
Laura Vandervoort talks Spider-Man Edge of Time Video Game

We had a chance to demo Spider-Man: Edge of Time during our stay at Comic-Con International San Diego in July 2011. This time around Beenox has narrowed down the cast of heroes to only two in the Amazing Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2099. The game features a clever twist in which action in one timeline will affect the heroes or villains in another timeline.

The controls handle much like the last Spider-Man game from Beenox with some improvements here and there but still having that ‘button mashing’ gameplay element to it. Laura Vandervoort discusses her experience voice-acting the most famous female in the Marvel universe – Peter Parker’s longtime love interest Mary Jane.

kaveti66164674d ago

Who else thought of Lord Voldemort?


Spider-Man: The Webslinger’s Journey Through the Gaming Industry

In honor of the new Spider-Man game arriving September 7th, now’s good time to look at the webslinger’s history in games. Despite being a pop culture icon, Spider-Man has had a fair share of spectacular video games.

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BagoGames - Retro Review - Spider-Man: Edge of Time

Jerry from BagoGames writes, "Beenox Games really outdid themselves with their first entry into the Spider-Man franchise. Shattered Dimensions did everything right and very little wrong. Seeing that success Activision had them pump out a sequel, Spider-Man: Edge of Time, and while the game stands alone very well, it doesn’t compare very well to its predecessor. So in this review […]

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The Top 5 Best Spider-Man Video Games

"With all the recent news and excitement surrounding the Batman: Arkham Knight, I got to thinking about how much praise was levied on the Arkham franchise–one of the few good game series based on a comic book superhero. " | Explosion.com

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McScroggz3648d ago

No Maximum Carnage? List invalid!