
Ubisoft screws with PS3 Splinter Cell fans - adapt or die

Xbox 360 owners might be crying out for the HD remastered versions of the first three Splinter Cell games but it seems a number of PS3 gamers have been royally screwed with the recently released remakes.

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KingSlayer4639d ago

All over a inverted cam? Sensationalist headline to say the least.

Abash4639d ago (Edited 4639d ago )

What exactly does the PS3 exclusive collection have to do with the 360?

Oh wait, it's just that low-end Xbox site that tries to make as many negative PS3 articles as it can.

buddymagoo4639d ago

Their user base must be dwindling for the website to keep making these sorts of headlines.

lociefer4638d ago (Edited 4638d ago )

wow, talk about a cheap attempt for hits

Rage_S904638d ago

msxboxworld are the worst site on n4g i can't believe people take them seriously. They literaly look for the most flamebait articles possible. How this sh*t get's approved is beyond me, vote them down to hell i say.

Istanbull4638d ago Show
CameronL994638d ago

Turns out the real thing gamers have t obe mad about is the crappy framerate, according to Eurogamer its worse than the original which is bafelling - a real n00b development team must have handled this one lol.

qwertyz4638d ago (Edited 4638d ago )

wrong. the ps3 splinter cell collection was badly done all games had terrible frame rate problems and couldn't maintain 30fps when this gen consoles can effortlessly do 60fps even in 3d. looks like ubisoft messed up really badly. they always preferred 360 so I'm not surprised in fact I'd say that they intentionally made a crappy collection

A-Glorious-Dawn4638d ago


"in fact I'd say that they intentionally made a crappy collection"

Do yo seriously believe they would risk that?
What dev intentionally makes a bad game?

this is totally moronic...

malol4638d ago

that's sad msxbox-world.com
really sad

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4638d ago
Persistantthug4638d ago

This game, an obvious cash in on the part of Ubisoft, was never on my holiday TO BUY list in the first place.

Metal Gear SOLID Collection might be though.....but I'm not 100 on that either.

Highlife4638d ago

I always play with the y axis inverted. I have been playing that way for years. I can't go back to the other way. I will play after my son does and he has it the regular way and I go to play and I just can't do it. It is so alien to me. That is a simple feature to add. It should be there. For me to go back it would be like asking a pilot to pull back to go down.

Persistantthug4638d ago

Just kidding.

NiKK_4194638d ago

Yeah, I play inverted too. Always have. It's just what I'm used to.

ARMY_HAWK4638d ago

Yup same here. Well only with a controller

Blaine4638d ago (Edited 4638d ago )

When I was a kid, games were inverted, and you didn't have the option to change it. So that's what I'm used to now.

I get so ticked off when a game won't give me the option to invert the Y axis. Seriously, how lazy does a dev have to be not to implement that option?? I rarely put up with a game that I can't invert.

All my friends play non-inverted, and when we alternate playing we always have to go in the options and change the setting back and forth!

Edit: now that I think of it, even though inverted is the way I've always played, it's not always my default reaction when there's a crosshairs on the screen. Strangely, when I don't have control over player-movement (like in Red Dead Redemption, during shooting duels) my first instinct will be to control the crosshairs in a non-inverted way. But if I don't have the option to go both, then I get used to it quickly.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4638d ago
garos824638d ago

sensastionalist yeah, but no inverted cam is an immediate problem for me. this is old news there was already another article on n4g saying this and saved me some money from buying them

Anon19744638d ago (Edited 4638d ago )

Wow. msxbox again more concerned about PS3 stories than xbox stories. What gives?

It's an inverted camera option. Who cares? Not every game has them. Are those games immediately unplayable?

chrisgay4638d ago

I'm sure people who play with inverted cameras care (myself included). I'd prefer it if you didn't talk on behalf of myself and all the other gamers affected by this- if you don't care about the issue, go do something else instead of spreading your nonsense.

BlackTar1874638d ago

yea it heavily affects me. If i get a game without the option i don't play the game.

that simple and its a stupid thing to leave out. i grew up with flight sims so it was natural

Darrius Cole4638d ago

Yes, I play every game inverted in first person, and third person. If a game does not have those options then I can't play it, and I won't try to play it. In today's market I don't have to try; there are so many good games that I can't play because I don't have the time. I'm not going to force myself to try a game that won't let me invert the y-axis.

damnyouretall4637d ago

i dont play inverted unless its, say a jet or heli. the transition never bothers me from fps to vehicle. but yeah i feel for yall inverted folks. some say its acually better to play inverted

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4637d ago

With no Multiplayer (they get rid of the Multiplayer feature), that is unacceptable.

SilentNegotiator4638d ago

It's stupid that Ubisoft would not allow it as an option, but msxbox-world is obviously just doing what they do best; dumping on the ps3 in absence of 360 games to discuss.

They're obviously exaggerating; More people play non-inverted these days and I can't imagine someone not having played a game without the option in the last 10 years (9 since the release of the first SC) without missing out on some great games that also overlooked the option.

Leviathan4638d ago

Seriously? You guys don't think this will get patched?

Blaze9294638d ago


It's Ubisoft...don't hold your breathe for a patch. 6-8 weeks to put in a camera toggle option, pls go.

JonDiskonected4638d ago

it was never for silent hill homecoming

Statix4638d ago

I don't care how sensationlist the headline is; if a game doesn't have an inverted camera option, I WILL NOT BUY THE GAME. Simple as that. The publisher will not be getting my money.

Pure and simple, I've always been of the mindset that inverted y-axis is the proper way to control games, but now we have all these noob, newcomers to videogames that have flooded the market with their ignorant default camera setting. "Duhhhh, pushing forward on the stick/mouse means looking UP! Yeah, that must be it! Duhhhhhhhh..."

Camera preferences aside, imagine if a game came out and FORCED you to use inverted aim. If you have been playing with default y-axis controls your whole life, then that would make the game completely, 100% unplayable for you, wouldn't it?

seinfan4638d ago

I wouldn't say it's "sensationalist". I'd like to see somebody play inverted from their normal preference and find out if they think it's alright. I play with normal axis orientation, but if I were forced to play inverted, I'd find the game unplayable.

NewZealander4637d ago

yeah what a freaking whining baby, get the hell over it.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4637d ago
disturbing_flame4639d ago

Why the article is not titled Ubisoft screws XBOX Splinter Cell fans by not releasing the game on 360 ?

I think it would be fair if we consider that an aiming possibility is absent in the game.
Maybe msxbox is more focused on small problems than on bigger ones.

GamersRulz4638d ago

you're right, what the hell is he thinking ?

JoGam4638d ago (Edited 4638d ago )

So true...Bubbles

I actually play ALL my games inverted so guess I won't be buying this game.

zerofourseven4639d ago

Does it really matter who reports the news, as it is still news. I am sure most of the staff at MS Xbox World play PS3 as well

Silly gameAr4639d ago

Doesn't seem like news to me. It seems like one of those "you can't do that there but you can do it here" articles. Not being able to tweak camera controls screws PS3 Splinter Cell fans? I think King slayer said it best.

morganfell4638d ago

It would seem like news except for the fact that the trend of past PS3 articles reveals and easily recognizable agenda.

marioPSUC4639d ago

Is this some kind of joke article or something? Is this really that massive of a problem that people would say Ubisoft has screwed PS3 owners?

Considering this is a website mainly for Xbox, you'd think they would have said "Ubisoft Screws Xbox owners"

Bathyj4637d ago

I wouldnt save Ubi screwed me.

More like they screwed themselves out of a sale.

But I am upset, I was really looking forward to this collection and now I'll only get it once/if its patched.

NotSoSilentBob4638d ago

Wait Ubisoft not releasing a full game and having bugs/troubles with the software.....Theres a shock.


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alexgibson2381d ago

Splinter Cell Trilogy was excellent, as was the MGS HD collection. Stealth ftw!

Skull5212381d ago

I’d love to see a Ghost Recon/SOCOM/Rainbow Six collection as well, all great military franchises


Liner Notes XIX: The paranoiac beats of Splinter Cell Chaos Theory

(Editor’s note: From Metal Gear Solid to Tenchu, everyone’s got at least one videogame tune stuck in their heads. Enter Liner Notes: a Pixelitis feature in which our writers discuss their favorite videogame soundtracks.)

"Forget that Sam Fisher had ever turned into a disgruntled ex-agent with nothing to lose. Before all that, the wise-cracking stealth operative snuck his way into one of 2005′s greatest games, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory.

Ubisoft Montreal tapped Brazilian electronica maestro Amon Tobin to craft the music for the third entry in the stealth action series. You could tell that the company was proud of the soundtrack, given that the album was released two months before the game was even out."

- Patrick Kulikowski

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EvilFluff914017d ago

To this day I still find myself humming the tune from the cargo ship level, great game and great soundtrack :)

Dr Pepper4017d ago

The ambient/subtle music was (and still it) always nice to listen to in the first 3 games. Perfect for setting the stealthy mood, while not overpowering the other aspects of the game (unless you got caught, then that music blared adding nicely to the chaos).

ape0074017d ago

chaos theory....one of the greatest games ever

MAULxx4017d ago (Edited 4017d ago )

Im not a big SC fan but I own the game because of the soundtrack. I was into electronic music at the time & buying Tobin albums. Never finished the game. Maybe I should have just bought the OST. I just get impatient with sneaky deaky games in general.


Big discounts offered for several Playstation 3 HD trilogies

An online retailer is currently offering big discounts for Prince of Persia Trilogy HD, The Tomb Raider Trilogy and Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Classic Trilogy HD on the Playstation 3.

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Bathyj4389d ago

I just played Chaos Theory HD. It was a good buy for 9 bucks and is clearly the best game in the series. I really hope the new game gets back to its roots.

FarCryLover1824389d ago

Sadly, it will not. I wish it would be like PT or CT but it will be like ConViction. However, I think they will add a tiny bit more stealth, but if they leave Mark and execute, black and white, x ray goggles, no dragging and hiding bodies, then count me out!

Bathyj4389d ago

I could not believe you couldnt drag bodies. I mean, WTF? If you wanted to move them you had to take them hostage and then drag them away before killing them. Serious design flaw for a stealth game.

And who wants to spend 90% of a game in black and white? I nice dark moonlight blue would have been better, or better yet, just leave the light and sound meter from the previous games. They were a much better system.

FarCryLover1824389d ago

They said that the new Splinter Cell will "explore old themes of SC, yet still focus on action." My expectations are very low, but I hope that they wow me and make a game comparable to CT. It's funny, they made the game like that to appeal to a wider audience...and it failed to sell as much as SC 1 which sold several million and ConViction almost sold 2 million. It's funny because the old version of ConViction was scrapped and developing the game in a 5 year span must have been costly, especially getting rid of the first version of ConViction.
If they would have kept the game similar to the old ones, development costs would have been cheaper and it would have sold more.

TriangleOffense4389d ago

Im still waiting on ICO & SOTC to be $20. I have no interest in these 3

MrBeatdown4389d ago

Splinter Cell HD is actually cheaper at Newegg...


Only $15.99 and unlike Amazon, you get free shipping without having to spend over $25.

Wagz224389d ago

I was just going to add that, ordered it as soon as I got the email from newegg this morning. Awesome deal.

Skate-AK4389d ago

I was so pissed when I was only 40 cents short from getting it back when it was $20 on the PSN store if you had PS+

Dark_Overlord4389d ago

I would advise anyone against getting the Splinter Cell and Prince Of Persia Trilogys until UBI can be arsed to fix them (which seems extremely unlikely)