
New Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland screenshots

NISA released over 60 new screenshots of Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland.

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CrescentFang4697d ago

Thank You Kishida Mel! Totori is so cute~
She beats even Rorona and Meruru, I'm sorry guys....

zerocrossing4697d ago

Noooo!! but Rorona! D: I just finished Atelier Rorona the other day and Im all fanboy for her atm lol, It was a great game the music the art style was awesome. Im 1/3 my second play through atm :) Can't wait for Atelier Totori!


Arland's adventurer and apprentice - Atelier Totori vs. Atelier Meruru

"Gust's Atelier series offers plenty of lighthearted fun so let's see whether Totori or Meruru has the more worthwhile adventure." - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums

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VideoChums1914d ago

Make sure to vote for your favourite at the bottom of the article! :D

rainslacker1913d ago

Rorona is, and always will be my favorite. She's just too adorable.

Her game was great, but others have been better. I just like the character the most. One thing they got right in her game though was the pacing of the time aspect. Gave plenty of time without wasting too much here or there like all the other games seemed to do.

Reibooi1914d ago

I enjoyed the story for Totori more but had more fun overall with Meruru. Love them both though.

TheColbertinator1914d ago

Meruru was better. Kingdom building was a nice push for the series

Teflon021913d ago

I prefer Totori I was a bit boring and the only one that didn't hook me out of the 3 Plus versions I played though Totori was really rough on new players unlike Meruru


Atelier Arland Trilogy DX PS4 review - Demon Gaming

Lyam writes: - Atelier Arland Trilogy DX is another collection release, but this time, on PlayStation 4. The games with it are Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland, Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland, and Atelier Meruru: The Apprentice of Arland, which have all appeared on PlayStation 3, as well as the PlayStation Vita. It’s quite an ongoing franchise with Atelier Rorona is the 11th game in the series and there are more plenty more to come.

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Teflon021979d ago

It's probably my favourite 3 (well didn't like meruru much) But the price is trash. Should have been normal retail price for all 3 imo.

LG_Fox_Brazil1979d ago

I haven't played the Atelier series for quite a while now. Last game I finished was Iris 3, although I didn't really liked it. I love the first one, Eternal Mana. I think I finished Atelier Iris 1 at least three times. I bought Atelier Sophie and played less than 10 hours before I dropped it. Would love to see another game with the Iris level of story telling.

Servbot411979d ago

Surprised this wasn't censored.


Want Your Vita Game To Be A Best-Seller? Just Don't Tell Anyone It Exists.

Kotaku - Last month, the Japanese publisher Tecmo Koei released the Vita version of Japanese role-playing game Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland. They told nobody that it was out.

Sanquine904075d ago (Edited 4075d ago )

What? You mean... I can play this! Faster vita go on psn! Download!

TBH i did not know it was on PSN..

contradictory4075d ago

it's the first i've heard of a vita version :0

rainslacker4074d ago

What's sad is that Tecmo didn't even send out their newsletter with any info on it until about a week after release. It wasn't even on their website. If I hadn't happen to come across the article here(which wasn't very hot at the time), then I wouldn't have known either.

I actually just brought the PS3 version a few weeks ago though. Probably would have gotten it on the Vita instead had I known it was coming.

-Gespenst-4075d ago

It sounds counter-intuitive but in a way it kind of makes sense.

Instead of all the hype and teasing and build-up from months of marketing, some dude just happens across the game on psn and is hugely surprised and excited. Then, it gets spread like wildfire and you have concentrated excitement all over the internet. It's almost like they didn't even have to wait for the game, because they weren't even aware it existed until they saw it for sale on psn. I'd imagine that's pretty exciting for fans. Risky, but I could see how it might work.

TheTwelve4075d ago (Edited 4075d ago )

I've owned this on my Vita for awhile. =) A very good Vita adaption, very sharp and crisp gameplay...

I've always said that advertising was overrated. Good games will sell through word of mouth, and always have.


TheoreticalParticle4075d ago

That's really not all that true. It works in this scenario because it doesn't take much to stand out in the crowd.

There are what, like 60 games total for the Vita right now? You don't really need ad dollars to stand out in a pack of 60. People who are looking for games on a Vita are going to find your game.

When you get to a crowded marketplace, like say, Steam, or the Apple App Store, you're not going to sell like gangbusters just because you're good. People have to find you first.

Ad dollars certainly are overrated in SOME cases, but plenty of good games have also gone to the bargain bin. It's a matter of knowing which situation you're in.

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