
Review: Super Mario Kart: still the greatest game in the series | Digitally Downloaded

Super Mario Kart is not just a game, it’s a piece of magic, Disney-style art that brings the inner child right to the fore and is an utterly absorbing experience. Still, all these years later, it’s a must have.

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allyc4t4704d ago

Best racing game of all time! GT5 and Forza 4 can't top it! :D

solar4704d ago

totally agree. it was simple yet challenging and the mp was addictive.

Der_Kommandant4704d ago

SNES was the golden age of nintendo

ForROME4704d ago

Def after that they slowly declined in pedigree and lost the hardcore, SNES was a great system

C0MPUT3R4703d ago

Mario Kart SNES great game.

blastermaster774703d ago (Edited 4703d ago )

Im tired of this hardcore bullshit! There is no hardcore gaming just gamers that is it. This is no porno industry! Its a entretaiment industry, to entratain, harcore my @!#. Hardcore games are not FPS or bloody vilonce games, the games that are pro gamers are the ones that you use your mind to solve puzzles and challenges, not this stupid ass games of today! blood, kill, kill, destruction and more killing! WTF! Those are not games they are super casual stupid ignorant games, I do enjoy fps from time to time but come on so many of you say I'm Hardcore because i like blood and killing! This is not what video games where and you are the ones who support this cr@! are the ones killing what video games is all about!. Get games to have an adventure, to have your mind used not just have a permafrost brain that only sees a cross hair or a sword! and bullets spilling blood on your mind and you think that makes you hardcore think again,


4 Genre Defining Video Games

Yagmur Sevinc from NoobFeed writes - Sometimes the genre defines the game, but sometimes the game defines a genre, and it is beautiful.

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MIDGETonSTILTS17638d ago (Edited 638d ago )

My list:

1) Demon’s Souls - set a trend for Souls games
2) Amnesia - set trend for survival horror
3) Doom - set trend for arcade FPS’
4) Arkham Asylum - set trend for OW combat
5) Hitman 2 - set standards for sandbox levels
6) MGS1 - set trend for stealth mechanics
7) LoU - set trend for games not necessarily being “fun”, and for (trying to) eliminating ludonarrative dissonance from the violence in a game’s story.
8) Death Stranding: likely to be the only game in the “strand” genre ever. I love it, especially with the Dualsense, but it’s hella niche.

637d ago Replies(1)

Top 10 Worst Mario Kart Streets To Live On

Zipping around on a kart and throwing shells at other road users might sound fun, but spare a thought for the people who have to live next to it. Game Luster’s Nirav Gandhi brings us ten Mario Kart Streets you will be glad you don't live on.

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Mario's first kart racer - Super Mario Kart: SNES Racing That's Still Fun

"Super Mario Kart was the first Mario Kart game which is a series that still sells millions of copies so let's see how it holds up today." - Alex Legard from Video Chums

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