
Mystery Ball (Exclusive Preview)

Mystery Ball is an action-adventure, puzzle-strategy game coming this Fall for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. The game follows a ball named FRED who has lost all memory of who he is, and what is going on. Before even meeting the player, FRED stumbles down a small hole in the ground and finds himself stuck in a series of worlds, each connected with a small pipe.

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RobertWright4643d ago (Edited 4643d ago )

love the video, good preview!

Scumlabs4643d ago

Looks like a fun game, loving the art style! Trying the BETA this weekend :)

halocursed4643d ago

Looks like a minecraft-esque "The Ball" game.


New iOS Game Mystery Ball Embraces Apple’s iCloud

Red Nova Labs game developer David Howe wanted a way to allow players of his new iOS game Mystery Ball to be able to stop playing the game on one device – say their iPhone – and pick it back up where they left off several days later on a different device – let’s say the iPad.

CatSanderson4592d ago

And it embraces my time and productivity!

Scenarist4592d ago

game looks fun ... im buying this now since its only .99

davidbhowe4592d ago

Thanks for checking out the game! It's completely absorbed the last six months of my life... I would really appreciate to hear any feedback you all have! I tried to model the gameplay between a mix of a standard ball rolling game and Mario 64. Swipe controls instead of accelerometer should give you a fun, new way to play this type of game. Let me know what you think!

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Mystery Ball Available on App Store Nov. 3

Red Nova Labs Games' first iOS release Mystery Ball will be compatible with Apple's iCloud and available on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

cyborg4599d ago

I've been following for a while, and I think I'm going to end up picking this up.

CatSanderson4599d ago

Any way to get a beta release?

Ziriux4599d ago

I really like the depth of this game, unlike many of the worthless apps on the system.

Cinotix4599d ago

Just downloaded the app lets see how it plays, will let you all know.

mixelon4599d ago

6 comments in and nobody is bitching about iOS control schemes, amazing! :D

I'd not heard of this, but it looks really fun.

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Mystery Ball to Roll Out This Fall

Mystery Ball is an iPad-optimized iOS game starring FRED, a neurotic, scared ball who must find his way through a Professor’s test world in order to overcome his fears. FRED appears in the world unaware of his past and with several fears to battle: aphephobia (fear of being touched), acrophobia (fear of heights) and chronophobia (fear of time). As FRED collects bravery badges, he overcomes each fear and gains new skills.

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