
Finish Your Games | Sheep

This is a weekly podcast done by GamerSheep.com. On this weeks show:

-What we’ve been playing.
-PS3 price drop.
-Will PS3 gamers finally decide to buy games?
-Why Battlefield 3 might disappoint me online.
-You bastards don’t finish games. Why?
-Sony thinks the PS Vita will attract smartphone users.
-Microsoft doesn’t really market games better. Xbox gamers just buy more games.
–A few other things.

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arizona-techgeek4651d ago

Why would I finish a bad game? I'd rather mice on to something I like.

Drekken4651d ago

Why would someone disagree with this? If a game is a stinker, I stop playing it too.

I rented Army of Two 2 and that sucker got 2 hours out of me and went right back. Same with the last PoP cel shaded piece of crap... my time is too valuable.

Ares844651d ago


I'm not going to listen to this podcast just because of the points that were made right here.

PS3 gamers finally decide to buy games???

Dude, I am a PS3 gamer and I got 248games right now. Want more do you want??? Most PS3 gamers I know easily have 50+ games.

Battlefield 3 disappointing online???? Let's play it first than we can decide but from what we have seen so far I can only say good things and think that it will be amazing.

Darnokg4651d ago

For achievements?
I only play the games I'm really hyped for so I don't get that problem often.

kma2k4650d ago (Edited 4650d ago )

I try to finish every game i play, i have only not finished 3 games this gen out of 87 games ive played. Yea ive got gamefly & finish on average 1 game per week.

Red River: Operation flashpoint:
Serisouly only lasted 30 minutes the single most horible experince ive had on a game complete trash!

Shadow of the Dammed:
The game wasnt that bad, i dont know what it was abot this game i just didnt care for it & coudlnt force myself to keep playing.

Dead Rising 2:
If the time limit had been removed & auto save features were added to this game it could have been a great game. I lost litterally 3 hours of gameplay because i walked around some corner & walked into a pshyco fight i didnt know was there & lost it all, serisoiuly BS, a sandbox zombie killing fun game with handcuffs was a really stupid idea!


TAC Pro For PS4 Allows For A PC Gaming Experience

PC like experience on PS4 – Sony’s attempt to address cross platform gaming

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Report suggests the UK is a console nation

Bit-Tech: Perhaps the biggest surprise was that the tide of console gamers is a cultural phenomenon which does not appear to cross every border. According to NPD's research, while the UK has the highest incidence of console usage out of all the markets analysed Germany boasts the biggest number of PC gamers.

France, meanwhile, is clinging on to dedicated hand-held consoles like the Nintendo 3DS and Sony PlayStation Portable at a time when NPD's analysis shows that gamers in most other nations have ditched theirs in favour of getting their portable gaming fixes on smartphones and tablets.

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Knight_Cid4467d ago (Edited 4467d ago )

"when NPD's analysis shows that gamers in most other nations have ditched theirs in favour of getting their portable gaming fixes on smartphones and tablets."

you mean like japan, europe or the US where the 3ds is breaking records?

People are ditching the 3DS so fast in the US, 3ds sales have doubled over ds first year sales and the year isnt even over.

No source, no truth

who approved this garbage?

Knight_Cid4467d ago

you shouldnt be proud to approve slander

ATi_Elite4467d ago

but 250 million global online PC Gamers say other wise.

Everyone with a Gaming PC can play Wii Games so does that mean the world is a Wii Nation?

I think people just enjoy Games and it really doesn't matter the platform.

Console Nation, PC Universe, iPhone Realm, doesn't matter just enjoy your Games.

StayStatic4467d ago (Edited 4467d ago )

Considering most PC Gamers will own 1 or more consoles , declaring the UK as a "console nation" is complete and utter bollox.

kevnb4467d ago (Edited 4467d ago )

owning a console and playing the occasional game once in a blue moon doesnt make you a console gamer. Just like owning a pc and maybe playing some random flash game doesnt make you a pc gamer. Alot of pc gamers bought ps3s, its a blu-ray player and media hub that plays games.

guitar_nerd_234467d ago

I'm from the UK and game on nearly every platform I can think of.

But yes in general I'm more thumbs than fingers when It comes to my games.


Paul Christoforo to Write a Book Based on the Ocean Marketing Debacle

Remember in December of last year when Paul Christoforo became the pariah of the internet? Ocean Marketing was at the center of a scandal that took the internet by storm after Christoforo exchanged rude, angry emails with a customer of Avenge Controllers, for whom Christoforo was providing customer service. I recently had the chance to speak with Paul about the whole ordeal and what his life has been like since.

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