kamakaz3md4703d ago

sexy, i wanna see more RUN gameplay tho.

2SickWidIt4703d ago (Edited 4703d ago )

If i were dice, i would ask them to take the frostbite 2 logo off at the end of the video. This game's bad graphics are an embarrassment to the frostbite 2 engine. Watch this video in HD and full screen it to fully see how bad the graphics are. The cars lack AA and i feel nfs hot pursuit looks better. Finally, why are they using a remix of the Bourne track. They should stop embarrassing my favorite trilogy with this crap attempt at making a somewhat interesting story.

Madusha4703d ago (Edited 4703d ago )

That probably isn't even the very final product and also, if you do view the vid in HD you will notice that's damn good graphics for a NFS game. Frostbite has done very, very well.

I have pretty high expectations for this game since it seems to have a good storyline or a story at all for that matter. A good plot to a NFS game has been missing for quite a while. Let's see if it can beat most wanted.

The previous title, NFS: Hot Pursuit is good but it's missing that final piece to make it perfect - the story! Love the autolog feature and drifting, being a cop was pretty damn fun, too.


Ranking the Need for Speed games - from the bad to the great

Paul writes: "Without further ado, here is my list of the best and worst Need For Speed games in the history of the world! I'll run worst to best, so if you want to know which is the best ever Need for Speed game, you’ll have to read on."

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OneEyedSteve1769d ago

Most wanted 2012 imo was awful, on PS3 the graphics are dreadful, and the crash cam was very annoying. Rival is the worst imo, hated that game. My favourite is Hot Pursuit, great game. Also Shift 1&2 are really good.

OnlyThoseOnTheFence1769d ago

High Stakes will always be my favorite. Great cars, great music, and you could see through the windows which was pretty mind-blowing at the time. Best of all it was ricer-free.

steven83r1769d ago

Lame. The list doesn't even include any of the originals. NFS 1 and NFS hot Pursuit 1998. Must be a youngster who created the list.

CYALTR1768d ago

He clearly stated that being this was an Xbox centered site he was going to limit his list to games that released on some form of Xbox. He also stated he had been playing them since OG PLaystation, so pretty sure he's not a "youngster"

Retroman1768d ago (Edited 1768d ago )

From my personal experience NFS I personally don't like.......
The Worst : Underground 2 , Carbon, Prostreets, Undercover, Porche unleashed, Nitro, NFS World, 2012 Mostwanted, Rivals, 2015 Reboot last but not least Paycrap.
Best NFS I personally like :
All ps1 NFS : HighStakes (the best) including NFS 3 Hotpursuit , ps2 Hotpursuit 2 (Excellent game ) ..Underground ( Best so far)
2005 Mostwanted ( Excellent game) Shift 1/2 (Spectacular) remind me of GT , 2010 Hotpursuit Great game but race Waaaaaaay to long in my personal opinion . Last but not least The Run . these are my favorite NFS titles .
After The Run in my personal opinion NFS went down hill fast with Open world mapping crap, always online, multiplayer crap, alldrive, drifting in every freaking corners, no gripping anymore,autolog. None of this crapfest is NFS original formula. until Ea contract Ghost Games to return the original formula back in NFS it will always be Shitty game.


10 Hollywood Actors You (Probably) Didn’t Know Voiced Video Game Characters

10 Hollywood Actors You (Probably) Didn’t Know Voiced Video Game Characters.

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blackblades3000d ago

Plenty of them that does VO for video games and animated films like batman movies.

GigawattConduit3000d ago

Huh, didn't know Steve Carrell did video games. That feels just so weird. Already knew Magneto was in Fable 3, but it took me a while to place him.

SpinalRemains1383000d ago

Don't step on Christopher Walken's lawn.


Top 5 Cool Online Car Racing Games

You come to right place to know about Top 5 Cool Online Car Racing Games. These "Top 5" are asked from different gamers of different countries and then we create the list of Top 5 Car Games. Remember these games are listed Single-player and Multi-player both. Here is the list:

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Matt6663535d ago

Burnout Paradise, enough said.

Immorals3535d ago

Revenge is better any day, shame the online is as dead as a dodo :(

pop_tarts3535d ago

Have to agree with Matt here

Rebel_Scum3535d ago (Edited 3535d ago )

Wow 4/5 games listed are Need for Speed games. Nice variety...not.

Personally I would add Daytona USA. When that was released on xbox live there was a fairly decent community playing this game.