
Is 'Mature' Kinect Gaming a Bad Idea?

Sega's Rise of Nightmares does not bode well.

Like the google-eyed face clutched by the creepy claws on the front of the box, it's kinda hard to miss: In fact, it's right there in the marketing taglines for Sega's Rise of Nightmares: "An unashamedly mature title in a sea of family-friendly titles on Kinect."

Let's consider: Mature games for Kinect. Yep, it's a notion that makes about as much sense as Olive Garden deciding to serve tacos and enchiladas alongside its all-you-can-eat shrimp carbonara.

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zeal0us4604d ago

Wasn't this same thing said about the wii at one time?

Usually M titles produce by mainstream games developers it tend of sell better.

Kinect at this period of time seem to be surrounded by E rated titles an M rated title could be good or bad thing. Good for gamers who been wanting a kinect game with some violence. Bad for parents who thinks the kinect is a safe-haven for child/children friendly games.

BlindGuardian4604d ago

I really like that the title refers to Rise of Nightmares as "mature" and not hardcore

because there will NEVER be a Kinect core game

ApplEaglElephant4604d ago

for any sort of complicated and hardcore games.

Technical World4604d ago

Kinect gaming in general is a bad idea...

fluffydelusions4604d ago

I saw picture in picture walkthrough of rise of nightmares. To say the least the controls are pretty horrible and that is all the commentator kept talking about was how crap the controls were. Search dspgaming rise of nightmares on youtube and you will see.

DigitalRaptor4604d ago

Yeah, just watched it and well...

4604d ago
4604d ago
DigitalRaptor4602d ago (Edited 4602d ago )

Oh edonus, just don't... just don't embarrass yourself like this.

Too advanced? How is that gameplay advanced? It's like saying House of the Dead is advanced... smh!

I've heard you parade this BS in every article for this game, and i'm sorry to say but it's sounding like sincere buyer's remorse with an unhealthy dose of denial.

The controls suck based on many accounts of people who have played it and no matter of you telling people they suck will change that. It could be put into question that the players aren't used to it, but really, if and when they do adapt to it, would they really want to play this game once they've struggled through it once already? Probably not.

You say players want a hardcore game with a challenge, and that's true. The challenge they crave is in the methodology and strategy, not the challenge of grasping the sucky controls.

And I can't believe you're stooping to insulting people for being "awkward" "nervous" and "weird". Putting yourself on the pedestal and acting as if you're the normal one. No normal person would give this game more praise than criticism.

BTW, you can tell that as the walkthrough videos progress, the guys get a lot more used to the controls, and even then they think it sucks. You cant pull that excuse from your ass.

Advanced... ROFL!

4600d ago
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gogospeedracer4604d ago

Motion controls on any system is a bad idea.

TXIDarkAvenger4604d ago

Y do u have disagrees?

Your completely right! We don't need motion controls on our systems. There horrible. Kinect, Wii controls, and Move are all bad ideas imo.

kneon4604d ago

Kinect is fine when used where it's appropriate. Forcing it's use where it doesn't belong leads to poor games that will just annoy people and leave a bad impression of Kinect. It's just not capable of handling all genres of gaming.

Ayepecks4604d ago

Exactly. The Gunstringer's fantastic, Fruit Ninja Kinect's fantastic, Dance Central's fantastic, Kinect Sports and Kinect Adventures are good, etc.

Kinect gaming isn't inherently bad. Cramming crappy ideas into a new medium just because it sells well, however, is.

smashcrashbash4604d ago (Edited 4604d ago )

What people don't realize is that the hardcore STILL don't care and the casuals won't buy them because they most likely brought it for their kids. @ zeal0us if you look at the Wii most M rated titles like House of the Dead, Madworld and Conduit sold worse then Mario and friends.

Shadonic4604d ago

My answer is no its not always a bad idea.

C_Menz4604d ago

It is when the games trying to mature Kinect suck.

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-Foxtrot36d ago

Shame about Creative Assembly, they should have just been allowed to do an Alien Isolation sequel.

just_looken35d ago

It was that garbage coh 3 that did them in only a special team can make a sequel worse in every way even though it was a 10 year gap and the same era.

gold_drake36d ago

I hope they find new jobs in the industry soon.

Jingsing36d ago

Two Point Studios and Sports Interactive probably run on a shoe string budget so that fits into SEGA better lol


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