
Joystiq- Kinect Star Wars Preview: Pod (racing) people

Joystiq: "The pod racing mode played surprisingly well. I've never really been a fan of pod racing in general (either in video game format or in the prequels -- don't get me started), but the Kinect interface turns out to be a pretty capable metaphor for controlling a pod's two throttles.

It's a little more complicated than that -- a Microsoft rep said that your body's lean also plays into the controls of the vehicle -- but especially on the "expert" of the two control settings, there was lot of precision in moving both hands forward and back, as if actually gripping the two levers.

In the end, most people will buy Kinect Star Wars for the lightsabers. As Derrick said in the panel, "we've all acted out being Jedi at some point," and that's the real draw here. But pod racing is a nice extra mode to play, and a few players might find it's one of their favorite things to do in the game."

SactoGamer4676d ago

Pod racing. I already have this game (on the N64).

Bigpappy4676d ago

Good for you. Go play it!

On a serious note, this soumd really interesting as it make great use of the depth sensing capabilities of Kinect. I really hope I like this game and that there is enough of it that would justify my $50. Still waiting on COE to drop that price. Too much for a short experience.

metsgaming4676d ago

they should make a new dedicated pod racing game with normal controls. The thing is lucas arts hasnt backed a good star wars games in a long time. The force unleashed games were a joke, this game is even more of a joke, then there is the kiddie lego games an oh come on ! Make Battlefront 3 already and a new pod racing game get to it !

Raven_Nomad4676d ago

This and the space levels were the ones I was most interested in. Glad it's looking so good.

Tron_Rocks4675d ago

yes there was a pathetic N64 version, a MUCH better Dreamcast and PC version. I am looking forward to pod racing with updated visuals. I do hope the controls are spot on.


Kinect Star Wars (2012): A Journey Through the Galaxy with Motion Controls

Kinect Star Wars, a groundbreaking game released in April 2012 for the Xbox 360, utilized the Kinect motion-sensing peripheral to plunge players into the heart of the Star Wars universe.

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ApocalypseShadow415d ago

One of the worst things to happen to Star Wars was it being exclusive to Kinect when PS Move could have been a better version because of "buttons" per Kevin with better tracking. And the controller looking like a light saber hilt. Or, had an actual light saber game similar to the dojo in Vader Immortal.

But the miming lies on the Microsoft E3 stage was icing on the cake of this garage. Wasn't even live gameplay. Just bad acting. Nothing ground breaking about this travesty.


Star Wars is Best Suited for AA Gaming, Not AAA

WTMG's Leo Faria: "This piece wasn’t meant to say that Star Wars‘ gaming future is ruined forever, nor that there isn’t a chance for a good AAA Star Wars game to come out in the near future. I need to reiterate that, yes, I’m looking forward to Jedi Fallen Order. Then again, as a massive Star Wars fan, like most of you I miss the days when we would get loads of titles a year, each one focused on one specific feature of the franchise. I’d rather have a slew of smaller Star Wars games being released every year, some good and some not as good, than one big generic title being released every two years. These are always at the risk of being criticized due to typical AAA practices like expensive season passes, cut content, or microtransactions. Had Disney allowed for anyone, especially mid-range developers and publishers, to bring their creative and risk-free ideas to life, I’m sure fans would have rejoiced. And Disney’s pockets would most certainly fill up faster than nowadays."

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1748d ago Replies(1)

The Wiseau Awards - Kinect Star Wars (Xbox 360)

WTMG's Leo Faria: "Kinect Star Wars gave me the opportunity to witness Darth Vader and the Emperor dancing to Deadmau5's "Ghosts n' Stuff" like a couple of teenage ravers on ecstasy. That's the best thing I never thought I'd ever see in my life."

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Jinger2201d ago

lol I remember this. Almost as much of an embarrassment as the Star Wars Holiday Special

Barbauer2201d ago

I'm Han Solo, I'm Han Solo