
New legend mode screens revealed for Dynasty Warriors 7: Xtreme Legends

Several new screenshots have been released for Dynasty Warriors 7: Xtreme Legends, showcasing the new legend mode from the upcoming hack-and-slash title.

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4684d ago

PlayStation Store Global Update – April 9, 2013

Each week Sony brings PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Portable owners new content, add-ons, games and more. PlayStation LifeStyle catalogs the PlayStation Store updates for the major regions across the globe. Check back every Tuesday and Wednesday to keep up to date with each week's PlayStation Store Update.

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TrendyGamers4074d ago

Good price for the Borderlands Bundle.

knifefight4074d ago

I heard that has same-screen co-op. Is this true?

BitbyDeath4074d ago

Both Borderlands games have split-screen co-op.
Recommend it if you're looking for a co-op game.

Morgue4074d ago (Edited 4074d ago )

Combined $60 for both on Live. If you own a PS3 and have Plus but never bought Borderlands 2.

This is a steal @ $20.99

Wedge194074d ago

Gauca seems like a must buy this week, especially with the plus discount.

nevin14074d ago

Wow God Of War Chain of Olympus at Gamestop is $6.99 vs $14.99 on the PSN

Apollosupreme4074d ago

Yeah, you could do the retail vs. PSN comparisons until you pass out from exhaustion. You're typically going to get a better deal on older games by going to a retail store but let's see you get the UMD version working on your Vita haha ;)


Dynasty Warriors 7: Xtreme Legends Review | The Game Scouts

Tin Salamunic: A little over a decade ago, the Dynasty Warriors games were my go-to franchise for reliving the retro days of brainless, albeit therapeutic, button mashing. Despite their simplicity, slicing though hordes of enemies with extravagant Wushu maneuvers was exhilarating. As the current generation rolled in, the series became somewhat stagnant; introducing meager changes to an already barren formula and with so many yearly permutations, I lost track…and eventually interest. It’s been years since I picked up a Dynasty Warriors title; so going into this updated expansion to DW7 evoked a certain sense of nostalgia. I can’t say that my expectations were high, but to my surprise, Tecmo’s latest is a superb little gem for fans reminiscing the days of vintage brawlers.

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5 completely unnecessary video game sequels

Not every sequel capitalizes on the promise of the original. Here's five examples of sequels they really didn't need to make.

Tolkoto4428d ago

This could have been a list of 50 games.

SybaRat4428d ago

And might I just say, "SCREW BIOSHOCK 2."

THR1LLHOUSE4428d ago

Hindsight being what it is, it's pretty easy to look back and say a bad sequel wasn't needed...

And yeah, Bioshock 2 was nothing special but Infinite is sort of a sequel, right? And that's gonna be amaaazing.