Godchild10204694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

I think SE just got a Get out of Jail free Card. I was a little depressed when this got cancelled and to hear that SE is bringing it back, makes me a little happier inside. Go for it SE.

joydestroy4694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

yeah, especially since UFG is still developing!
i was crushed when i heard it was canned but i had a feeling someone would pick it back up. i mean, it was almost done

this way, everyone wins. Acti gets some of that dough back and gamers will prob get a more polished product.

WrAiTh Sp3cTr34694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

Now let's watch all these people back pedal on their SE "comments".

DaTruth4694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

Now they just need to make it a better game! I only played TC:SoLA, but that game was complete crap!

That was back in the days when I use to just buy any game anyone said was like GTA! I was a casual gamer and bought many-a-crappy game. It wasn't until I decided I wasn't gonna lose any more money that I realized the best of gaming and started really gaming... playing all the good games can do that to you!

showtimefolks4694d ago

they should take their time and add things like planes and stuff that were missing

open world games should have everything that SR2 and GTA4 had so if they want to make an open world gta style game those things are must

but hand to hand combat looks great so hopefully SE will do a fan survey and do this game justice

badz1494694d ago

totally unexpected. UFG has done incredibly on MNR and I hope this will be shaping into a great game!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4694d ago
Oxymoron0284694d ago


ABizzel14694d ago

Sqaure Enix London/EU (aka Eidos) has been on a roll.

New Tomb Raider, Just Cause 2, Dues Ex, New Hitman, and Thief 4.

It's Square Japan that's been terrible as of late.

Ducky4694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

Don't forget Batman.

Though I do want to slap the person who came up with 'THI4F' as the title.
I don't want to break my never-by-a-game-with-a-number- in-its-name rule with a game with such a horrendous title. =(

TheBatman_Fanatic4694d ago

Eidos/Square Enix only published Batman. Rocksteady did the developing. Also, by the time Square Enix bought Eidos, Batman was already released. We don't need Square Enix destroying a masterpiece called Arkham Asylum.

OC_MurphysLaw4694d ago

Indeed....hand this IP over to Square Enix London/EU!

Solid_Snake-4694d ago

not good news. square have ruined many a western product recently.

dragonyght4694d ago

tomb raider and deusx is shaping up pretty good.

joydestroy4694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

also, let's not forget that Square Enix is a publisher. not a developer...

WrAiTh Sp3cTr34694d ago

At least Solid snake is sticking to his guns and may even go down with the ship.

WhiteLightning4694d ago (Edited 4694d ago )

So as long as a company waves the right amount of money in Activisions face they can get the rights of a game....I mean of course the game would have to be something which dosen't do much for Activision.

NaughtyDog please buy the rights of Crash Bandicoot back off these arseholes who ruined him. They should go for Spyro aswell, I know it wasn't made by them but insomniac games will never buy it back even if they had the chance to

MrBeatdown4694d ago

You, seeing as how you clicked on the article.

And people who thought the game looked good, like me.

Hopefully that answers your question.

thekiddfran4694d ago

Cool story bro, now where is versus 13??

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No Hope For True Crime 3 As Activision Abandons Franchise Trademark

"If you're still waiting ever so patiently for True Crime 3 you're in for a disappointment. It's not happening. Activision has seemingly abandoned the franchise after abandoning the True Crime trademark." The Games Cabin

Read Full Story >>
Snookies123448d ago

*salutes* Rest in peace True Crime, loved the first two games when I was a bit younger...

chrish19903448d ago

*wipes away a single manly tear*

But yeah, such a shame. I still play True Crime: Streets of LA from time to time on the old gamecube. It hasn't aged extremely well but damn it's good fun.

Snookies123448d ago (Edited 3448d ago )

Loved that game. Still have my Gamecube copy as well. I put so many hours into that one... XD

3448d ago
badz1493448d ago

Sleeping Dogs is pretty much True Crime 3 wasn't it?

breakpad3447d ago

Nice Craptivision now abandon Crash Bandicoot also ...it doesnt belong to you

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3447d ago
scark923448d ago

Loved the Smoking Donkey cheat!

3447d ago
Torque_CS_Lewith3448d ago

I thought we knew True Crime was dead and Sleeping Dogs had risen from its ashes.

chrish19903448d ago

Hmm, sort of. Activision cancelled TC 3 but still owned the rights for it, so there was always a chance, albeit slim, that a TC 3 would come. Alas, it seems we are never to see it.

Rimeskeem3448d ago

I'm starting to hate activision

RedDevils3447d ago

What so you just starting to hate them? Isn't that a bit late

illtornworld3448d ago

:( maybe itll be reborn as Sleeping Dogs 2? True Crime was such a great game! i enjoyed it more than GTA wellll idk i likeTrue Crime and Sn Andreas the same. fuck gta iv >_<

isarai3447d ago

Not really, Triad Wars is more a spinoff as it's basically just Sleeping Dogs with a couple tweaks and turned into a f2p game.

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Sleeping Dogs: Hints and Tips

Sleeping Dogs has a lot to offer but it's easy to miss the little things. The following hints and tips should help maximize your fun and minimize any aggravation.

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4306d ago
GuyThatPlaysGames4306d ago

Here's a tip/hint : don't play this piece of shit called a game.

spike4306d ago

Hint rent it don't buy it


Games, governments, and guarantees: Where does public funding fit in the industry?

38 Studios went bankrupt and Rockstar moved from Vancouver to Toronto. Where does the government budget sit in our industry, and how can we improve its use?

JackB844328d ago

Share sources and I will approve!

SybaRat4328d ago

The answer is give me all the government money. All of it!