
Vintage Video Game Voice Over #1 – Some Sort of a Dragon Slayer

Let's begin by striding confidently—well, lumbering confidently—right into the belly of the beast. Rescue the princess, save the kingdom, that kind of thing. Might as well get the big stuff out of the way early, eh?

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Space Ace And Dragons Lair Get Replicade Cabinets

This is a Retro Cabinet that brings back memories of lots of quarters wasted in frustration. New Wave is thrilled to announce that Cinematronics’ 1983 arcade hit Space Ace is joining the company’s line of fully playable 1/6-scale RepliCade mini arcade cabinet replicas.


4 Upcoming Indie Video Game Movies

Indie video game movies might be a tough sell, but with the most recent releases of Detective Pikachu and Sonic the Hedgehog, perhaps they can work.

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1481d ago
Nacho_Z1481d ago

Firewatch could be cool, they could get the voice actor to play the role easily enough, Rich Sommer is it? Doesn't sound like it's happening though. Shame the devs next game disappeared when they got bought and dissolved, it looked good.


Dragon's Lair Trilogy brings a trio of laserdisc classics to Xbox One

Neil writes: "If you can remember back to the early 1980s and the smoke-filled arcades of the era, then you will no doubt remember the draw of the laserdisc crowd pleasers from the Bluth Group - the iconic Dragon's Lair and Space Ace. Well, now you can play those games, along with Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp on Xbox One, thanks to the arrival of the Dragon's Lair Trilogy."

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kneon1844d ago

I remember when the original released, people lined up waiting for the arcade to open just to get in line to play. you pumped in your quarters, died in no time and then went to the back of the line to wait again.

In Stranger Things I new immediately why they were scrambling to find quarters, no other game would have caused that much excitement.