
GO Series: Portable Shrine Wars Review (Modojo)

Kristan Reed (Modojo): It's nice to include willful nonsense like Portable Shrine Wars now and then. Not because it's necessarily any good (it isn't), but because it's fun to wonder out loud how on Earth things like this ever get off the drawing board.


Wiiloveit.com: GO Series: Portable Shrine Wars - DSiWare Review

"When I first saw Portable Shrine Wars (or Omikoshi Wars as it was known back then), I actually laughed inside. I couldn't take the game seriously and didn't think it would even come over here. Surprisingly, Gamebridge believed in the game and felt that TOM CREATE's latest arcade-style title was worth bringing over to North America. More surprising, though, is the fact that the same game I once scoffed at is actually fun to play. Go Series: Portable Shrine Wars is a sometimes-chaotic venture that's very much worth checking out, especially for only $2." -- Wiiloveit.com

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