
MW3 Revamps Killstreak System

Among the changes in the newest iteration is Modern Warfare is a new killstreak system. During the CoD XP event the new killstreak system was explained in depth. Instead of relying solely on the number of kills a player has, the game will use a point system. This means you can earn points toward your next reward by defusing a bomb, capturing a flag, etc. Additionally the rewards a player will be able to choose from will be dependent upon a new “strike package” system.

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jeseth4659d ago

I like the point system. It gives players that are performing more "team" objectives a chance to get some killstreaks instead of guys that just hang around and camp for kills.

Nice change if this is true.

DarkTower8054659d ago

Nice, can't wait. I laugh at the people who say COD doesn't innovate. They may not improve graphics much, but they do innovate in the gameplay which is what matters. In fact they innovate gameplay so much that everyone tries to copy them.

Buying 2 copies day one with Elite subs.

HeavenlySnipes4659d ago

just balancing. Same as DICE not allowing 100% destruction and OHK sniper body shots in BF3. Just listening to fan feedback and putting it in the game.

DarkTower8054659d ago

Unless someone had done it before, it's called innovation.

-Alpha4659d ago

This is not "innovation"

blumatt4659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

Why two copies? PS3 and 360? Or for someone else? Anyway, I too like the points system. I'll be buying MW3 and Battlefield 3 day one on PS3. But, I'm mostly getting MW3 just to play with friends. Battlefield is just the better of the two when it comes to that immersive, realistic feel and sound.

DarkTower8054659d ago

@blumatt, 1 copy for me, 1 for my son.

RedDead4659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

Damn this sorta looks awesome...I had my doubts

Edit---whoops wrong article

Lazy_Sunday4659d ago

Jesus fanboys. Shut the fuck up and listen to your ignorance.

Lets talk about BF3 for a second here.
We know BF3 has destruction, better graphics, and anyone who plays or supports BF thinks killstreaks are for noobs who need help getting their KDR up. But it is for this reason BF3 is not for all gamers because it does not cater to the same audience as CoD. The number of noobs and trash on CoD far outweighs the number of hardcore players. And this is why CoD succeeds. Now BF3 relies on FPS skill and actual participation in-game, as well as a rank up system that creates a hierarchy, making the players that play more have even more of an advantage over the other weaker players, all the time.
CoD does not play that way. CoD relies on balance between weapons, and easy kills for everyone, not just people who put the time in. BF3 won't have any benefits for noobs, and lucky you, it won't ever play that way. But this is why BF3 will never sell 20 million copies--because there aren't 20 million good FPS players. But there are 20 million good CoD players.

Now you can trollolol all over the fucking CoD articles thinking your a bigshot doing the right thing by saying "COD INNOVATION? TRASH BULLSHIT COD CAN'T INNOVATE GAY FAGS" but then, you're essentially trying to drag people into a game that they will not perform well in.

Stop lying, or at least open your eyes if you haven't played a COD game since World at War (I don't blame you, World at War and every Treyarch game sucks ass). But the way they're reinventing killstreaks, the way they're utilizing the weapon system, the way the game caters to all FPS gamers--it is a unique experience in itself, and if you cannot respect that, then you don't deserve to call yourself even a fraction of a gamer, since you have no viable formality on any which topic--and you are officially a troll.

radphil4659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )


I normally don't respond like this, but how the hell is this innovation when it's balance adjusting? >_>

Also a recent game had a points system, called Homefront. Granted it wasn't good imo, that idea was still there.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4659d ago
RememberThe3574659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

Then why not play Battlefield?

lol @above he has no idea what he's talking about...

ninjaman9994659d ago

I still dont really get the logic. If one team has an exceptional player, instead of the game balancing out to prevent total annihilation, kill streaks do the complete opposite. How can that be fun for people?....

4659d ago
NotoriousWarrior4659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

lol @ DarkTower805

This is innovation?...LOL. Do you actually play games? Uncharted 3 beta has a much better system (getting medals for your actions lead to getting a killstreak and its not related to only kills but helping team, killing with your buddy, capturing points and getting treasure and so on). I know they are totally different games but Im just saying that there is nothing innovative about this system.

I think other games have done it aswell, not sure though.

COD hasn't innovated since CoD 4 Modern Warfare and Im not saying that this game will be bad cos its not. it will be fun and all but I have seen what everyone else here have and to me it seems like a DLC.

Jack_DangerousIy4659d ago

Next time if you are going to talk smack to someone, try clicking the "reply" button. Seems pretty silly not to do it correctly.


Gamer-Z4659d ago

2 years and all they came up with was COD Elite and a revamped killstreak system... -___-

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BF3 Notched 1.25 Million Pre-orders, More Than MW3? | Another Killzone 2 Sales Debacle

While we can not successfully use pre-order figures to analyze overall sales height of games, it is quite interesting to see EA taking sales hype of BF3 to the next level. we should not in a hurry forget the 1.1 million pre-order killzone 2 hype and it's sudden collapse.

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Virus2014657d ago

Yeah but Battlefield isn't Killzone 2. Killzone 2 was horrible and slow. The only good thing was the graphics. Bf3 plays at a much faster pace (I played the Alpha) and will have many more multiplayer features than Killzone 2.

NegativeCreep4274656d ago

Sheesh, you sound just like my big brother...whom is the biggest COD fanboy that I know.

Either you are just like my brother or you have never played Killzone 2.

Which one is it?

Virus2014656d ago

I owned Killzone 2 and CoD 4. Beyond that I haven't played any other Mw2 and Black Ops because It was basically CoD 4 in a different setting.

deadpoole4656d ago

In his defense .... Im a diehard fps fan ... but Killzone 2 was one ... and I mean one fps because of horrible controller aimin deadzone area and delay ... made it impossible for me to play.

Killzone 3 on the other hand is much much better and Im loving it ... aimin wise.

dinkeldinkse4656d ago

You probably think KZ2 sucks because it plays nothing like most shooters.

KZ3 is garbage like most shooters.

EVILDEAD3604656d ago

BF3 is not ahead of MW3 in preorders, but with that said the Killzone 2 'million' preorder announcement was a fake.

It was reported as a rumor in gossip paper and then it spread to the internet game and fan blogger sites as 'fact' right before the game was released.

The truth was revealed when the actual sales proved otherwise..but there is no need to knock the game for what happened.


MidnytRain4656d ago


Impossible for YOU to play? Let's just be honest: the people who complain about KZ2's weight just suck at the game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4656d ago
-Alpha4656d ago (Edited 4656d ago )

There was more to Killzone 2 than the graphics. Battlefield's 1.25 million pre-orders wont be the same as Killzone's story because Battlefield is such an established franchise with a huge following. Killzone's quick collapse was a matter of the audience being immediately turned off by Killzone's flaws.

Most notably is the lack of a party system. There was just no excuse for it and most people went back to having a fun social experience with COD. Things like controls and lack of variety compared to other shooters also quickly diminished Killzone's popularity but really, Battlefield's pre-order sales are a lot more confident because it's a franchise that has developed far differently than KZ

KwietStorm_BLM4656d ago

Killzone 2 was far from horrible, very distantly far from horrible.

HeavenlySnipes4656d ago


"KZ2 did not control how all the other 1000 FPSs out there do. I hated that they tried to do something different and not conform to the 'norm' within the genre. Thanks to me, KZ3 was made with this opinion in mind, so it doesn't really set itself forward in the FPS genre and I'll be one of the first to call it generic even though it was people like me that caused it to change that way".

EVILDEAD3604656d ago (Edited 4656d ago )

wrong place

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4656d ago
DrFUD4656d ago

Heard from a buddy at EA that Microsoft recently made threats to the company regarding Sony getting any exclusives on or with Battlefield 3.

Mrmagnumman3574656d ago

they have that policy actually

kaveti66164656d ago

I'm sure DrFUD is telling the truth. It's not in his nature to spread fear, uncertainty, or doubt about anything.

Guitardr854656d ago

Whether that's true or not, the messed up part is that Microsoft actually has an active policy of refusing any product that is either released first on another product or comes with exclusive content on another product. People say this is an attempt to cover up and leverage their company size against the fact that their console is limited and has old tech in it.

nano884656d ago ShowReplies(4)
BigDog554656d ago

And the sheep buy the same game every year!

bobtheimpaler4656d ago (Edited 4656d ago )

This africangamer website is trash.

I'm yet to play an FPS on this generation of console that is anywhere near as immersive as KZ2 is. KZ3 is pretty shit though. It's as if the devs went out of their way to make it as generic and casual as possible.

Excellent AI, gun mechanics, art direction. Really sucked you into this massive universe they created. And you can almost feel the impact of every bullet.

Yeah it was a slower game than usual, but smarter than the casual dross plaguing systems these days. A lot smarter too. No matter how well BF3(because sales are a sign of quality, right?) will sell, I'm sure it will make me forget about KZ3's generic short comings.

bobtheimpaler4656d ago

well whats to disagree with?

KZ2 had better set pieces and more enemies on the screen. There's nothing in KZ3 that had my heart going as when you had to kill that ATAC on the roof or when you were defending Visari Square.

KZ3 held the gamers hand through everything with loads of scripted and on-rails events that were poorly designed. Only a monkey would still find that kind of "variety" amusing. The last level was boring as hell. All you had to do was hold the trigger button down. Gunplay was shit and had no skill, because people thought that having recoil led to random kills.*face palm*

And there are still loads of bugs...you'd think that after 12 patches they would have sorted everything out by now, but there are still loads of issues.

I was in the closed beta. The devs said they took out server browsing because people can't read. Thank you, the lowest common denominator of society, for ruining the challenge in games.

BattleAxe4656d ago (Edited 4656d ago )

Resistance 3 is better than both KZ2 and KZ3. Guerrilla Games just can't seem to nail down a top notch game. Personally I think GG should be used as a graphics studio, and let someone else write the story and do the multiplayer design. KZ2 was ok, but the custom rooms sucked because people kept making 45 minute and 1 hour long games and most rooms kept replaying Radec Academy all the time.....gets boring after a while. I got to the 2nd to last rank in KZ2, but KZ3 I ended up trading it in after a couple of months because the screwed the damn game up so bad.

As far as Battlefield goes, regardless of what your feelings are towards the game, it won't sell anything even close to MW3, and not having the game on Steam doesn't help their cause much. This year my time will be spent on Resistance 3, Payday: the Heist and Uncharted 3, MW3 and Battlefield 3 are on the back burner for me this time around.

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Photos Released From Modern Warfare 3

The Modern Warfare 3 Facebook has just released 12 Photos of the game. Check them out below:


Over 500 Developers Working on Call Of Duty Series

There are more than 500 developers working on the Call of Duty series , Activision has revealed.

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Agent_hitman4657d ago

And still, this franchise is nothing, compare to BF3's visual??...

I don't care how many fantards devs are in there working, the more important is the advancement of graphics.

xX-StolenSoul-Xx4657d ago

With 500 workers I would expect a big improvements instead of taking a tiny step forward in each game.

evrfighter4657d ago

Guarantee 400 of em are doing doing nothing but mapping

xX-StolenSoul-Xx4657d ago


Maybe, if thats the case i want all the maps to be awesome lol. I actually dislike a few of them in Mw2 + Black ops.

RyuCloudStrife4657d ago

i know its still looks like CoD 4 graphics wise if MW3 had better graphics I'd purchase it hands down. On the other hand BF3 has amazing graphics and thats why I'm buying it so I can enjoy the graphics :) I'll just stare at my monitor.

Tachyon_Nova4657d ago

People always seem to chant the mantra 'graphics don't make a game!', yet your 5 agrees suggest alot of people feel differently. Oh wait, Call of Duty has to operate under different rules than all other games, how could I forget...

karl4657d ago

u wish graphics was the only thing that it sucks for MW3

game mechanics are still the same.. just as gameplay and everything else

u can only expect new maps and a really short campaign

why dont just do some DLC activition? oh right.. the money

christheredhead4657d ago

the last step should be the improvement of graphics. if modern warfare 3 had visuals far beyond bf3, it would still be mw3. makes no difference regardless.

im all for graphical advancement, but that should be the last step, not the first, once your base game play and online experience has improved. things of that nature are far more important than looking pretty. im not defending the series, but that should apply to most games, cod included.

iHEARTboobs4657d ago

500 developers from 7 different studios.

Kevin ButIer4657d ago

LOL and they must be working hard on the next box art cause graphic wise is like MW2

farhad2k84657d ago


Funny thing is, in the BF BC2 days, all the BF fanboys were saying 'gameplay over graphics anyday!' and 'fuck crysis 2, gameplay over graphics' LOL

BlueEye4657d ago

Are you fucking kidding me? Graphics is all that matters, really?

No, graphics aren't nearly as important as you seem to think, CoD may have some slightly outdated graphics but that's cause it works, it doesn't need super ultra mega upgrades every game cause it's perfectly good looking as it is, now the last 4 years what has been happening with CoD, it changes, it progresses, it gets better.

So you can take your stupid graphics and shove them up your ass cause they don't hold a candle against gameplay.

Reborn4657d ago

COD gets better as it progresses?

It's like you said, it doesn't need upgrades. It generates them money, Activision know it works, and will keep doing it until it stops working. Which won't be any time soon.

PRHB HYBRiiD4657d ago

"now the last 4 years what has been happening with CoD" getting worse and selling more

TheMyst4657d ago

Gameplay is really important but look at it this way, if graphics and tech didn't matter why the hell would we upgrading systems ever few years? If gameplay was all that mattered, we'd still be playing on our old NESs.

ape0074657d ago

mw3 gfx are very good with great 60 fps

and the gameplay is, well.....cod gameplay is the best

i cannot wait for mw3, it's gonna blow everybody away(except some sad haters LOL)

creatchee4657d ago

Graphics are the most important thing in gaming? Really?!

There's these little things called gameplay and fun that beg to differ.

F7-4657d ago

That´s for sure. IMO 1 man is enough - ctrl+c/ ctrl+v, logo a textures changing and it´s done

BlmThug4656d ago

Not all about graphics but BF3 is the superior game

JeffGUNZ4656d ago

Oh! You have played the final build of BF3? Awesome. Please, tell us all how it is? You must have it in order to claim it's the "superior game". How on earth did you get a copy of not only BF3 early, but MW3 early to compare?! Wow. You're a special guy.

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3GenGames4657d ago (Edited 4657d ago )

And it's still not even competing with games half as notable....good to know where the talent is not in the industry. Or, not that there's no talent at Acitivision, but no ability of them to use it because they're not being allowed? Probably the later. Activision sucks when they have a popular game, they poke at it's fanbase until they all leave for better, more innovative games.

Go try to but a Guitar Hero game, you can't for a reason.

creatchee4657d ago

I'm pretty sure that you can find Guitar Hero games in stores still. The last release was actually among the best in the series, despite the fact that the franchise is in a holding pattern at the moment.

CaptainPunch4657d ago

Damn that's quite a lot of people

GrumpyVeteran4657d ago

500 developers and no innovation?

bumnut4657d ago

I think the ones who try to innovate 'disappear'

Undeadwolfy4656d ago

It seems that these developers fix certain things, but make other things worse so when it comes round to yet again another CoD or MW they can fix those problems in turn creating new problems. Its a cycle and the only way for Activision/Devs to justify why you should buy their game. When you read articles, alot of them are...

'Well we fixed x'

'Oh and Y is different now because you can now....'

ExitToExisT4657d ago

still the game looks and plays the same as cod 4

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