
New PS3 Firmware Adds PSP Remaster Compatibility (Japan)

Andriasang: Version 3.70 of the PlayStation 3's firmware is available today. Joining some PlayStation Plus exclusive features, the firmware update makes your PS3 ready for the PSP Remaster series, which kicks off on the 25th with Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD.

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powerofcell4683d ago (Edited 4683d ago )

Up next we will be getting bc for all the ps2 games. its obvious psp remasters were higher on sonys priority list. comon sony make it happen.

Ranshak4683d ago

Lol Powerofcell you actually believe Sony will be giving BC on the current PS3? Dont you think Sony would rather sell HD remakes?

just_looken4683d ago


You should read up they had software emulation backwards compatibility on ps3's and was going to have that on the slims but the god of war fans showed them a new market so i doubt they will release software emulation again sense these hd collections are making them more money,

powerofcell4683d ago (Edited 4683d ago )

Anyone thinking Sony would ever take advantage of their customers is obviously retarded. An honest and honorable company like Sony would never do such a thing.

I bet the only reason why they havent given us BC is because we would get over whelmed with too many games and then wouldnt get time to enjoy the awesome current gen games. I am sure BC is on Sonys to do list, its just that they feel we arent ready for it yet.

Venoxn4g4683d ago

@powerofcell in your dreams maybe :) if they wanted, BC was from the start of PS3, like it was in first 60GB models.. why do you think they removed it?

Respectful company? :) every company is doing profit - some more, some less.. HD remakes = tons of money..

zinki334683d ago (Edited 4683d ago )

@Venox2008 ,.. Probably primarily because of production costs of emotion engine or whatever it was called,.. same with few usbs,.. I really doubt it was some kind of nefarious plan from beginning,.. And thank god they did that,.. They were loosing money on every console sold,.. and you could almost get 360+Wii for the price of Launch PS3,..

Besides ,.. PS2 games even with smoothing look like shit on HDTVs,.. And I would know that since I still run my launch 60gig,.. Actually traded in GOWs to get the collection,..

Ranshak4683d ago (Edited 4683d ago )


I doubt it was the cost of the emulation engine. If a group of people can develop emulators for the PC to run almost every PS2 game out there, it shouldnt have been a issue for Sony.

It was either they wanted to sell HD remakes or PS3 on its own wasnt powerful enough to do emulation of PS2 games(without having any additional hardware).

Personally i think it was for both reasons.

kneon4683d ago

The real reason for no BC is that hardly anyone cares at this point. Sure it's important at launch when there are few games, but by now there is little reason to be playing such ancient games, there are far too many good new games to play.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4683d ago
zeksta4683d ago

I just love how people find the extra hidden features in most firmwares :)

Sarobi4683d ago

I usually try to look around for new hidden things myself, but i fail at actually doing so haha

Fanbot4683d ago

i don't have this xmb settings...

Fanbot4682d ago

why disagree? try yourself stupid bitches. in EUROPE these settings aren't enabled.


Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD Ver. Becomes A $30 Greatest Hits Game In Japan

Siliconera - Sony will also re-release budget copies of The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Zero, Pop’n Music Portable 2, and the two PSP Nanoha games.

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DA_SHREDDER4133d ago

there's no reason why this, dragon quest, and phantasy star aren't on the ps3. Ridiculous, still waiting on my skies hd remake too.


Capcom: Future of Monster Hunter outside Japan “very bright”

Gematsu: "Capcom held one of their regular “Ask Capcom” live stream events today, during which the company’s Christian Svensson addressed fan concerns over the Monster Hunter franchise’s fate in the west."

GameTavern4423d ago

So it seems more and more likely that Nintendo will be a publishing partner on this going forward?

Stunt4423d ago

Might be what they're waiting for: Nintendo's final call on the whole thing.

GameTavern4423d ago

I have to imagine that publishing in the West was part of the deal Nintendo made to get the game and 4 on the 3DS

That or sacrificing Mario's first born.

ronin4life4423d ago

I think that capcoms deep relationship with Nintendo has more to do with it. (Though I wouldn't rule out such deals and partnerships.)
They have been close partners on quite a few projects over the years.

FarCryLover1824423d ago

"very bright" = DLC out the WAZOO?!?!

ronin4life4423d ago

Mon hun has, as far as I know, only free dlc.

FarCryLover1824423d ago

That's a good thing. But based on Capcom's track record, one would assume otherwise. Hopefully Capcom are on the right path and won't charge much in the States.

Jensen4423d ago

soo does that mean... no more MH on a sony device...?

sloth33954423d ago

maybe it should have real online on the ps3 and not just ad hoc

SamPao4423d ago

thats capcom, always relying on sony, but when sony does not deliver they change to nintendo, THE F!! whats wrong with these guys..

phantomexe4423d ago

I had never played a monster hunter game until i played the one on the Wii and i loved it. This one was money well spent.

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Capcom pessimistic on Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD Ver. (PS3) localization

Capcom’s Christian Svensson has provided another update regarding the possible North American localization of the Playstation 3 game, Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD Ver.

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phantomexe4469d ago

The monster hunter game i played on the wii was the first one i'd have ever played and it was a really good game. Friend of mine still plays the crap out of it.

SamPao4469d ago

Capcom wtf... just release Monster Hunter on the Vita! your excuses are getting annoying!

Inception4469d ago

Cashcom doesn't like money? wow, this is the 1st time i heard about that!

PygmelionHunter4469d ago

At this point, I don't care anymore, just give me MH4 and fast.

HarvesterOSarow4469d ago

Played this on the PSP with english translation. Good game, kinda too easy, and a definite step down from Unite. But if it came to the US legit I'd buy it. Also, I would kill for a MH Vita. Me and my shiny new handheld are just waiting to spend hundreds of hours together.

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