
Xboxer360 - Review: Gears of War 3

Sinan Kubba of Xboxer360 writes "The Gears of War series is the Die Hard of gaming. There is a meaty chunk of McClane in Fenix as he angrily cajoles himself over sloppy reloads before gun-sawing another grub with his tree trunk arms. It’s just reams upon reams of silly, gaudy action with no concerns over reason, context, or genuine storytelling. How much story is required to regale about four seemingly steroid-happy dudes with presumably compensatory weaponry? You just sit back and enjoy the ridiculous ride."

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chasedagreat4626d ago ShowReplies(1)
Old McGroin4626d ago

So, the reviewers only faults were that the story is cheesey and that Beast mode isn't great, and that is enough to knock nearly 20% from it being a perfect game? That's one fifth because of the story and a peripheril game mode?

I don't expect to be shedding any tears at the storyline, if I wanted that I'd rent The Notebook, and Beast mode is definitely not the part I'm looking forward to the most, anyone else think that, after reading his full review, he's being a bit harsh?

aviator1894626d ago

Just ignore the reviews. I feel if you really want a game, you should just experience it for yourself. All reviewers are people with an entirely different set of opinions.

AriesSiren4626d ago (Edited 4626d ago )

i dont know how anyone can stomach the gears cheesy dialogue and story. its SOOO bad like sci/fy original movie bad. i tried playin gears 2 and couldnt stop laughing at how awful it was. the gameplay is really good but this cant even compare to uncharted 2. even the xbox review called it cheesy. if cliff would hire outside talent just for the story it could have been great. it seems so tacked on. i think this aimed towards 12-13 year olds cause as an adult gamer, this is pure b movie cheese. at least deadly premonition can pull the cheese off with a witty sense of humor and pop culture lore. ill go back to that and alan wake for story

Old McGroin4625d ago

Are you saying that Uncharted 2's story, which basically just copied and pasted every Indiana Jones movie and Tomb Raider storyline together with a bit of Goldeneyes Sean Bean stabbing Pierce Brosnan in the back thrown in for good measure, isn't cheesey? Granted it's an enjoyable storyline, and the storyline really did compliment the gameplay, but having completed Uncharted in less than 2 days I had no other reason to go back to it. Least not for the story. On the other hand, I still go back to Gears 2 for some Horde or to team up with some randomer for visceral Hardcore campaign play. So to sum up, Uncharted 2 lasted me 2 days (barely), Gears 2 has lasted me nearly 3 years. I know what the better investment was. I also know which one has the better story. All of this means one thing: videogame stories mean squat.

Simon_Brezhnev4625d ago

Well you might as well play MMOs and multiplayer only games. Since video game stories dont mean nothing to you. People like you are what messed up this whole generation.

Old McGroin4625d ago

@ Simon_Brezhnev

HAHAHAHA! You think I'm a videogame producer or something! That was quite a sweeping statement! Here's one for you: people like you make me lose faith in humanity.

Might want to work on your grammar as well, "dont mean nothing to you" is a double negative, so what you said actually means stories do mean something to me!

And I stand by what I said, I enjoy videogames for gameplay, the storyline is secondary to me, if even that.

MaxXAttaxX4625d ago

Think about it this way. You can have 2 Batman movies. They both share the same storyline and background. Let's say, "Batman and Robin" vs "Batman Begins."
I think we know which is better.

Uncharted has more unique characters(and not a generic rainbow cast) and manages to have a good and believable storyline without coming out as overly cheesy BECAUSE of the good characters and writing.

Uncharted 2 had awesome replay value with unlockables, matchmaking and online co-op.
Sorry you missed out on the fun.

Stories "mean squat"? ....ok
I guess that's why you settled with "3 years" of lag, lol

Virus2014625d ago

Yeah you can talk about how great the Uncharted franchise is but after 6 months there is no one playing the game. You can't really compare Gears to Uncharted because even though some Ps3 exclusives have better graphics than 360 exclusives you guys don't support them and 360 games have a bigger fan base. If you were looking for attention then now you got it.

_Aarix_4625d ago

Wow, you really need to check yourself. Everything your saying is absolute horse shit. Just leave, your opinion is biased.

Michael-Jackson4626d ago

Nothing more nothing less, good score though.

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15 Top Notch Single-Player Games You Can Complete in 10 Hours

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anast67d ago

Good games for the $9.99 bin, you can get all of the Metro's for $10 in a bundle.


Gears Of War 3 And Judgement Servers Are Brimming With Life Once Again

Gears of War 3 and Judgement servers have returned to their "updated" condition, adding several features, such as increased XP and more.

329d ago
329d ago
KicksnSnares329d ago

I currently play Gears 3 often, especially after the 60 FPS Boost. Gears of War is my favorite gaming franchise, and the Locusts are the coolest faction in history. Gears Judgment will always be a disgrace for not having the Locust in VS multiplayer.

AuraAbjure328d ago (Edited 328d ago )

GoW 3 and Judgement were the last installments before the series went woke and soulless. I'm level 50 in GoW 3 and LOVE it's multiplayer to death. It's just so crispy.


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dazzysima486d ago

My first thought. Deserved to be somewhere in there.

Vits488d ago (Edited 488d ago )

That is the most "normie" list that I ever saw. This does make some sense given the console in question, but still.

Tacoboto487d ago

Sure, the list itself sucks. But that click-saver table-of-contents, every list should have that.

BrainSyphoned487d ago

Might as well list it as the One's top twenty as well since all it had for games was backward compatibility.

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