better) version of the game is available another platform. Then by all means enjoy yourself.

DaTruth4603d ago (Edited 4603d ago )

The problem here is the gaming media keeps trolling the $hit out of the game for hits non-stop!

I'm already sick of hearing about the game and it's a month from release!

Edit: Rather than headline "MW3 is a better game than BF3", they make sure to write Battlefield 3 verdict, so it is what you see in the most recently commented on articles section!

shooter7474603d ago

Okay, so what is new for every iteration of BF1, BF2 and now BF3? The answer is NOTHING. Gameplay is exactly the same. Your argument COD is always the same has already been classified as those coming from humans whose brain is half-developed or simply RETARDED.

Gamer30004603d ago

why you have one bubble ???
i will bubble you as well said

Sargerus4603d ago

So, by your logic BF3 = Bad Company 2 with better graphics

badz1494603d ago

Wow way to fail there dude! Have you played or even seen BF2? I DON'T THINK SO! BF3 is nothing like BF2 at all. How are they 'the same' if BF2 was online only? The core gameplay maybe still there because it's an FPS afterall but everything else is totally new and improved.

People says CoDs of the recent years are the same not because of the gameplay alone. The thing is, they all look the same. All CoDs after 4 feel like expansion packs! Just like how BFBC2 Vietnam is to BFBC2.

In short, YOU FAIL!

NCAzrael4603d ago


First off, just to show your ignorance, There was no Battlefield 1. It was Battlefield 1942, which cemented franchise as a popular team based shooter by introducing large scale maps, vehicular combat, and soldier classes. Battlefield 2 introduced the battlefield commander and squad leaders, which in my opinion was one of the best features in a multiplayer shooter ever. BF 2142 introduced the Titan gameplay mode, and still used the battlefield commander and squad leader features. Bad Company and Bad Company 2 made the franchise more accessible for consoles

Modern Warfare broke the CoD franchise out of WW2, but has continued to use the same features and gameplay mechanics in every CoD title since. They haven't even changed game engines, just tweaked the existing engine to give some graphical updates, and that's about it.

I enjoy Modern Warfare for its single player campaign, but that's really about it.

kikizoo4603d ago (Edited 4603d ago )

"The PC version is so far beyond whatever they're offering on consoles it almost doesn't even look like the same game or engine. "

LOl, some people try hard to justify their purchase "repeat 1000X time my ps is a supercomputter from the future, and you would believe it"

you are plobably comparing campaign on pc with beta multiplayer on consoles... and most of all : even on a cod vs bbc article, you find a way to talk about your pc, sad :)

gumchewinasskikr4603d ago

washinton capitals

We play games to have fun, not justify our rigs and watch eye candy. Granted the pc version looks great, but what if all your friends are playing on consoles? Would you have as much fun playing the pc version with strangers and by yourself?

kneon4602d ago


I played one section of the campaign on a PS3 at EA last night and it looked good, but not great. From what I saw there are better looking games on the PS3 than this. I'd be quite surprised if the PC version didn't far surpass the console version.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4602d ago
GunofthePatriots4603d ago

guess huffandpuff didnt catch it!

princejb1344603d ago

words are cheap let the games do the talking when both games come out

IMChampion4603d ago

That's kind of what I was thinking. Another thing too is that he says MW3 is a much better game, to my knowledge there is no public testing of the game yet so...

Yeah, he needs to stick to CoD.

finbars754603d ago (Edited 4603d ago )

Decides what,that one person said they like COD better then Bf3 alpha beta with one map and one mode?????It settles nothing at all Matter of fact if doesn't make up for the other millions who like BF more then cod.So funny how people in this room can't even read what this article even says before making a stupid comment like that decides it.I figure at least Dice put out a beta where the bugs will be ironed out before release date and MWF3 has what out to test it to make sure there's no bugs???? Oh yeah another broken game on release date that fans will be complaining about it's first month.enjoy That game while the rest of us get to play something that is playable from day one.

That_Genius4603d ago

Uhhh you do realize he was being sarcastic right? Hes making fun of people that make their decisions based on things like this.

But yeah, like everyone else is saying, there is no public testing for MW3, which means if this guy was actually able to test the game he would have to be an employee of some sort in the Call Of Duty camp. That would mean he would be a bit on the biased side.

chriski3334603d ago

I don't understand what is everyones problem battlefield 3 is a amazing game doesn't matter which system u get it on im getting it for ps3 played the beta last nite and love every second of it

RememberThe3574603d ago (Edited 4603d ago )

Hey, hey, hey, hey... Hey... This is N4G we have no room for honest positivity around here.


Jack_DangerousIy4603d ago

Wow... That was one hell of a run-on sentence broski. Plus poor grammar.

*throws confetti*

iPad4603d ago

People are playing BF3 like MW3. It's not like that. From the videos that I've seen on YouTube, people have their sensitivity all the way up and trying to play like a head less chicken.

That's the thing with CoD players. They're in their own comfort zone. If they play a FPS and they're NOT good, they automatically say it sucks and go back to playing Cod.

sycnation4603d ago

Right on. They are what the French call. "Haters "

Ingram4603d ago

Exactly, something similar happens with other FPS's

AntBoogy904603d ago

"That's the thing with CoD players. They're in their own comfort zone. If they play a FPS and they're NOT good, they automatically say it sucks and go back to playing Cod."

LOL exactly..

*looks at my brother*

JaredH4603d ago

I think one guy obviously has the exact same opinion as millions of other people in the public...

AntBoogy904603d ago

Sarcasm win. Shame on that disagree.

RedHotChiliPepaSpray4603d ago

EA won't be pleased to hear one guest's response, who said "I'm not sure what my opinion counts for, but basically, MW3 is a much better game."

Read the title of this article and then read that paragraph. LOL! and thats the only time MW3 was mentioned in the whole article.

ngecenk4603d ago

i wonder whos that guy that can represent the 'public'?

Kos-Mos4603d ago

Yeah like all the faulty
reviews of gears. Those websites is pretty shitty too. Gears is after all a kiddy game for american teens.

joab7774603d ago

Really? Can u b any mor rediculous w a title? I guess he got the reaction he wanted.

Maximus Corruptor4603d ago

Was never a BF fan but from playing the beta on live I feel the same Battlefield with slightly crisper graphics. As an individual we are entitled to have our own opinions and I happen to prefer COD!

zerocrossing4603d ago

I have an Idea lets play the games and fined out for ourselves, a little old school I know but what the hell.

otherZinc4603d ago

After playing the BF3 beta today, I'm saving my money.

EA/Dice needs to release a single player demo to earn my $60 & $120 if the co-op is good.

As it stands, I'm not impressed at all!

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 4602d ago
-Alpha4603d ago (Edited 4603d ago )

One, random person says MW3 is better and it gets turned into a headline. Classy

iamnsuperman4603d ago

and bournemouth isn't exactly the world. Nice to hear some of the responses though.

""It was good, but you expected it a bit more sparkly," admitted one visitor, "It was a night mission, I wanted something in the daylight." Funny stuff

Gamer30004603d ago (Edited 4603d ago )

yes that's news worthy .. man /s
one cod fanboy on the street said his opinion about a game
and the next thing you know
there is a headline on N4G
say "every one hate battlefield 3 and love MW3"

antz11044603d ago

...and it'll hit 800 degrees. (Insert Ron Burgundy picture) Stay Classy N4G!!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4603d ago

yea lets not wait until the games actually release, that would be stupid.

fluffydelusions4603d ago


Logic makes sense

Fishy Fingers4603d ago (Edited 4603d ago )

So which bit of MW3 did they prefer? I ask, because ah, no ones played it or BF3 (finished articles).

MW is known and hugely popular, BF is new to many. Give it a chance, next time out, you might get a different answer.

Heartnet4603d ago

its not that new to many..

Dart894603d ago

I bet the guy who said mw3 is much better is one of those who b*tches and moans about BF3 not bieng 60FPS on consoles.

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Battlefield Needs the Glory Days of BF3 and Bad Company 2 Back

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masterfox538d ago

hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia538d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad537d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

537d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin537d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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MadLad664d ago

There's fun to be had here.
