
Eurogamer Expo – Playstation Vita Initial Impressions #1: Hustle Kings, the Console

"This year’s Eurogamer Expo was kicked off – both in developer sessions and gameplay on the show floor – by Sony’s upcoming successor to the PSP, the PS Vita. The gameplay came first, and with the way the booth was set-up, you’d be given a card saying what game you’d be able to play. While some were lucky enough to get a hands-on with Uncharted: Golden Abyss, my first experience of the Vita’s capabilities came from the pool game, Hustle Kings."- PurpleDemon

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5 Best Indie Games From EGX to Have on Your Radar

EGX 2019 played host to an array of massive upcoming titles. But the indie games showcased an incredible multitude of games. Here are 5 to keep an eye out for!

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PS Vita jailbreak now lets you hack Sony handheld permanently

Team Molecule hack PS Vita with Jailbreak that unlocks Sony handheld permanently. The HENkaku hack arrives 5 years after the launch on PlayStation Vita.

boomtube19872504d ago ShowReplies(2)
Noctis2504d ago

this is actually like half a year old.

DivineBliss2504d ago

The article is about Enso which was released yesterday.

ILostMyMind2504d ago

So Vita dies, maybe for a good cause. Now Sony can launch its next handheld.

DragonKnight2503d ago

And continue the tradition of expensive handhelds they don't support.

Fist4achin2503d ago

I'd take a new handheld with better remote play features. I.e true R2 and L2 triggers and R3 and L3 buttons in the thumbsticks.

MadLad2503d ago

It died when Sony stopped supporting the thing years ago. Modder and indie platform.

Will eventually grab one of the originals, with the oled screen, jailbreak it, and do with it what I will.

Fullmetalevolust2503d ago

its third life begins and it continues to flourish the best way it can...this handheld will go down in infamy as one of the best gaming system on the go...a true legacy that should've been supported by its maker til its last days.

letsa_go2503d ago

Alright I jailbroke my PSTV, now what?

ImplyingQuality2503d ago

Install oclockvita to enjoy higher framerates and faster loading times

ImplyingQuality2503d ago

But nothing has begun. This has already been going on for an upwards of 10 months

OGamer2503d ago

Begins? Shyt has long ended cuz ain't no body buying a vita after 5 years over a switch. Plus a new vita should be 2 to 3 years down the road.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2503d ago
ARESWARLORD2505d ago (Edited 2505d ago )

It's a waste of time put on your big-boy pants and buy the games with the crazy flash sales that Sony doess all the time and The Amazing weekly deals. I have such a crazy backlog of video games do to the Sony sales that I'm set

Team_Litt2504d ago (Edited 2504d ago )

No. *Puts on little boy shorts*

Sam Fisher2504d ago

*looks at both big pants and little boy pants.*
*chooses little boy pants, trys it on but only gets to knee....* :( 🙁

SilverDemon2504d ago

Lol. You pants peasants #NoPantsMasterRace

Silly gameAr2504d ago (Edited 2504d ago )

Don't you always have those on tho? Anyway, bet a lot of people have been waiting for this. Wonder if it will still be considered "dead" with the surge of sales because of the possibility of free games?

FullmetalRoyale2504d ago



Seriously though, I'll just continue to support the guys that bring their games to Vita.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2504d ago
2504d ago Replies(2)
CrystalFantasy2504d ago

Does this mean I can play psp games on vita for free?

DivineBliss2504d ago

If you have a vita on firmware 3.60 or lower.

Protagonist2504d ago

Actually you do not need it to be under 3.60 for psp games.

2504d ago Replies(2)
Gaming4Life19812504d ago

Damn this marks the 3rd time i have bought a ps vita and I never played it. I love modding and mods so I have to indulge. I did own the best games but handheld is just not for me but maybe if the transferring was easy.......but who knows such things only the oracle??????????????

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RGM @ EGX: The Nosulus Rift and South Park Hands On

Real Game Media tries out the demo for South Park: The Fractured But Whole, and get a little more than they bargained for when they put on the infamous Nosulus Rift

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