
TGS: Why Project Draco Doesn't Support the Default 360 Controller

One of the most exciting games at this year's Tokyo Game Show has been Project Draco, an on-rails Kinect shooter that looks a lot like Panzer Dragoon, but with more colorful visuals and light RPG/dragon breeding aspects.

Raider694639d ago

another one that haves is fate seal,just like rise of nightmares.Not putting support for the default 360 control will rend poor sales to this title since some people simply cant stand kinect over default 360 control,not to mention kinect owners are just 10% and its not a game like this that will make hardcore gamers buy this kinect.

gamingdroid4638d ago

Yes, but other games like Dance Central sold 2.5 million while Kinect Sports sold over 3 million. Also, Kinect Fruit Ninja have been topping the charts too lately.

So I think the market is there.

Why o why4639d ago

Too much kinect stuff, the support is great for those who enjoy it but ive not got kinect so where does that leave me.....apart from burning guys on gears. "Available now in the uk from cex stores for 50quid"

ECM0NEY4639d ago (Edited 4639d ago )

Gears is the last game we need till next gen.

OT: no controller support = no sales

Shadonic4638d ago

No controller support - no sales for those without kinect. Saying no sales in general after the current success of the games that have come out so far is like saying that because the move has sold a few good move games means its makeing no profit.


Project Draco's Final Name is Crimson Dragon, Ratings Board Reveals

If the Australian Classification Board is to be trusted, the upcoming Kinect shooter Project Draco now has the final name of Crimson Dragon. The game, which is being developed by Grounding, features the mechanic of riding a crimson coloured dragon, which lends credence to this ratings board revelation.

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Top 5 Kinect Games We're Looking Forward To.

@Cleaverslips writes for @XG247: It’s been almost one year since the ability to make a fool of yourself in your front room without a controller came into our lives. The Kinect has had some detractors but certainly some fans. Super hit Child of Eden hit a mark but left us hungry. Fitness Evolved gave us another excuse not to go to the gym, and Kinect Fruit Ninja is a purchase you should have already made. So here, with Xbox Live Arcade in the mix, are XG 24/7’s top five games that we’re looking forward to for the Kinect.

EVILDEAD3604616d ago

This years?

Forza 4 (tommorow) Autovista FTW!
Kinect Sports 2 (Golf, Darts, Football)
Dance Central 2
Motion Sports: Adrenaline (sleeper Kinect game of the year)
Fitness Evolved 2

Next year..

Mass Effect 3
Project Draco
Fable: Journey
Steel Battalion
The EA sports collection: Madden 2013, Tiger Woods 2013, Fifa 2013

Best game out now..Gunslinger


GoldenPheasant4616d ago

Things on a Move eh? Yo upstairs, you forgot to mention *smirks* Blackwater. That trailer is HOT!

Shadonic4616d ago

dont forget about power up heroes thats looking promising does that count as hardcore?

Gamer19824616d ago

Just Dance Central 2 for me from that list.

A7XEric4616d ago

For me it's Forza 4, Steel Battalion, Haunt, Project Draco, and Ryse.


Project Draco Kinect Gameplay Details

Announced at last years Tokyo Game Show, Project Draco is from much of the team behind the cult classic Panzer Dragoon series. And from the brief concept trailer we were shown last year, it was clear that Draco would be a spiritual successor to Dragoon of some kind, largely dealing with dragon combat.

This year the game has been fully demonstrated to the press. As expected, Project Draco looks to be largely "Panzer Dragoon Kinect", with elements of a virtual pet game.

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StifflerK4642d ago

Wow, it looks and sounds great!

gamingdroid4642d ago

Yeah. Surprisingly it is an XBLA game too boot!

fr0sty4642d ago (Edited 4642d ago )

This is one game that has found a use for kinect's tech that fits within it's limitations and does not try to force things onto the device it just isn't cut out for (like star wars does, resulting in a mostly on rails experience). Controlling a dragon can be done with slow sweeping motions that will not be affected by any input lag. I'm curious to see how well shooting will hold up though. None the less, it's the first "core" Kinect title I've seen that I haven't instantly dismissed as "it could be done better on another console". Since I love dragon combat to begin with, this one's worth keeping an eye on. I think more kinect devs should take a page from their book.

MARKUS_MAX1MUS4642d ago (Edited 4642d ago )

They make a game were you can play as a dragon for kinect........now thats just teasing me.

Im so sick of playing games as the "heroic humans". Let me be the anti hero or bad guy in a game, theres a big shortage of that.

Micro_Sony4642d ago

Play Killzone - You play as the ISA who are trying to Kill the Helghast for oil.


Played all the killzones,

the ISA are just the USA with a different letter and in spaceships.

They make me sick, Helghan forever!

but really though Id love a game werer I can play as a dragon and destroy everything, similar to Dragon Rage on PS2 or the Reign of Fire campaign which was suprisingly good for a movie game!

Bigpappy4642d ago

This sounds really cool. I'll have to see some gameplay before the excitement kicks in.

m234642d ago

I'm surprised this is an XBLA title, I thought this would be a full retail release. It looks great for an arcade game though.