
Deus Ex: Human Revolution's Terrible Boss Fights Were Outsourced

GR - "To say no one enjoyed the boss fights in Deus Ex: Human Revolution would be an honest assessment. They're abysmal experiences that manage to throw you out of your play style, forcing you to resort to spamming grenades, bullets, and in the case of the final boss, make no logical sense whatsoever."

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Karooo4610d ago

That sucks. Boss fights were the weakest link in the game. WTF Eidos how could you!

BeOneWithTheGun4610d ago

Agreed. I enjoyed that part in the hangar with those 2 6-legged mech things more than any of the three boss fights.

gaffyh4610d ago

Only the end boss fight was ok, but it was a little too easy imo. That said though, I'd rather it have crappy fights than have impossible ones like in Alpha Protocol

JellyJelly4609d ago

@gaffyh - I only got to the 80's boss who halway through the fight snorts coke and becomes invincible. Lol! Loved AP though.

Maester074610d ago

So it WASN'T just me who felt this. I haven't read any reviews since I'm still finishing this game but the boss fights are a joke. I played non-lethal the whole way up to Barett with only non lethal weapons and one pistol for emergencies.

It's like Eidos said "Quick! Forget EVERYTHING we just taught you about stealth and now pick up what you can and FIRE!" It felt like a disappointing cop out - I play this for stealth which is why I chose stealth over firepower.

The fact that this was outsourced doesn't suprise me. When I first played it it felt like I was playing a different game - more in the vain of Gears of War (much as I like it) and its generic boss fights. I don't doubt that Eidos will build upon this franchise a lot further, and I hope they sort their boss design out.

Sorry for mini-rant, I just felt I needed it off my chest.

Drac4610d ago

I was similar, had good hacking and stealth, was pure luck that I got through the 1st boss fight.

Was better prepared for the 2nd boss, but still felt ripped off that my stealth no kill style was completely thrown out for fighting bosses.

consolez_FTW4610d ago

Exactly dude, I was playing pure stealth and I got to the first boss totally unprepared. The combat aspect of the boss fights didn't even feel like they fit into the game. I leveled all my stuff to do with stealth and they throw a boss where stealth basically doesn't count for sh1t. Fighting him was frustrating :(
No more outsourcing Boss fights developers.

cogniveritas4609d ago

@Maester07- I completely agree with you. And while I don't like the execution, I think a scenario where a stealth guy is suddenly faced with a fight or die situation in which he is totally unprepared for is fairly believable. There were conveniently placed weapons and on "Give me Deus Ex" mode during the first boss fight of my "no kills/no alarms" run, I found enough emp grenades and shotgun/machine pistols to get the job done but in a few tries. In the context of the story, a kill or be killed moment made sense even if we didn't like it.

Kurylo3d4609d ago

the problem was the boss fights were boring... theres nothing special about them.. u just keep shooting them. Theres no secret approach to make it easier... it just was lame. Not to mention that you expected them to be major characters with great dialogue... and in the end they each speak like 2 sentences and die. Thought it was going to be metal gear from the trailer, and ended up being quake (without the control of movement in a typical fps).

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4609d ago
MariaHelFutura4610d ago

And still is one of the goty's.

firelogic4610d ago

lol, who cares if it was outsourced. Eidos had full control over the entire game. If they didn't like the boss fights, they should have done something about it. Just brushing it off saying it wasn't them but another developer that did the bosses is ludicrous. It's still your fault!

saladthieves4610d ago

Agreed. Everything else about this game was stunning...the boss fights were the only things that I didn't like in the game.

When I first got the game I started playing it completely stealthy. Basically going around, sneaking through air vents silently taking down guys, looking for alternative ways, going through each and every drawer of every room, hacking everything in sight, looting unconscious bodies for secret door codes and passwords.

I loved for example the challenge of getting in a room full of bad guys, sneaking my way through without raising a single suspicion...very hard but it was darn rewarding!

Now the first boss fight arrives and I suddenly find myself forced to play in a style that is the complete opposite of what I had been doing. I now have to attack and stuff - and I find myself massively underpowered with stuff like stunt guns and tranquilizer darts - useless at the boss.

If they could've changed the style of gameplay or allowed a stealth system or something (don't know how it would work at a boss battle), it would've been appreciated.

himdeel4609d ago

If I were Eidos Montreal I would've incorporated missions that would've allowed players a variety of ways (5 max) to assassinate/sabotage the bosses. Likewise I would have had a series of cut scenes to progress the story accordingly to receive any story or dialog they might have missed by not engaging the bosses directly.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4609d ago
GTRrocker4610d ago

I didn't think they were that bad. They were basically just like the enemies in the game, but over powered.

Canary4610d ago

Not really, no. Bosses could only be engaged in certain ways, due to the small environments. Every other enemy--or group of enemies--could be taken on a variety of different ways. Or even multiple ways.

The "main" game of HR was stealth combat, but none of the boss fights were built to use stealth mechanics. At all.

clarkjudo4610d ago

But there are weapons with in the area of the boss fight to replace "less effective weapons".

GTRrocker4610d ago

Ok, I don't see how not having the boss battles as stealth means they were bad. I thought it was a good break from the gameplay. Also, how and the hell can you have a stealth boss battle? Even the boss battles in MGS4 weren't stealth.

Canary4610d ago

^--Which is a big mark AGAINST the Metal Gear games.

Being too lazy to design stealth-based bosses doesn't mean it's impossible to design stealth-based bosses. Imagine a normal battle, but with more-active enemies--enemies who have better senses, shoot through walls/cover, toss grenades into air-ducts--or better yet, enemies who use stealth against YOU. There are plenty of ways to make boss battles that utilize stealth mechanics. It's the height of foolishness to assume a thing cannot exist simply because it does not exist.

MysticStrummer4610d ago

To say no one enjoyed the boss fights is a dishonest assumption actually. If you think they require spamming grenades and bullets... LOL. The first boss can be defeated without firing a shot, the second is a cakewalk if you have the correct augmentation leveled up and requires very little shooting, the third requires some shooting... I know... controversial for a boss fight, and the fourth wasn't tough at all. Actually the second, third, and fourth boss fights are all easy if you have leveled up your augs in an intelligent way, and the first can be easily defeated regardless of augs. Man... what passes for a "gamer" these days is just sad, and what passes for a "gaming journalist" is even sadder.

Ducky4610d ago (Edited 4610d ago )

I don't think the problem is with the actual difficulty.
The first and third bosses can be defeated without firing a shot... and the last one can be laughably easy if you're prepared.

It's just... compared to the rest of the game, the boss fights don't fit in. They just aren't designed as meticulously as the rest of the game is.
In a game like MGS, I'd look forward to the next boss fight... in HumanRev, I dreaded it because most of them just weren't fun.

EDIT: @Sage
You can also sneak a turret with you for the third fight. ;)

PirateThom4610d ago

The fact you need to "level up in an intelligent" way is the problem.

You should NEVER be put into a situation where you can go through the game with barely any confrontation, focusing on stealth only to enter into these fights where it completely changes how you're playing.

I got stuck on the first boss fight for ages because, simply, I was going for clean, one hit, kills and then I have to fight a guy with a minigun with only silenced weapons and no grenades of any kind left? It's nonsense. You can't offer choice and then punish people who make the choice differently. If they introduced a timed, stealth segment and someone had focused entirely on hacking and weapons it would be the same problem. The game needs to be balanced for all playthroughs.

SH0CKW4VE4610d ago

I found that in the first boss fight there was plenty of equipment dotted around the place e.g. emp grenades etc which was handy for taking him down because I only had a crossbow, stun gun/ tranq gun.

im playing on "medium" could be different on hard.

ryhanon4610d ago


It was the same on hard. It was not nearly as difficult as people make it out to be.

clarkjudo4610d ago

Three are other weapons with in the Boss area to replace the "less effective weapons".

PirateThom4610d ago (Edited 4610d ago )

I was dying too quickly to even get the other weapons due to placement, eventually I just took him out with a silenced handgun and lots of running around hiding and topping up my health when I needed to.

As I said, it's irrelevent to difficulty or what was lying in the area it was a complete change of playstyle. Same with the second boss fight, it's not as outright run and gun, but it's a similar problem.

It's stupid and, if they were outsourced, they're not even part of the game.

GTRrocker4610d ago

I chose all stealth weapons and I killed Barrett in like 3 minutes on my second time. I died once.I don't see a mild challenge as punishment.

Saladfax4610d ago (Edited 4610d ago )

The issue is not difficulty, so remove those arrogant-pants. Someone said, "What passes for a gamer," but maybe it should be, "What passes for a discerning individual." It's not hard; it's poorly designed and tedious.

The design of the boss fights was not very good because they provided no means to fully utilize *your* character against them. Sure, you can run around, grab up weapons, and turn yourself into Rambo for 5 minutes. Sure, you could optimize your aug build specifically for the boss fights.

But the entire game was marketed as "Choose your way," be it mass murder, stealth, or anything else. Even having just a couple of sections which go against that is contradictory, silly, and begs criticism.

The rest of the game seems so meticulously designed. I guess it's okay if a few parts are a little less so, but that doesn't mean we don't say, "Hey, this isn't so hot," in the hopes that they and other devs improve it in the future.


+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4610d ago
SageHonor4610d ago


> I defeated the first boss by throwing barrels at him

> I defeated the second boss by shooting those electric things. I had the right augmentations :)

> I defeated the third boss by punching him as he jumped over the wall.. Lol

> and the last boss i shot with the laser rifle.. Beat her in about 10 seconds

Bimkoblerutso4610d ago

I don't think some of you are understanding. It's not the difficulty per se. It's the fact that they are completely uninspired compared to the rest of the game and (whether you want to admit it or not) cater to a very specific play-style. Still beatable regardless, yes, but they were obviously designed with straightforward shooting in mind.

ryhanon4610d ago

I agree with the assessment that the boss fights seemed somewhat restrictive in terms of how the player was required to approach them, especially in contrast to the rest of the game. That is definitely a bit disappointing.

However, I really don't understand the outcry over them. I played the game through stealthy, on the hardest difficulty, and I died no more than three times on each boss fight. These were not difficult at all. Disappointing? Yeah, a bit. Difficult to the point of frustration as so many people appear to feel? meh... I don't think so.

A few EMP/gas grenades/mines is all you need to make short work of all of the bosses.

The first boss was the most difficult for me because I really wasn't prepared for it, luckily they anticipated players might be caught off guard so they filled the arena with all sorts of weapons to use.

People are blowing this out of proportion.

clarkjudo4610d ago (Edited 4610d ago )

I agree, it seems for a thinking and strategy game like DE: HR throws off those who are use to being handed everything from the get go or being led by the hand. If I did not have the "right" stuff, like you said each Boss arena has weapons to use. *SPOILERS*. This came in handy when my Augs were turned off before fighting the 3rd Boss by a kill switch. (This after going to the LIMB Clinic earlier for the "repair job"). First game through I ended up skipping it and the side mission that followed. But I had my Augs and my hub was not scrambled. So, going to the LIMB Clinic made it a "better" Boss fight experience. *End of SPOILERS*. This is a great 30 - 40 hour game, nip picking about Boss fights is not really necessary especially if they are not the "main event" for the story driven game experience as a whole. LOL

grailly4610d ago

there's no "leveling up in an intelligent way" when you don't know what's ahead, I guess you could just keed 5-6 praxis points for the next boss fight, but was that really the point of those fights?

Basjohn4610d ago

Precisely. If you went for stealth there's about an 80% chance you didn't have the EMP shielding upgrade because you didn't need Armour if no one was ever shooting at you.

Boy did that suddenly change in a boss fight.

MysticStrummer4610d ago

I'm not saying these boss fights were amazing or anything, just that they aren't as horrific as articles like this imply. I played the game in stealth mode and in aggressive mode, and didn't have a problem with the bosses either way. They were just average bosses.

firelogic4610d ago

Every boss battle sucked. Especially the last one.

saladthieves4610d ago

All bosses, 1, 2, and 3 can be killed without having to shoot at them.

1 - Just grenade spam him. A couple will just do the trick.

2 - Just shoot all the power stations that are around the room. If you have the correct augmentation to become immune from electricity, then you'll be fine.

3 - If you stand in the middle of the room where the large glass wall is, and you stand on the opposite side of that glass so that it is separating both of you, he'll jump to your side. Throw a grenade just as he's about to jump so that he can land on it. It blows him up while you go to the opposite side. Do the same there as well.

4 - Probably one of the easiest bosses??

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4610d ago
Human Analog4610d ago

That interview had to have happened before the game shipped. Dr. Paul A. Kruszewski has no idea how much the bosses changed the texture of the game. It is kind of like the ending boss fight in the original Bioshock. It was unnecessary. Even Ken Levine said so. He though that coming from PC games to consoles, that we 'needed' boss fights. He said that it was a bad decision, and if he could, he would have ended the game differently.

I feel that If Eidos/Square gave it more thought they would think the same about Deus Ex, and the bosses they shoehorned in. It really felt more like a corporate decision, then a creative one.

Anti-Fanboyer4610d ago

I knew there was some kind of explanation for this. The boss battles just seemed so different from the rest of the game. If you played stealth most of the time, you were suddenly thrust into this mode were you now had no choice but frantically run, shoot, hide, and repeat.

clarkjudo4610d ago

Three are other weapons with in the Boss area to replace the "less effective weapons". :)

Basjohn4610d ago

Man you're like a broken record saying that everywhere.

It's not about weapons, it's about PLAYSTYLE. Try the second boss with stealth and no, armour augs or emp shielding and you'll be crying like I did. I had to bunny hop and painkiller pop just to stay alive.

There needed to be multiple dispatch options for each style. There weren't.

saladthieves4610d ago

Yes, but the difference between the boss battles and every other element in the game is the boss will constantly be looking for you.

You have no choice but to fight. It's not like you can hide so that the alarm level goes down and he/she stops looking for you - like the rest of the game allows you to.

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Viljong362d ago

The og deus ex is magical. Im also very exited about mass effect legendary edition from the gp. Its next on my playlist never played mass effect game before.

IamTylerDurden1362d ago (Edited 362d ago )

Never played ME? It's imo the greatest trilogy of all-time and perhaps the best setting outside maybe Fallout. Play it. Great DLC as well. In 2 & 3 at least. Skip Andromeda. Also, Human Revolution was great as well even if OG fans claim otherwise.

shinoff2183362d ago

Mass effect 1 was great. I feel they dumbed down alot on the 2nd one and seemed more action like. Mass effect 1 the citadel was an explorable city. Far as I got in Mass effect 2 it was reduced to a location list no traveling through it. I disliked it alot(the citadel) part. I also feel they went more action oriented then rpg

just_looken362d ago

It always makes me mad when you see something you have done in the first mass effect or dragon age can make something change in the 3rd because bioware make 6 games in what 8 years? that did this but today 0 games do this.

I wish we had trilogies today were we can share saves and have multiple endings/path's on all 3 because of choices from anyone of them.

Its so funny being the bad sheparad from one to 3 then the end having just you and joker ha ha yet everyone is like hey your a hero with a 90% casualty rate.

CBaoth362d ago

Fallout can't hold Mass Effect's jockstrap. The one Fallout even in the ballpark is 3, and that's only because the DLC was extremely good. When Ken Rolston was in Bethesda's employment were they good. That's about it. They're now the world's greatest copy/paste developer out there. Bioware at their pinnacle was ten times better a studio than Todd's team. Go look up the games

IamTylerDurden1361d ago

Mass Effect is my favorite, followed by 2 and 3. Yes, ME2 was dumbed down but also refined in terms of polish and accessibility. ME2 had an awesome story, great DLC, and a solid cast. Mordin in particular. It's a great game. Even 3 which was the weakest was still solid imo despite the ending. If u love ME how do u not enjoy all 3?

Fallout is not a better game though FO3 was great. In terms of setting though Fallout is Mt Rushmore. The 50's post apoc setting was brbrilliant. I still put ME setting n lore above but FO is up there with setting.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 361d ago
esherwood362d ago

Man play mass effect, best games ever

Miraak82 362d ago

Xenogears is my fav sci fi rpg

closed_account361d ago

Right? There's a serious lack of classics on this list.

The original 2 Star Oceans. Rogue Galaxy...

IamTylerDurden1361d ago

Rogue Galaxy never got that critical love. Beautiful PS2 game. Was it L5?

closed_account361d ago

@IamTylerDurden1 Yep, Level5. Love their stuff. Dark Cloud 3 please...

Godmars290362d ago

Why aren't there more? A Star Trek RPG for one. Or something with non humanoid aliens?

shinoff2183362d ago

Cause for some damn reason medieval is more popular ugghhh. I'd take some sci fi sh anyway over it. I've said time and time again I hope the elden guys are working on a sci fi type game.

Godmars290362d ago (Edited 362d ago )

Something non-post apocalypse or dystopian. Just world saving. Fighting bad guys while doing good and dealing with ethical/moral/psychological quandaries.

sadraiden361d ago

The reason why fantasy RPGs, and Fantasy as a genre, are more popular than Sci-Fi, is because of the low technology/high magic tropes. If all of your problems can be solved with looking up the answer on a smartphone, well, there's just lower stakes than if a character has to have a sword fight, and climb the tower, and rescue the fair princess and recite the ancient incantation to seal the evil.

Obviously you can have universe ending stakes in Sci-Fi, but that requires abstract reasoning, and an ability to RP in a way that is progressive instead of regressive. Couple that with Sci-Fi games and media generally being faster paced, and you've got a genre that attracts a very specific demographic of gamers.

just_looken362d ago

or go crazy and make a starship troopers rpg can you survive the bug fight?

The animated show was great showed what someone can do with the lore.

Fist4achin361d ago

A Starship Troopers game as a real time strategy like the command and conquer series would be awesome.

just_looken361d ago


We have that today but its a small team with a smal budget

Its not a major rts sadly but a start

jznrpg362d ago

I really hope Naughty Dog is doing a Sci-Fi game. As a lover all most things RPG I would love to see Naughty Dog quality in an RPG.

porkChop362d ago

They could do some really great stuff with sci-fi. The sense of grand adventure of Uncharted, but also with the stealth and crafting of The Last of Us. Different planets, creative alien races, collecting junk to craft repairs and upgrades for your ship and weapons, etc.

shinoff2183362d ago


Your getting me excited for something that doesn't exist. Damn

shinoff2183362d ago

He'll yea , hope we here something about that if they are. I'm not to worried about factions at all

just_looken362d ago

If it was the old naughty dog i would want that the new naughty dog no thanks.

IamTylerDurden1361d ago (Edited 361d ago )

TLOU2 is the finest game ND has made. U4 was fantastic. New ND is a more impressive ND. I don't rate Crash n Jak like i do Uncharted and TLOU. Even Uncharted 1 and 3 were not as well crafted as TLOU, TLOU2, U4 imo. Idc if ppl troll TLOU2, most ppl are clueless, that game was incredibly impressive.

TLOU2 combat, visuals, and acting were the best of the genre. I found the story deeper and more profound than most but it's subjective. The level design was excellent also. The score. Audio. Animation. It was a masterpiece to me. The rope physics, detail. TLOU2 deserved Elden Ring scores and ER deserved TLOU2 scores. If any game deserved 97 in recent years it's TLOU2. Best game i ever played and if ppl come with Abby bs i already know it's not worth it. Those who call TLOU2 trash are foolish. Just look at it running...

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MichaelKnight83661d ago (Edited 661d ago )

I'm sure R* knows the Nintendo Switch install base and probably dont really care to port over more R* games to the Nintendo Switch tho i gotta say playing GTA4 & RDR1 on the go on the Nintendo Switch would be dope

Knightofelemia661d ago

I would buy Lollipop Chainsaw, Alice Madness Returns, Enslaved, Splatter House, Brutal Legends, Dante's Inferno, and Dead Space for sure if they were ported to the Switch.

Mobis-New-Nest661d ago

Deus Ex Human Revolution would be a great title to The Holy Grail of All Consoles aka The Nintendo Switch*. Also Haze Remastered, Grand Theft Auto 4 and 5 Remastered, Silent Hill HD Collection, Max Payne 3 Remastered, Call of Duty World At War Remastered, The Orange Box Remastered, Halo Master Chief Collection, Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 Remastered, Metal Gear Solid 4 Remastered, Afro Samurai Remastered, Demons Souls Remastered, Xmen Destiny Remastered, Jack and Daxter Collection, Def Jam Icon Remake, Folklore Remastered, Spiderman Edge of Time Remastered, Persona 5 remastered, the list goes on. (*Best Selling Console of All Time)

MontyeKristo661d ago (Edited 661d ago )

Can we just get a Bully 2? 😒

iplay1up2661d ago

Seriously? Isn't it time Nintendo make a Switch successor? I mean they have the sales and money.

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