
Counter-Strike sequel rumors appear

Reports of an upcoming and as-yet-unnannounced Counter-Strike game have appeared around the Internet within the last hour. Posts on Facebook and the Steam forums — with input from confirmed Valve employees — join Twitter rumblings, eSports discussion and a Reddit thread from playtesters in a frenzy of as-yet-unconfirmed information and discussion.

It is not yet known whether the game will be released on console, or will be a PC exclusive. More information about the game will reportedly be released tomorrow.

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Shackdaddy8364658d ago (Edited 4658d ago )

I can't wait! I love CS.

deadpoole4658d ago

that is gonna kick all fps asses out there.

ATi_Elite4658d ago

Not gonna beat Red Orchestra 2.

NuclearDuke4658d ago


It will probably beat sales on every FPS coming out this year. Red Orchestra & the most successfull MOD to it, didn't even sell 5% of what CS:S sold.

meetajhu4658d ago

First Valve has to release Donut 2 and then Counter Strike!


Gazondaily4658d ago

If there is a sequel to counter strike in the works, it can't be anything short of epic. It should be difficult to master but instantly enjoyable like its predecessor and it should have a new de_dust map!

Please let this rumour be true!!!

peowpeow4658d ago

Think they'll include the ability to aim down sights? I find games with strictly hip-firing are generally more competitive, which I love :)

I guess it's most likely they won't, I can't recall a single Valve game with ADS

FlashXIII4658d ago (Edited 4658d ago )

If there is a sequel I think the opposite and should completely free of de_dust maps. So many servers just run dust2 constantly or at least did last time I played cs 1.6 or css.

Bah well after a bit of searching found that there will be dust maps. Guess it was always going to happen.

Pandamobile4658d ago

Let what die? CS and CSS are still incredibly popular.

TheIneffableBob4658d ago

Yup, still one of the most popular online games. It has tremendous lasting power, both 1.6 and Source.

Pretty sure the player numbers for Source are about on par if not higher than Halo Reach, and 1.6 is even more popular.

Bolts4658d ago

The amount of people playing CS is mind boggling considering how old it is. There are more people playing CS right now than Halo and Killzone combined. The amazing thing is that is has been like this nonestop for what, five years? Name a single FPS from any platform with this much players day in day out for years and years.

Not a single one. Except CS. I believe CS: Source sold something like 200K units last month? Thats amazing.

stevenhiggster4658d ago

I read an article in a recent PCgamer mag, and they broke down all the current big online FPS's by average number online and CSS still has more people online everyday than COD4, MW2 and Blops combined.
That's on the PC at least, I'm sure if you put in console numbers the COD's would win, but even so, that's bloody impressive for a 7 year old game! And that's just CS source, loads of people still play the original CS.

BeastlyRig4658d ago

Why would you let one of the top pc shooters die? So many people still play it! MK needs to die though..

TheIneffableBob4658d ago

From what I've read from Reddit, CS:GO at the moment is mostly Source but with the best aspects of 1.6. But there is still a lot to be added and changed. Valve invited a bunch of professional CS:Source players to come and playtest and give their feedback. The pro players came to Valve today and played the current build of the game then gave feedback, and tomorrow Valve will implement their feedback and the pro players will play that version of the game.

BonhamZ0S04658d ago

No way. That's kiiiiiiiller.

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thorstein15d ago

Should have happened a long time ago. People wanting refunds after 50 hours in game.

fsfsxii15d ago

Pc gamers will take this as an excuse to pirate things

KyRo15d ago

I'm not sure why you're getting disgrees. Whilst not all PC gamers are petty, an awful lot of them are lol

Crows9015d ago

Entirely untrue. Not any more petty than console gamers. The only large difference is console gamers don't have much of a choice.

Michiel198915d ago

Not sure why you're getting agrees. an awful lot of console gamers are overemotional twinks ready to go to war over a plastic box, I'll take being a pc gamer then.

Speaking about overgeneralizing much.

Nooderus14d ago

"X" type of gamer conversations are cringe

qalpha15d ago

Daily reminder that 'TheGamer' is a corporate-generated, anti-gamer, anti-consumer, clickbait web site. They are mostly A.I. generated articles that villainize gamers. They provide nothing positive and actively try to provoke and divide the community through extreme view points and politics. Do not give them any clicks.

Inverno15d ago

Only scumbags? As if people don't play their games on console put in the most amount of hours and return it to GameStop and trade it in for another game. But also how many people are actually do this? And what games have been allowed to be refunded?

DustMan15d ago

You can refund any game you've purchased as long as it hasn't been longer than two weeks, and you've played less than 2 hours. I wish they would change it to 3 hours because some RPG's have so much exposition that you may only get an hour total of complete gameplay. That's my only knock on it. I've refunded plenty of stuff I was just curious to try. I typically stay away from Early Access titles which are the only ones affected by this policy change.

Inverno15d ago

Apparently early access doesn't count, only complete games with a play early preorder bonus.

Gaming4Life198115d ago

I definitely know if I want a refund in 2 hours.

SegaSaturn66915d ago

I never liked refunding anything. Even if a film is bad, i dont want my money back. Sometimes things just aren't for me, and it's not the creator's fault necessarily.

Gaming4Life198115d ago

I feel you and i have never walked out on a bad movie cause I payed my money. I also don't refund games cause I'm a gamer and I know what to buy lol. I think having a digital refund is great.

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