
Core Blaze Details from Gamania Game Show

Gamania Digital Entertainment’s Core Blaze is an upcoming Unreal Engine 3 powered action MMORPG. It was recently highlighted at the Gamania Game Show (GGS) in Taiwan, revealing new information on its action-packed gameplay, weapon-based freedom, and dynamic exploration.

Spenok4639d ago

Huh, this looks interested. Im still more interested in Tera and even MORE interested in Blade and soul. But this like it has potential. I will keep my eyes open for more info.


Gamania reveals mobile version for upcoming action game Core Blaze

Things have been rather quiet for Taiwanese developer Gamania (Beanfun) after pulling out of the English market. Updates for Core Blaze, its debut non-target action MMORPG, stopped for nearly a year on Facebook until the revealing of the in-development mobile version hours ago.

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6 Off The Radar MMOs

Recently, Trion Worlds' End of Nations, a game that has almost been forgotten by us resurfaced and rebooted as tactical MOBA. It reminds the writer of numbers of MMOs, which have been off the radar for quite a while, but they are not dead, not officially at least.


Looking ahead: Five most anticipated RPGs of 2013

With key exceptions, video game role playing games have seemed to be on a bit of a decline in years past. Maybe they're slowly falling out of favor with the gaming mainstream -- even with all of the free-to-play MMORPGs that seems to be coming out every few months. Then again, maybe the genre as a whole was just holding back for a great year sometime in the future.

miyamoto4140d ago

Phantasy Star Online 2
Soul Sacrifice

Son_Lee4140d ago

Tales of Xilia
Dark Souls II
Lightning Returns
Atelier Ayesha

JP13694140d ago (Edited 4140d ago )

I thought the last interview that the producer of DS2 gave put significant doubt on the game making a 2013 release?

Edit: Never mind. I actually read the article and it seems the author is also unsure of a release this year.

Son_Lee4140d ago

Yeah I somehow completely forgot that. It's only 25% done, so remove Dark Souls II from that list. Guarantee I got disagrees for Lightning Returns but I could give a crap, I loved FFXIII (hated FFXIII-2) and am cautiously excited for LR.

JP13694140d ago

"Guarantee I got disagrees for Lightning Returns..."

Ha! I thought the same thing. Just so you know, I didn't give you one. Couldn't care less about the games you like, actually. You enjoy your games, I'll do the same with mine.
I'm really hoping DS2 comes to PS4/720 in addition to their predecessors. Even if it's just a resolution and framerate upgrade, I'd be pretty happy.

Mikefizzled4140d ago

Dark Souls II Is the only RPG im buying this year

Neixus4140d ago

how can you buy something thats not coming out til early 2014?

Relientk774140d ago

Playing Ni no Kuni now, its amazing

I'm also getting Tales of Xillia when it comes out

DEATHxTHExKIDx4140d ago

Lightning Returns
Tales of Xilla
Sill need to get Ni no kuni in the mean time.

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