
Dead Island: Zombies, mixed reviews and glitches

As Dead Island's mixed reviews keep coming like a hungry undead horde, Kapow Games explains the contempt its creators are implicitly showing for its audience.

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JellyJelly4631d ago (Edited 4631d ago )

"Which begs the question, ‘why release a game that’s clearly not ready for it’s blood thirsty fanbase?’"

If there wasn't a day 1 patch for it that would be a viable question.

"Just look at the PS Vita. We were more distract than anyone when we heard it won’t be landing on our shores before Christmas. But at least we can be assured Sony is doing its utmost to deliver a superior product."

How can you be sure of that when it isn't even released yet? If Sony are so great how come they are releasing Resistance 3 with a day 1 patch as well? On top of that a patch that according to some sources doesn't fix the MP issues.

Silly fanboy article.

sloth33954631d ago

you do know that Sony didnt make resistance right

DarkTower8054631d ago

I don't think he does. Some people think all Sony exclusives are made by Sony. Just like some think Activision makes COD and MS makes Halo.

JellyJelly4631d ago

They published it. The publisher has the last word, that's why some games are released before they are finished. Deadlines, set by the publisher. In this case Sony. I'm fully aware Insomniac developed it.

wallis4631d ago (Edited 4631d ago )

First of all it doesn't show contempt. They accidentally released the dev version instead of the full version on steam. That means if you bought it retail then you got a completed game. That was hardly a "Oh darn we haven't finished let's just kick it out the door". It's just a mistake.

Secondly it may have a lot of glitches but open world games aren't easy to make. Show me a glitch free open world game? Even the almight gta IV or red dead have their fair share of funny crap happening. And don't even get me started on the stellar elder scrolls series. They've practically worked glitches into part of the AI's charm.

Thirdly its metacritic score is 81% which is hardly "mixed reviews". Not all of us expect our games to come out at the perfect 9 or 10/10 and there's nothing wrong with an 8/10. Not to mention the overall consensus is a solid game with a piss poor save system and some painful bugs. Which is a different kettle of fish to a flat out awful game. If your willing to persist dead island is a damn enjoyable game and I'm finding it very fun.

Frankly I'd much rather developers accidentally release a half finished game and fix it in under 24 hours instead of intentionally with hold content from non pre-order customers or in the hope of releasing it on a later date. Your entire argument hinges on this idea that techland couldn't be arsed to do a proper job and decided to release the dev version out of contempt towards their audience which makes no bloody sense considering a) they fixed it immediately and b) not all copies of the game were affected by the issue. If they'd held contempt for their audience they wouldn't have been able to get a day 1 patch out and even when games are released in buggy states they rarely include dev only bug checkingfeatures like press a button to gain instant noclip.

"We were more distract than anyone when we heard it won’t be landing on our shores before Christmas. "

Also as awful as dead island's glitches may be I feel confident in saying techland put a boat load more effort into their game than you did into writing a loathsome hate filled stupid and blatantly biased article with all the flow and intelligence of dyslexic scrabble. Your english is appauling and is giving me a stomach ulcer.

duger4631d ago

'piss poor save system'? i'd take it into consideration... remember that the game is able to mix-up many game sessions because of drop in/out support. you can make jump into future or past, and back into your own session (or not). it's much more complicated system than in any other game I know. it's a mess that somehow works ;)

wallis4631d ago

Admittedly it's not perfect but if I'm playing sp I should be given the choice to reload a save instead of it immediately respawning me. It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't autosave when you get knocked down taking away any choice from the player.

duger4631d ago

@wallis: there are two kinds of saves: player and checkpoint. you can always load last checkpoint or wait for respawn (menu -> load last checkpoint).

Deanways4630d ago

Mistake or no mistake. Would you just shrug your shoulders if you found a piece od glass in you Big Mac? The relationship between customer and manufacturer has been burnt here. That's the biggest issue.

Besides, having both the console review codes and Steam versions released as old beta suggests something more sinister. Why would they both be released wrongly? Mad!

OC_MurphysLaw4631d ago

Sadly this game is an absolute gem from all I have seen so far that is going to suffer in review score because of their own mix up (Steam) and review copies that were fairly buggy. The game certainly deserves better than some of the "low" scores its gotten.

eddvdm4631d ago

I don't know if it's only about the bugs when they give it low scores. They exaggerate but I sure don't want fixed and predictable spawn points with X identical zombies every Y minutes and much less re-spawning loot or a 90's game shop where you can only sell one item a time.

If these are bugs then their game design ideas need to be fixed. For myself I had too much of this kind of mistake on past games to revisit them again.

The low scores are too low, I agree, but the high are too high too.

OC_MurphysLaw4631d ago

@wirapuru, I was really ready to pass up on this game and leave it for dead after I started reading all the reviews that were pretty harsh...but I just watched Giant Bombs Quick look...and I gotta say it has me changing my tune. I recommend you give it a look ...it wont spoil the game but it gives you a very good breakdown.

Here is the link to it: http://www.giantbomb.com/qu...

eddvdm4631d ago

Hey, thanks for that, I'll see it and see if I give it a chance.


Techland Talks Dying Light 2 "Secret Formula" for Success, No Intention of Going Full Live Service

Dying Light 2 developer Techland talks about the "secret formula" to their games' success, and comments on how they see live service games.

UltimateOwnage53d ago

Good. Live Services are trash for the most part.

AuraAbjure53d ago

Rainbow 6 Siege from December 2015 is not even comparable to whatever that thing is today they call Siege.

banger8852d ago

Dying Light 2 was horrible. I played it at launch and it was a buggy and broken piece of shit. I didn't enjoy the game's locale either. They've released a ton of patches and updates for it though, and I'm somewhat keen to give it another chance. But the game left a horrible impression on me, especially seeing as how the first one was my favourite game last gen.


Bethesda & Xbox To Meet Up With Laid-Off Deep Silver Volition Employees

According to a LinkedIn post, Bethesda and Xbox Game Studio representatives will meet up with Deep Silver Volition employees.

shinoff2183239d ago (Edited 239d ago )

That's pretty cool, but didn't they just lay of 10k as a whole. Reportedly some from the gaming division even.

Confused in pa.

Sonyslave3239d ago

Yes they did , it the circle of life in the tech bizz.

blackblades239d ago

Circle of life of meh games

mkis007239d ago (Edited 239d ago )

This is called good PR. And an opportunity to hire veterans over scrubs.

phoenixwing238d ago

Not to call them scrubs but yeah some veteran devs are more welcome than others with less experience

Flakegriffin238d ago (Edited 238d ago )

You can hire veterans all day long but it’s the talent Microsoft lacks.

Zeref238d ago (Edited 238d ago )

It was mostly outside of gaming. Most of the game studios weren't affected besides 343i and Coalition from what I recall

Charlieboy333238d ago (Edited 238d ago )

But of course. Just look at the latest Saint's Row....that is exactly the level of quality and writing that Xbox strives for these days.

Aloymetal238d ago

Nope, like Redfall, Craig infinite

238d ago
ravens52238d ago

There u go. This is way more acceptable than buying up studios. Buy individual talent until you strengthen your already owned studios. 👏🏽

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Techland's next chapter and the road ahead

Pawel writes: "Today I am happy to announce the partnership with Tencent who are in the process of becoming Techland's majority shareholder."

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SimpleSlave293d ago

"We will retain full ownership of our IPs, maintain creative freedom, and continue to operate the way we believe is right. I'm also going to continue serving as the studio’s CEO."

Unless it angers China and Winnie the Poop. Then I'm out of a job and we'll be fu...Ahem. Anyways. Please clap and be excited!

Thank you!

o( _ _ )o All Hail our Megacorp Overlord! Hail Hydra!!

Christopher293d ago

I question this stuff sometimes because it seems too good to be true. Same thing with Bungie. Is it really that they can make those decisions or can the owner, much like a Starbucks that just closes down a branch that attempts to unionize, truly in power and can just replace those with people that will just agree with them?

SimpleSlave292d ago (Edited 292d ago )

It's all PR talks. They're trying not to spook the fan base and partners for now. At the end of the day, owning the majority means Tencent has the final say. And they WILL crack down on Techland if they do anger the Overlords.

On the plus side, I'm sure Tencent will pass sweeping internal changes making sure this never happens. So no worries there...

P_Bomb293d ago

New open world fantasy action rpg is going well apparently. Been watching some Dying Light 2 endgame as well. We’ll see how it all turns out.

neutralgamer1992292d ago

Dead island 2 is a better game than dying light 2. So whatever you do please make more fun games

got_dam292d ago

I seem to be in a minority here... but... I really like dying light 2. Yeah, they neutered the night time scares but the overall gameplay was way better. And you can block without that shitty riot shield.

CoNn3rB292d ago

Same as you, I enjoyed my time with Dying Light 2, I don't think it was as good as the first one but it was a pretty good game overall.

There's a new update that is either out now or coming very soon that is supposed to reinvigorate the night-time sections of the game among other things. Might be worth playing again with that update as they've also added a lot of other QoL changes as well.

Masterchief_thegoat292d ago

china and winnie the pooh getting majority shareholder is not a great.

crazyCoconuts292d ago

More consolidation... Not good.
I really hope that the main "asset" with a company like tech land is it's people, and if you jerk around the people, they'll leave and make great games for someone else, maybe start something new.
Maybe tools like unreal will lower the barriers to entry to make this easier?
Dunno, trying to be optimistic that this, too, will pass.
Ultimately if they can't make good games, the investment will fail and the good people will move on.. I hope

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