
Bungie Staffer Pulls Gun On Shooting Suspect, Makes Citizen’s Arrest

Jeff Fletcher, an IT guy from Halo creators Bungie, pulled into the parking lot of a US Bank branch in Skyway, Seattle last week. He then saw two guys start shooting each other. What happens next is awesome.

Gazondaily4659d ago

Guess we now know who Master Chief really is. Never thought of him as an IT person.

newleaf4659d ago

This my friends is why Halo is the best FPS ever conceived, I bet you even the cleaning lady at Bungie packs heat. Awesome story, check out haters at #7, if this were a Killzone dev I bet he'd be all over the show with pride

NewVegasTroop4659d ago

so just because ONE of the many developers at bungie had a gun and experiences as law enforcer doesn't mean the game he made is the best, his story was awesome i give him that, but halo ins't

kaveti66164659d ago

What do this man's heroic actions have anything to do with Halo? What makes you think that every single person at Bungie would have reacted the same way? The article states that the man used to be a security guard and his father was a police man. Not every member of Bungie used to be a security guard, nor did every member have a policeman father.

Your claim is just really, really stupid. It's not even funny, so I'm assuming you're not joking for your benefit.

LadyGaga4659d ago

The devs at Naughty Dog probably would`ve peed themselves.

Bonobo123454659d ago

weee, everyone gets guns in america...
stupid, stupid idea..

r1sh124659d ago

Republicans wont take guns away, but it shows what people are capable of in life and death situations...

morganfell4659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

Very cool to hear that not only a gamer made the citizen's arrest but a person too often perceived as a geek - an IT guy - did so. Better still he acted as a lawfully armed citizen.

But yeah. Guns in America. I guess it would be better not to have any firearms so rioters can run rampant over your capital city, robbing, beating, and looting undefended people. So much better.

You might want to look at the actual statistics that show states with concealed carry laws have over all lower violent crime rates.

If you want to turn this into your own anti-American/anti-gun rant you will find the facts (start with the core story for one) allied against you.

Bonobo123454659d ago

You forgot what initially started the riots, it was someone getting shot....

No guns is better than everyone having a gun, whoever thinks otherwise is a moron..

look at all the shootings that take place involving kids in your country, look at all the needless loss of life just because people don't feel safe over there unless their armed, look at shoot-outs starting randomly in car parks!

MeanOldman4659d ago

an who shot that kid? uh oh. an them riots continued all about stealin. no one getting beat to death cares why they started they jus needed defense. an you couldnt answer what he said about the facts. uh oh again. anyone that thinks they can be a world with no gins is livin in a dream world. i live in reality. kid shooting all over the place. all i can say is you are a victim o hollywood.

mcstorm4659d ago

Bonobo12345 I agree with you on this one. The UK has alot of crime just like the rest of the world but less shooting than country's that carry guns.

The riots in the uk were mainly kids who did not carry any guns and most of them just smashed windows and took stock. so far people that have been hurt or killed is very low.

But this is because we don't carry guns in the UK. The reason why so much damage was done was because the police were out numbered and they way the raids took place were not one group of people it was pockets of groups placed all over the city's.

I live in Manchester City center and could see what was going on and saw what damage had been done and in my eyes there was not that much damage done to the main shops because the police kept the main part of the city under control but were stretched to the maxim of officers they could have on the street.

The UK police are not like the USA police in anyway they dont shoot and ask questions later this is why the problems have started because the police shot some one and that has caused a reaction for some unknown reason.

But for what happened in the UK the police are not to blame its the government. The good thing about the USA law is it is hard hitting where here in the UK for some unknown reason the laws are light and for years now people get away with alot of thing that if they did in the USA they would be put away for.

Im just hoping that now this has happened the Government give the police more power and that no matter what crime you have committed you are punished for it.

But back to this story its good to see things like this happening in the world.

lastdual4659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )


"You forgot what initially started the riots, it was someone getting shot..."

Yeah, after firing at the police (with an illegal gun). You would rather have the police not be allowed to fire back? I guess some people really do want only the criminals to have guns...

RedDead4659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

lastdual...was it not confirmed that the guy did not actually shoot? I agree with no guns anyway, if guns were available, this UK riot would be much much worse. Uk law puts life above everything else.

Look...an Irish man defending england...jesus...let me go back and say, if this was in he north of Ire, tha water cannons and rubber bullets would be taken out straight away.

DarkTower8054659d ago

What happens when citizens cant own a gun? Oh I don't know, massacres like in Syria and Lybia by ruthless dictators. People need a right to defend themselves against criminals and hostile governments. If the US outlawed guns, the criminals would still have them, which would be worse.

gamingdroid4659d ago

I believe in freedom, not restrictions. The government uses "your safety" as an excuse to limit your freedom everyday!

Next thing you know, we are China....

kaveti66164659d ago

"whoever thinks otherwise is a moron.."

You can spend the rest of your life justifying your beliefs with this little mantra, but it won't make you a smarter person.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4659d ago
limewax4659d ago

Maybe guns work for you over there, But it IS different here, And those riots would have been an absolute bloodbath if guns were legal

Brownghost4659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

pretty badass and brave and actually steps in to hel. Funny thing is the media didnt say he was a IT for halo, video games arent very popular over their?

FlashXIII4659d ago (Edited 4659d ago )

It blows my mind that people in America can actually get permits allowing them to carry guns around in public. I understand gun licenses for protecting your home but to actually carry guns in public and around children? That's nuts.

Chocoboh4659d ago

nuts? He was a secruity officer before and was permitted to carry one. And, it doesn't matter how you spin it criminals will always get their hands on guns no matter what you do. I'd like to see outstanding citizens with guns rather than criminals thank you.

FlashXIII4659d ago

And the reason criminals get their hands on guns in the first place is thanks to your whacked out gun laws.

With the risk of sounding ignorant, security officer is hardly a do-gooder profession where people can be fully trusted carrying guns in public. Now I've never been to America but half the "security officers" I've met in my country (UK) are just power tripping assholes. Maybe he's a nice guy who knows but I know my country is far safer with it's far more strict gun laws.

OC_MurphysLaw4659d ago

@FlashXIII I am sure the shooting victim found shot in the face in his car during the London riots agrees...it only happens in America. /sarcasm.

FlashXIII4659d ago

That doesn't mean it's impossible to get guns in the UK but shootings are far less common over here. Imagine if the riots in the UK over the last 7 days were held in America where gangs have access to guns.. they'd have turned really ugly. But nope our gangs just have to throw bricks, pieces of wood and everything else they can get their hands on.

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InUrFoxHole33d ago

What is this she/her, he/him bs?


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Kaii55d ago

Layoffs should be hitting the incompetent management at this point.

Profchaos55d ago

Talk about mismanaged Bungie is a studio of tremendous potential and have made some of the greatest shooters to date. Sony pushed them to just make another Destiny style game and consult on other studios live service games and are now getting thrown under a bus as the pivot away from predominantly gaas games is unfolding.

I'd love to see a world where Bungie can focus on telling great sci fi stories again away from a live service dungeon but we all know that's a pipe dream

Rynxie55d ago (Edited 55d ago )

Are you serious? Do you just talk out of your arse naturally, or did it take years of being a POS?

Profchaos55d ago

You normally get so offended by internet comments or did it take years of being soft

purple10155d ago (Edited 55d ago )

Yes I see your point mate, someone clearly didn’t read the article.

Specifically the bit:

“Notably, multiple sources at the time and since have shared that Sony has largely left the studio to sort out its own troubles and was not responsible for the layoffs, with CEO Pete Parsons taking responsibility.“

He’s just spouting nonsense

Huey_My_D_Long55d ago

lol what so fucking hilarious is that you called him out so bad he projected him being offended onto you.

Its been well documented that Bungie's management has been more responsible for their shortfalls, even mentioned in said article that we are commenting on.

Its ok, just admit you didn't read the article.


Arrowhead Studios will be Sony’s GaaS consult now.

Gameseeker_Frampt55d ago

I like how for some, it is never Bungie's fault. Microsoft, Activision, and now Sony - it is everyone else who is pushing Bungie to make all these bad decisions.

-Foxtrot55d ago

Thrown under the bus?

Are you joking? This is all Bungie, we all thought it was 100% Activision but it's clear the higher ups at Bungie don't have a clue how to run the studio and are more bothered about saving their own skin and the money that they rake in.

Sony gave them an extra $1.2 Billion to make sure that employees didn't leave and they didn't have to cut anyones jobs. Where did that money go because Bungie still cut peoples jobs and I bet you the higher management still kept a hold of their big fact paychecks and bonuses.

Sony invested poorly in this and the best thing they can do now is throw the old Bungie management out and take hold of the studio fully.


Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Somebody at Bungie is the golden goose making great shooting mechanics, and the rest need to justify their paychecks.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 54d ago
Fearmonkey55d ago

This studio has had three owners and its never worked well with any of them....Management has issues

ChasterMies55d ago (Edited 55d ago )

Worked very well for Microsoft. Microsoft’s mistake was letting Bungie go.

Fearmonkey54d ago

it worked so well with MS that they so wanted to be away from them they bought the company back. Only to do it again with activision-blizzard, and then sold to Sony...Sony shouldn't have bought them...Bungie hasnt been the same for a long time..


Destiny 2’s new game director worked on every single Bungie Halo game

Destiny 2’s game director Joe Blackburn is stepping down ahead of The Final Shape, leaving Tyson Green to take the reins of the PS5 and Xbox FPS.

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DefenderOfDoom2103d ago

As someone who bought every story DLC for DESTINY 2 but not every season. the first thing I would do as game director is , if anybody pre-orders The ?Final Shape , they will be able to play all older DLC and seasons with purchase of FINAL SHAPE. . I think that would bring back a lot of DESTINY 2 plsyers who have not experienced the seasons a chance to play season activities before Final Shape comes out.

DickyD1226102d ago

I agree but I was just able to get all dlcs for 50 on steam. (Have it on PlayStation but don't always have access to the TV)