
Avault: World of Tanks MMO review

Imagine driving a Tiger tank through a deserted city, spotting a smaller Soviet vehicle. You take aim and fire a HE shell at it, killing its engine and setting it on fire. But before you can finish it off, a Soviet T-34 ambushes you from an alley, spots for some artillery, and you get obliterated, only to respawn and live to fight again. This is a typical day when playing on Wargaming.net’s servers for World of Tanks. It’s been almost a year since Avault's Jason Pitrizzello last looked at it, and the game has grown up. Wargaming.net calls WoT, “…a team-based massively multiplayer online game dedicated to armored warfare in the mid-20th century.” Focusing on Soviet, German, and US panzers from the period, and boasting maps with a wide variety of terrain, it offers those who love their heavy armored vehicles a chance to get into the nitty-gritty of armored warfare.

gw4k4671d ago

A tank MMO? Is it free?

bumnut4670d ago

It is free but is not really an MMO like Miths says below. Its pretty cool though and well worth trying if you have never played it.

I just wish world of warplanes would hurry up!

Miths4670d ago

Yep, it's free - although, as with all f2p games, there are obviously very tangible benefits to paying for certain things, first and foremost a premium membership which significantly boosts the XP and money earning rate.

And it's a stretch to call it an MMO. In terms of it's online matchmaking features it's really much, much closer to a typical online first person shooter (although the gameplay itself feels very different).

Great game though, I just started playing it again a few days ago, after originally playing for a few weeks in beta some months ago.


Escape from Tarkov and War Thunder devs keep silent about the Ukraine War, still on Russian market

From Babel UA: "With the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, sanctions against the aggressor also affected the video game industry. The largest game publishers — Ubisoft, EA Games, Rockstar — have limited sales of their products in Russia and Belarus. And Steam, GOG and Epic Games stores have stopped accepting payments in rubles. But Russian players have already learned to circumvent the bans of publishers and shops — there are many instructions about how to do this on the Internet. The situation with the game developers of the aggressor countries is even more complicated. Many of them are not officially Russian or Belarusian, but have long opened offices in Europe and work from Britain, Hungary, and other countries. Russian developers usually donʼt comment on Russiaʼs aggression against Ukraine, continue to cooperate with Western companies and sell their games to Western players. Babel tells about the games Escape from Tarkov, World of Tanks, and War Thunder, which are popular in Europe and the United States, and about the behavior of their developers, who deliberately do not publicly state their position on the war or order advertising from outspoken supporters of the Putin regime."


RTS Gameplay Comes To World Of Tanks

This is an interesting update to the game. World of Tanks is more than just pure steel and firepower; it’s about tactics and strategy, and the latest event takes this up a gear! Players can master the Art of Strategy from today until early May.


World of Tanks: GI JOE

WAR IS FOREVER! World of Tanks welcomes G.I. Joe & Cobra onto the battlefield. FIGHT TO SAVE THE DAY!

waverider1071d ago

Wot destroyed this game with the latest updates...