
TGH: Joe Danger: The Movie Preview

TGH Writes: Joe Danger was a small breakaway PSN hit when it launched a year ago. Based on the idea of an Evel Kenevil style stuntman who performs tricks and stunts for showmanship and fun, its simple controls, friendly artwork and fun game design mean’t that almost anyone could pick up and play the game and enjoy it within minutes of playing. However for developer Hello Games this wasn’t enough. Joe Danger was never quite the game they originally wanted it to be, due to limited time and resources they had to compromise and come up with the Joe Danger that launched.

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4668d ago

New Project Is So Ambitious It Would 'Seem Impossible' Even With a 1,000 Person Team

Hello Games' new project would feel impossible to create even with 1,000 people behind it, the developer has said.

Speaking to IGN, studio co-founder and managing director Sean Murray said that, while it's not a sequel to No Man's Sky, the new game is just as ambitious.

phoenixwing779d ago

Sean really? Haven't you learned a thing since your first game about over promising?

porkChop778d ago

I was about to say the same thing.

roadkillers777d ago

I was tooooooo. Seriously others weren’t thinking it lol

Bobertt778d ago

He didn't promise anything though.

1nsomniac778d ago

Here we go again…. Yes he did. That’s why there was a class action lawsuit against him. With an ultimatum. That’s why we’ve received a free overhaul of the entire game.

Old McGroin778d ago (Edited 778d ago )

@ 1nsomniac

What exactly has he promised about the new game? All I can see is him saying it's ambitious.

Edit: Hold on, maybe you're talking about No Man's Sky?

1nsomniac778d ago

My bad, yes I’m talking about No Mans Sky.

thorstein778d ago

Oh, but if we want to hate something, we need to read into everything and create our own narrative./sarcasm.

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778d ago
The_DFO778d ago (Edited 778d ago )

If he hadn't learned anything, he would have offered a long list of specific features, released an E3-style pre-rendered cinematic trailer labeled "in-game footage", and made the round of talk shows gushing his enthusiasm for the project.

All we have here is: "We're working on something. It's a challenge for us."

If anything, he has demonstrated again and again that he has learned to be very disciplined in how he communicates with the public. He doesn't even make promises regarding updates to NMS until after they have released. All we get ahead of time is a single, cryptic emoji on his Twitter feed.

Kados778d ago (Edited 778d ago )

It seems to have been mostly just a matter of him underestimating the time it would take to do what they wanted with it. They have yet to announce a release date for the new game, so they have as much time as they need for a proper launch this time around.

NMS is also currently far beyond what was ever promised.

Abear21778d ago

It’s like he’s trying to throw all the good will away that he’s earned with these free updates. Under promise-Over deliver. The hype train that leaves too early will likely run out of steam before it’s destination.

Bathyj778d ago

Well that's just poor planning of your resources. I don't see what time you leave having any bearing on fuel

-Foxtrot778d ago (Edited 778d ago )

This guy literally deserves no sympathy if he does it again

778d ago
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DnBSkillZ778d ago

This is the equivalent of 16x the detail

Magog778d ago

C'mon now haters. How many teams this small even have the guts to try to make games this ambitious? Most of them are happy to make the billionth pixel art rogue like.

H9778d ago

Oh hello Sean, are you even done with No Man Sky's original promises yet

arkard778d ago

I think no man's sky has actually surpassed its original promise at this point.

JEECE778d ago

By far. Particularly since about 40% of the promises they supposedly made were just things the community made up from watching trailers.

IRetrouk778d ago

Why does everyone forget about the office flood?

eXclurel778d ago

They did and they continue to add on it.

MrNinosan778d ago

They did many years ago and surpassed those promises by miles.

Kados778d ago

All the original promises were met by v1.5 "NEXT".

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Vithar778d ago

here we go again LOL Sean calm down

BrainSyphoned778d ago

So go the Star Citizen route and get paid for your idea. Then you can create infinite ideas inside a game while never releasing the game.

Moe-Gunz778d ago ShowReplies(1)
Si-Fly778d ago (Edited 778d ago )

‘You can experience parts of Star Citizen now’ would be a more accurate statement.

Moe-Gunz776d ago

Lol @ my comment getting flagged

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Joe Danger: Autistic boy, 8, inspires relaunch of game that helped him 'experience normal kid stuff'

Hello Games founder Sean Murray said the letter "broke our hearts and made us want to set things right". It has now been relaunched on iOS.

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GhostofHorizon854d ago

What an amazing story, Joe Danger was a fantastic game and hearing about these kinds of stories makes me much happier than hearing adults bicker back and forth about which animations a game is re-using and the amount of pixels on the screen.

This is what gaming is really about and I feel like some people just tend to forget that


Hello Games’ Sean Murray on the studio’s next No Man’s Sky-sized game

Sean Murray shares Hello Games' plans for their next big hit with the same size as No Man's Sky.

masterfox1366d ago

Sean's main to-do list points for their next big game:

1.- Dont tell lies about your new game
2.- Display the actual game
3.- Dont add bs endings

lalalala1366d ago

I don't think they actually lied, they just made a bit of a crappy game with no real goal. It was pretty obvious from when they were promoting it, it just felt completely aimless and it was it seems.

1366d ago
Jericho13371365d ago

Regardless of this, the man got death threats after it was released. So to start with, how about gamers act like civilised human beings for the next one?

MadLad1366d ago

Try not lying about this one, having the early buyers waiting years for something that sort of looked like what you promised.

1365d ago
rainslacker1365d ago

I think he wasnt very good at addressing the marketing, and maybe got ahead of himself with what he said. I never thought he maliciously lied with intent to deceive. Just always felt he was really excited about his game. I also think people took a lot of things he said and exaggerated them to be worse than the context made them.

Not that I really care to get into a back or forth on what was what back then.

The point I wanted to get at though was that he'd do well to maybe hire a professional marketing person or firm to do the marketing, because he seems like hes not adept at setting the proper expectations with his marketing.

Nacho_Z1366d ago

Comments on this dev teams articles are so predictable. Never mind the fact that an independent investigation found them not guilty of intentionally misleading consumers and that they've grafted for four years on free updates to make it right.

I guess people enjoy holding grudges for some reason.

MadLad1366d ago (Edited 1366d ago )

They weren't taken to court. That doesn't equate to not being deceiving lol. They straight up were dishonest about mechanics, depth, and scenarios to be had within the game.

I'm not exactly going to thank them for working on a shell of a game they sold at retail to millions either.

"Oh thank you, Hello Games, for secretly selling me a secret early access title for full retail! Maybe years down the road you'll finally give me something similar to what you told me I was buying at launch, as other people get it for half the cost, or cheaper!".

Nacho_Z1366d ago

Yeah exactly as I said.

1365d ago
yeahokwhatever1366d ago

best game studio right now. they had lofty goals and missed them initially. but they added more for FREE than most studios offer paid. theyve been working hard for their players, and not for their publishers. I appreciate that dedication.

roadkillers1366d ago

It really showed to their strengths to continue. They didnt make additional revenue with that besides attracting new fans. Didnt sell any of that as aditional content. Very strong devrloper

Nebaku1366d ago

So fixing a mistake, makes them a better studio than the 10's of hundreds that don't make the mistake in the first place?

isarai1365d ago

When the game was made by 3 people, then finished off by a team of only 23, after losing tons of work after a studio flood. Yes, imo it makes them better than many.

roadkillers1365d ago

You build a crap hotel, no one wants to stay. You spend three years remodeling to make it unique and above standard, people will support your hotel by staying in it.

yeahokwhatever1361d ago

they didnt just fix the shortcomings, they exceeded them. on top of that, the game is still selling how many years later? and they're not charging anyone for all of this extra work. its dedication that just exceeds what ive come to expect from game creators. yes, other bigger studios launch more complete experiences. but then they charge for every little thing. yes, i know thats driven by "the board" and revenue-driven development. but seriously, these guys are my favorite devs right now because they're targeting their players, not the board of directors. and thats my point.

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