
Xenoblade Chronicles Review « Nintendojo

Nintendojo: The subject of much joy and anguish over both sides of the Atlantic, Xenoblade Chronicles is, without a doubt, a game that every Wii owner should be able to play. Set against a beautiful backdrop of nearly overwhelming proportions, it tells a thoughtful and cleverly executed story of resistance and rebellion, possessing one of the most refreshing battle systems available on the console and shedding many of the less favourable traits that have come to be associated with JRPGs over the years. With a likeable and well-developed cast of characters, Xenoblade is here to show other JRPGs how it’s done.

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Ulf4666d ago (Edited 4666d ago )

NoA... you suck for not bringing this.

Seriously, what's the problem with bringing a great RPG to the US, if it's already localized to (UK) English? It's not like Americans can't understand a UK speaker, or can't understand what a "colour" is. Print a mere 100-200K copies, if you're worried about not selling many -- you'll probably sell most all of them on day 1, and make a few million more $$ than you would have made otherwise.

If the demand is higher, print more. Make it available only at a particular retailer, if you must. We don't care -- WE WANT XENOBLADE. You OWE it to us, for making the Wii region-specific, and thus disallowing import titles on domestic consoles.

NukaCola4666d ago

Y U NO LOCALIZE!!!!!!!??????????????

Kamikaze1354666d ago

It won't sell well in the US. It didn't sell as well as expected in the UK. Unless it's an RPG from a popular series or something that's been advertised like crazy (which Nintendo seems to only do for highly popular franchises), it won't sell.

Just import it. There are legal ways to get it working on your Wii.

LiamIRL824666d ago

it's completely sold out in store and online, I should know i'm trying to find a copy!!

limewax4666d ago

Yeah actually Xenoblade is doing fantastic in the UK, if anything it might finally even have a chance at knocking Zumba off the top spot.

Trust me you guys will be getting this game, it is doing very well over here, There was even a report on N4G a few days back stating it was flying off the shelves

TheFirstClassic4661d ago

How would it hurt Nintendo to make the european version available in the u.s? Can't cost them to much to just send some copies over here.

Michael-Jackson4666d ago (Edited 4666d ago )


Apparently it only sold 30k in it's first week in Europe, Only time will tell how many more it can really do in the next week or 2 considering I've seen many online shops have sold out. 30k is not good at all so I can understand why Nintendo is being tight about this.

Didn't they print Xenoblade in Europe because JRPG in general sells more over there than US? so in US it could sell less? 30k isn't helping the situation.

Ulf4666d ago (Edited 4666d ago )

Even if the game sells 100K lifetime, NoA could make a profit from printing a low number (100K), since the dev cost is nil (the localization is done!), and only the cost-of-goods is really an issue (and getting a retailer to buy... but one would for certain).

They could easily do a small run of discs that are simply identical to the EU discs, with different region encoding, and if the run is approx the same number as total (say month 1) EU sales times 2, then they're basically guaranteed to make a profit in the millions.

$20 profit per game for NoA, times 100K games, is $2M. Sure, that's not huge money, compared to some titles, but its *guaranteed money*, which is nothing to scoff at. NoA would have to be mighty full of themselves to throw away a couple million guaranteed profit $$, IMO.

Keeping the hardcore Nintendo fans -- the people who *would* run out and buy Xenoblade right away, happy, is worth FAR more than simple profit, as well. Buy another few years of guaranteed internet fanboyism, by being paid $2M (or $6M if they bring the other two in Operation Rainfall, as well)? They'd be smart to do it.

They're jerks for not doing it, IMO. It's a no-lose situation, even if its not the biggest battle ever seen on the financial battlefield, and it has far-reaching fan effects. Who are they trying to reconnect with, after all, with the Wii U?

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blumatt4666d ago

I would buy this game in a heartbeat if they released it on PS3. It looks like the game that Final Fantasy 13 should have been. I'm hoping Versus 13 redeems Squeenix's reputation.

Arknight4666d ago

I would most definitely purchase this game if it came out in NA.

Would give me a reason to turn my Wii back on after 3 years.

RoyaleWC4666d ago

This is the first Wii game I've bought for years other than new Super Mario Bros, and it hasn't disappointed, fantastic game.

TheFirstClassic4661d ago

The last time I turned on my Wii was to play a virtual console game, and that was a long time ago.


Xenoblade composer shares a message, says "it's time for a fresh start"

Xenoblade Chronicles composer Kenji Hiramatsu reflects on his work and feels that it's "time for a fresh start."

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autobotdan257d ago

Best JRPG series of the last 5 years imo

repsahj257d ago

I agree 100%. My top JRPG so far, together with Baldurs Gate 3 and FF16.

autobotdan257d ago (Edited 257d ago )

There is no together at the top. There is only one top jrpg series. Xenoblade Chronicles series is alone at the top

raWfodog257d ago (Edited 257d ago )

I like the Xenoblades series but my ‘top’ series would be either the Trails series or Persona series. Just too many good games for me to just pick one series though, so I say play them all lol.

autobotdan257d ago

You are hereby excommunicated the church of Xenoblade Chronocology

CappyBlack257d ago

I'm not huge into JRPGs, but my favorite is easily the Persona series. It's all opinion though. Xenoblade is a great series.

repsahj257d ago

XC4 for Switch 2 for the win!! So excited!

phoenixwing257d ago

Also they might port over xenoblade x to the switch 2


Tetsuya Takahashi Wants The Next Xenoblade To Be Vastly Different From Previous Games

Tetsuya Takahashi has revealed his plan to make the next Xenoblade vastly different from previous games.

GotGame818288d ago (Edited 288d ago )

I liked the Xenoblade X formula. It takes awhile, but opening up Mechs was amazing. Especially once you can fly them, and use them in battle. You have to put some time into the game to do it, but it's worth it!

Also, the graphics were more realistic than the other games. Still looks good today, just a lot more pop-in than is acceptable today, hell even too much for back then. It wasn't game breaking though.

gleepot257d ago

Xenoblade 1-3 and X are so great. That said, I'm ready for them to do a big change up.

Lightning Mr Bubbles622d ago

Me being a Playstation guy and a huge JRPG fan, I can say that the only franchises I actually miss that are on Switch are The Fire Emblem series and The Xenoblade Chronicles series. I've played neither but I've heard good things. I've seen people play Xenoblade Chronicles games on youtube, and it seems like they think it's a big deal so I'm curious.

Rebel_Scum622d ago

As someone who doesnt like jrpg’s that much these days I went into Xenoblade Chronicles blind and had a blast. Reminded me of that golden age of 16-bit and 32-bit jrpgs. If thats the era you liked then it should hit the spot.

jznrpg622d ago

I only have a Switch for the games that don’t come on PlayStation . There aren’t a ton but there are some good ones.

repsahj622d ago (Edited 622d ago )

I agree with top 1, for me xenoblade chronicles 3(and 2) is one of the greatest jrpg to date. It's like the feeling of playing ff7 on ps1 for the first time again. Imagine if XC3 was done with ps5 graphics, that will be magical. I might get the xc remaster before the year ends or after I got the platinum trophy of GoW ragnarok.

jznrpg622d ago

I didn’t care for 2 as much . It’s good but 3 is sooo much better than so is the first one imo .

repsahj622d ago

yeah I agree, but much better than any recent jrpg releases.