
GoldenEye: 007 Reloaded runs at 1080, but only on PS3

Recently announced GoldenEye 007: Reloaded will run at 720p on Xbox 360, but PlayStation 3 owners will be able to play the game at 1080.

The detail was confirmed to VideoGamer.com by Activision producer James Steer at a London announcement event for GoldenEye 007: Reloaded.

GoldenEye 007: Reloaded is being developed by Eurocom, and is an HD update of 2010's GoldenEye 007 on the Wii. Eurocom has developed a new engine "from the ground up" for the Xbox 360 and PS3 version of the game - but is it more than a simple port? "Undoubtedly," says Steer. "From a single-player point of view it's the same story and the same locations, but there isn't an area that we haven't gone and upgraded or reloaded in some way."

But what's been changed, exactly? "From a geometry point of view there's higher detail in the environments, more props, from a technology point there's much higher detailed textures, animations, effects, sound effect, completely new AI built within this engine."

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units4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

anyone else find it strange that one version running higher than the other isnt mentioned anywhere else




KonaBro4674d ago

LOL Keep spinning units. The idea that the PS3 version might run better than then 360 version just eats you up inside huh? Well there's only one way to solve that: get a PS3. ;)

blackbeld4674d ago


PS3 is a powerhouse with Alienware.

Day one for me!

lategamer4674d ago

Lol, the PS3 was always suppose to be better than the 360. It came out a year later, was hyped to run Dual 1080p at 120 FPS and be able to do 4D.

In the end, it's a bit more powerful than the 360. Games like Crysis and Gears of War 3 (beta) look just as good as Uncharted, GoW, Killzone, etc.

If you really care about graphics, just buy a gaming PC.

4674d ago
badz1494674d ago

How can this be possible?

zootang4674d ago

I didn't even know the 360 could even do proper 1080p?

Muletroid4674d ago

i actually find it very hilarious that some of the COD haters are in here looking forward to this despite the fact that this game plays EXACTLY like COD

its COD with a james bond skin

NanoSoldier4674d ago

The PS3 is not more powerful than X360. That's just fanboy-thinking here on N4G. Games like Dead Space 2, Crysis 2 (X360), Red Dead Redemption (X360) are far more impressive than Uncharted 2 or Killzone 3. Only fanboys here always make you believe that the PS3 is above the 360. And Gears 3 will be the best looking title on consoles this year.

Greywulf4674d ago Show
davekaos4674d ago

@ greywulf

you absoltely owned him there and i agree with everything you said!

Have a bubble

Adam21014674d ago

@nano soldier.. dead space and redemption are better graphicly than KZ3 and UC2 ?

its your opinion man but i don't agree..

and crysis 2 has great graphics! but KZ3 is equal if not better graphicly. console of course, on PC its a beast.

pixelsword4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

@ @:

@@@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@@@ @ @@@@@@ @@@@ @ @@@@@@ @@@


NanoSoldier4674d ago

Greywulf: Every person on earth who thinks that Uncharted or Killzone is technically ahead of Crysis 2 needs to visit a doctor quickly. The technology of Crysis 2 is something which hasn't been done on consoles yet and is far superior to every heavily scripted game you mentioned. That's the truth and everyone who knows a little bit of technology according to engines knows that I'm right.

Active Reload4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

Looks like a certain group of console gamers are getting their hopes up, lol. Where is the quote? Where is the source? This article shouldn't have been approved. It makes you guys look stupid and if one group looks stupid then we all look stupid.

Greywulf, settle down, here is what happened to your king...


Why o why4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

Im scratching my head reload. What happened to which king. Gt5 god of war killzone or uncharted. Those shots looked ok and im sure they're both betas so i dont get the point...is the point that the fans of that site prefered the graphics of gears over u3 or that the shots show a clear winner..please elaborate. Is this how you are when theres a 5% performance difference in a multiplatform game when the 360 comes out on top....cant remember you bringing up shots, funny that but i could be wrong right.;). A certain group of gamers is getting worried....see its easy to do

Something like this would of probably got blown to high heaven if it were the other way around but i dont think its that important for a game like this ie not a full blown retail game unless im mistaken maybe because its a wii port so my expectation are lower. This game isnt even a graphical beast but greywulf makes some very valid points that nobody has addressed but theres a lot to counter mind you so i wouldnt blame ya for clicking dissagree with angry face..lol

NoobSessions4674d ago

Day one, but this is kinda be blown out of proportion. I think both consoles get their fair share of multiplat games that run superior. The 360 gets a bit more though.
Anyone remember the whole RDR thing, where PS3's was sub-HD?

MeanOldman4674d ago

pure pwnage from grewulf.

Prototype4674d ago

It's the only Activision game I "MIGHT" buy; IF done correctly...

I miss the original Goldeneye on N64 :(

lil Titan4674d ago

makes me want to schedule a bond-a-thon for a couple days

baodeus4673d ago (Edited 4673d ago )


What taxing lighting, u mean full deferred lighting instead of dynamic lighting? You sure know your tech greywulf. Oye, where is patrick Stewart when u need him?

Why can't u use multiplatform, if they are better than exclusives (technical and graphics wise)? If 3rd party can push game further than MS exclusives (techwise and graphics like Crysis 2 or resident evil 5), why should MS exclusives be consider the limitation of the console?

Also, do you know what type of engine ND and GG use for their games? ND/GG made them up or it is a multiplatform engine? The things about Unreal engine, is that it is versatile and easy to use and almost everyone can practically use it to great effects (it does have limitations). ND and GG also modify other "PEEPs ENGINE", start with an "H", for their games as well. A BIG hint "demon soul". If you still don't know what it is, can someone here post it please? Just some information for you since you think multiplatform engine are of lower class or 3rd party developers (who develop multiplat engine) aren't capable developers.

When u develop a game, you wanted to have a goal for the game do you want your game to be in just full HD but to achieve it, u have scripted gameplay, full of high resolution CGI/QTE/Cutscene that take up 50gig of spaces, linearity, lack of coop (split screen), lack dynamic lighting, low AA, etc...sure...you can get HD games running great at 720p or even 1080i with 30fps -60fps. Heck i'm playing some arcade game running at 1080p at 60fps right now. Or do you want to have a dynamic environment, large open game, coop, dynamic lighting, dynamic effects, better AA (and i don't mean MLAA as a better AA), but you will have to sacrifice some resolutions instead? It is really depend on what you want, console ain't pc. And for once, it isn't Gears in 720p and at 30fps? Same with resident evil 5 (now that one is a looker). 720p at 30fps is technical marvel to you perhaps?

Is infamous as details as GTA4 or RDR or just a blow em up type of super hero game like superman, prototype, etc..? Don't compare infamous to GTA or RDR type of details. I can dig it out with you going through the types of details in those game that infamous doesn't have if you like.

if you ask ND/GG/etc...if they can ran those games but not the others, well they can't because they are stuck with the cell that bottle neck by split low RAM. And plus, i only heard the about the almighty ps3 exclusive on n4g mostly, when outside or on other serious gaming blog, when people were asking for what game they should get like KZ vs Call of Duty, most say go get call of duty; on ps3 forum no less. I just look back at n4g and start laughing.

I do agree with you on one thing, the expectation of anything beside ps3 are pretty low, N4G only of course.

Now i'm waiting for rebuttals start rolling in, and i hope, BIG HOPE, that you guys would have something to back them up.

baodeus4673d ago (Edited 4673d ago )

thanks greywulf and you guys for the 2 disagrees. I was actually expecting a lot more. it is quite below my expectation, but it will do. I like it especially when there isn't any reply to dispute what i said. I know it hurts you guys to think, but hopefully it get better with times.

Anyone else care to join the discussion? You know bring your OWNAGE. Although i advise you guys to bring your thinking cap instead, not like Greywulf here with his same fanboy BS again (u know just list the games on ps3 as a winner and call it a day and nothing to back it up either). Same old shits, since what, the release date of UC1?

Here let discuss about the details of infamous vs GTA4 for example. Let just pick a car for example, what can infamous do with a car vs what can you do with a car in GTA4. Now there are much more than just cars in GTA4, but just to let you see the kind of details that infamous lack, which is why it shouldn't be consider in the same category or the same leagues as GTA4 or RDR. It should be compare to game like prototype. Oh, and it isn't GTA4 also ran in 720p (on x360) with 2AA while infamous is 720p with no AA? Since you are so much into resolution there, so let compare them then.


Also, developers are looking at each other or sharing ideas to make their game better. Not like Greywulf here some how manage to turn it into that developers are looking up on ps3 exclusives for guidance. Didn't Bungie gives ND tips on how to do proper online multiplayer? I don't know if you guys can think or not, but you guys sure have talent in bending reality at will.

Alright, it is already at 3, usually it get to 20 something disagrees before i get some respond, might not be proper though, but still better than nothing. Keep going guys, almost there.

Why o why4673d ago (Edited 4673d ago )


Why can 3rd party devs do better that what ms's can. Thats called tallent. Ive stated many times before that if naughty dog, santa monica, poly digital worked exclusively on the 360 they would get better results than whats been achieved. Using multi's to gauge graphical prowess is more flawed than using exclusives. It used to be the other way around when bioshock and the first gears came out but since sonys 1st and 2nd parties overtook those games the goalposts have shifted. Graphics only seem to matter to some 360 owners when a game that competes is in the pipeline irrespective of the other factors that are commonly used to downplay sony's games.....you know the ones. Bu the gameplay, buh the colours, too stiff, dont sell, pcs better..list goes on.

As it stands you compare sony's efforts to the best of rest.

Best looking/ tech in a hack and slash game.
We have dante's inferno, ninja gaiden, gow3

We have forza, drift, gt5

For shooters
We have crysis, killzone, halo reach, plus 50 others

3rd person shooters/whatever
We have gears, uncharted, enslaved, batman aa

Super sandbox we have,
infamous, crackdown, hulk, spiderman

Sandbox we have yakuza and gta

Sports we have
Fifa, nba xk, nba, mlb x plus 50 others

Rpgs we have
Wk chronicles, final fantasy, demons souls, fallout, plus 30 more

From my quick list you can see that if sony's game isnt top its right up there in 90% of the genres listed. Multiplatform games dont compete at the top of as many genres so from that standpoint exclusives are the better barrometer of graphical prowess. They have proved more often and consistantly than multiplatform games do plus the slight winner of multiplatform games goes with the lead platform 9 times out of 10 and from what you can see they dont tend to push harder than either consoles exclusive efforts especially on the ps. Their reources are stretched and they seldom take advantage of either hd consoles strong points. All you have to do is show me the games that are technically better than those listed.

Ill add i didnt know what genre to put alan wake, heavy rain and a couple others into plus im sure ive missed a few. I've just gone with some of the main genre's so dont hold that aganst me.

So what im saying that if a multiplatform game is the best in its direct field then its the barrometer of course but if most of the 'best in class' for most of the genres happens to be an exclusive then it makes sense to go with the majority doesnt it

Oh, you not going to get a glut of dissagrees as nobody's gunna care to read all your wall past your wall. Exclusives graphics used to be the barrometer but since that got fudged its now about multiplats. We get it man so yeah, if you've the energy please show us who comes top of most of the lists if drafted. Cant wait

baodeus4673d ago (Edited 4673d ago )

@why o why

" what im saying that if a multiplatform game is the best in its direct field then its the barrometer of course"

exactly, when we talk about technical aspect, rating and sell doesn't mean anything. You can make a game with high tech, but if the story is crap, gameplay sucks, it doesn't matter. We are talking about tech wise, so anything with the highest tech (including multiplatform) can be use to gauge power of the the hardware.

"but if most of the 'best in class' for most of the genres happens to be an exclusive then it makes sense to go with the majority doesnt it"

Not exactly, multiplatform game not only compete in every genra, they tend to have more and are often dominant factor over exclusives (rating and sell). Only fanboy (you know who) tend to disregard the entire multiplatform games as inferior, to boost their so call exclusives when in reality, multiplatform are the dominant factor that takes up a large chunk of gaming industry. Here is a list of the top/great multiplatforms from every genra (including some exclusives u listed for comparison).

Hack & slash
Bayonetta, DMC4, Castlevania LOS, NG, GoW, dead rising, Dante Infernal,

Driving (do you just want sim like driving only?)
Grid, Dirt, NFS, PGR, Forza, GT, Drift, Motor storm, .......a lot

portal, half life, L4D, Fear, CoD, BFBC, Crysis, Rage, Bioshock, Metro, halo, kz..infinity (too many FPS)

Vanquish, RE5, Dead Space, Batman, enslave, dead rising, splinter cell, Gear, UC, MGS4,

Witcher, Skyrim/Oblivion, ME, Dragon Age, fallout, FF13, TOV, LO, WKC, demon soul, fable, etc.....

SandBox/super hero sandbox like
GTA, RDR, LA Noire, Just Cause, Saint Row, prototype, spiderman, infamous, crackdown, yakuza

condemned,silent hill, alan wake, heavy rain, (a lot more multiplatform, but couldn't remember)

I could list more, but can't remember that much. This is just right off my memories. But you see, multiplatform are much more relevant than fanboy thinks (well on n4g mostly of course).

But this is a good start, only at 3 disagree and i'm getting a respond already. A pretty decent one at that too. Thanks man. Here a bubble.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 4673d ago
Emilio_Estevez4674d ago

The article says they confirmed it to this site in particular. No one else asked most likely.

gamingdroid4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

Although possible, it begs a few questions:

a) there is no "real" source and nobody else is reporting this
b) there is no quote to put in context, but there are for other less interesting news. It's in the title for God's sake.
c) there is no technical reason for it being 720p as opposed to 1080p on the Xbox 360. This is a port of an old game we are talking here.

TotalPS3Fanboy4674d ago ShowReplies(4)
Inside_out4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

Maybe, Sony can port all those great Wii games with Move support in 1080p. Wii games with higher resolution than Uncharted, KZ and RES 3...LMAO

In related news...Retired wannabe genius Ken " I cost Sony Billions " Kataragi announces he was right. Wii games with 1080p 120 fps inbound on PS3. :/

DigitalRaptor4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

Is it really not that difficult to understand that a less demanding game will be able to run at 1080p?

I see you trying to be funny though, good try! ;)

Nitrowolf24674d ago

wait? So your laughing at 1080P Wii Port? What does that say about the 720P port?
Plus this isn't Sony doing

YogiBear4674d ago

@ Inside_out

You are really not funny. You should stop. It's better for everyone this way.

a_squirrel4674d ago

I was about to crackdown on that ps3 fanboy above you (1.3) but then I noticed your below, and instead of using his post as an opportunity to make all ps3 owners look bad, you peed into the wind. Good job.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4674d ago
M-A-R-S-H-A-L-L4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

Are you seriously trying to implement damage control.

subtenko4674d ago

As an ol Nintendo Fan and fan of the game, Im glad they are doing this. I want them to push the boundaries, so I'll be picking this up for my PS3. I loved playing that game on the n64, good times!

Agree or Disagree if you Agree

firemassacre4674d ago

sorry xbox owners...maybe next time.

kreate4674d ago

u got 1 bubble and u used it up for that comment? o_0;;

a_squirrel4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

lol, I never thought of that, It must be why he only has one bubble...

TheXgamerLive4674d ago

this story is a lie, and the author of it was an idiot. He only said 1080, NOT P but 1080, lol, he's an obvious lil fan girl who likes to lie. regardless, it will run at 720p or 1080i on both consoles.
Enjoy the game.

ChrisW4673d ago

Even if the PS3 runs at 1080 and the 360 runs at 720, I doubt there will be a noticable difference. That is, unless you're playing on a 48"+ HiDef LCD or Plasma.

Heck, I bet even LoT won't be able to find much difference between the two resolutions. Because we all know that more is not always better.

Bladesfist4673d ago

@ChrisW Their is a huge difference between 720p and 1080p if you want ill take 2 screenshots of BC2 and show it to you

ChrisW4673d ago

Not at 6 to 8 feet away from a large screen TV.

Here's an article by CNET explaining such. Skip down to point #9 "Side by side, how do 720p and 1080p TVs match up in head-to-head tests?"


slapedurmomsace4673d ago

I didn't even notice that..definately could be 1080i.
This happens both ways, some 360 multiplats run better and visa versa. Point is that any game running at 1080p shouldn't be news, it should be a standard at this point.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4673d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4673d ago
tdogg060519914674d ago

It is still going to be a good game on both consoles.

morkendo4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

so, basicly up-GRADED wii game

by the way D. craig is the worst J.BOND ever!!
Pierce BROSNAN WAS THE BEST!! besides S.connery,R.moore

antz11044674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

....which is an upgraded version of the mother of all fps'.

FYI I love Pierce Brosnan, but if you put the two Bond's up against each other Im pretty sure Daniel Craig could drink him under the table and STILL beat him to death while Sean Connery and Roger Moore (really man, Roger Moore, wtf?) ran for their lives. :D

4674d ago
Fez4674d ago

Anyone else find the idea of playing a Bond game with the main character being an actor a little strange. I would much prefer a unique bond who doesn't remind me of the assassin monk from Elizabeth or Mrs Doubtfire's nemesis.

badz1494674d ago

No gadjet Bond is not Bond at all. There are tons of other action movies out there but personally I watch Bond for the cool gadjets, which Craig probably have forgotten where he put them!

frostypants4674d ago

No, too-many-gadgets Bond is not Bond at all. Craig's Bond has more in common with the original book version.

The best Bond is a toss-up between Connery and Craig.

TheGameFoxJTV4674d ago

Exactly as Frosty said. The bond that isn't using a gadjet every 5 seconds is more in tune to the Bond of the books. Which are 1000000000000 times better than the movies.

raWfodog4674d ago

D. Craig is definitely one of the best Bonds, in my opinion. Right up there with Connery.

artynerd4674d ago

Connery IS Bond. All the other actors are just trying to reach the bar he set with Dr. No. There are many images and lines in that film that are not only classic in the Bond franchise, but legendary in all of Hollywood.

Goldfinger is the unanimous favorite 007 film among true Bond aficionados, and it's no coincidence that Connery's Bond is the star.

The_Quiet_Man4674d ago

@ Morkendo  
"by the way D. craig is the worst J.BOND ever!! Pierce BROSNAN WAS THE BEST!! besides S.connery,R.moore."

Thats the biggest problem with this remake, I can't understand why they didn't use Pierce Brosnan again like in the original N64 version. I know hes not Bond anymore but I'm sure for a price he would have let them use his likeness again.

I would've bought it out of nostalgia alone but I'm not a fan of D. Craig. It just doesn't feel right having Craig in Goldeneye when the film still stars Pierce in it,
so unless its actually a good game I won't be buying it. Never checked out the Wii version since I don't own one, off to look at youtube.

YogiBear4674d ago

There is Sean Connery and then there is everyone else.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4674d ago
meetajhu4674d ago

really? then you should have bought a PC

rajman4674d ago

I already have a PC, problem?

user83971444674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

People dont have hundreds of dollars to build a 1080p pc.

MidnytRain4674d ago

Well, sir, it looks like rajman just pwned you hard. It's okay, just sit there quietly.

XabiDaChosenOne4674d ago

You got owned bro, that's what happens when you make assumptions like a dumba**. PC fanboy fail.

Montrealien4674d ago

me too, just to bad most amazing ps3 exclusives don't even run in 1080p.

YogiBear4674d ago

@ Montrealien

Don't you have a hockey puck to amuse yourself with instead of elitist PC talk?

DaTruth4674d ago

"Well, sir, it looks like rajman just pwned you hard. It's okay, just sit there quietly."

He has no choice; he only has one bubble!

Legion4674d ago


This is a games forum. You are a PC elitist. Isn't their a PC only websight you should be trolling?

When you start seeing more magazines that talk about PC Gaming instead of Tech then come back here and talk gaming. Gaming on the PC is an after thought to most. Consoles are made for people who enjoy gaming.

We here have PCs and we use them to talk about gaming. We use our consoles for the playing of our games. (PC gamer... you are the minority, live with it... but don't get butt hurt when you don't get games made for you)

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4674d ago
NarooN4674d ago

You pwned the hell out of that lame-ass PC elitist.


Funky Town_TX4674d ago

4 player split? WIll the textures get re-touched? How about online?

dalibor4674d ago

Hell yeah. Why not have both? It would provide a broader playlist to choose from.

Legion4673d ago

64 players. ;P (Mag anyone? ha)

Laypoof4674d ago

A lot of people don't know this, but the 360 can't display TRUE, ONE-TO-ONE native 1080p, while the PS3 can. Glad to see them take advantage of the PS3's superior hardware.

WhiteLightning4674d ago

"Glad to see them take advantage of the PS3's superior hardware"

for once...

a_squirrel4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

I wanna correct Layproof
Through HDMI Xbox360s, it could not do native 1080p, but you can use a DVI adapter thingy for 1080p. Check the difference. It's true. :P
(that what we use)

Fishy Fingers4674d ago

Find that hard to believe, do you have any evidence to support that. As technically there's no reason it can't. Speaking generally, not specifically this game.

Raendom4674d ago

Xbox slim can. Xbox elite and backwards can't. Anyway I'm excited o play some goldeneye finally a good old fashioned fos multiplayer game. I Hope they made the online really good for ps3/60

Convas4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

Proof sir. Anyone can pull a "fact" like that out of the air. Now, back it up with evidence.

TheGameFoxJTV4674d ago

This is the internet, people don't know the difference between fact an opinion. They think something that they themselves believe hard enough in, is a fact.

dgonza404674d ago

man, i remember that vid from way back when :o
still solid proof :p

Montrealien4674d ago

you fail on so many levels Laypoof. If it was the case, why have I been playing uncharted in 720p? Same for Infamous for that matter, two of my favourite franchises ever.

skrug4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )


what does that have do with 360 not displaying a true 1080p image?

Hanif-8764674d ago

We all know that the Xbox360 doesn't do real 1080p dwl

fireplace4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

This guy is an idiot. Dashboard is locked to 720p and this doesn't prove anything.

He should have pick up a game like Virtua Tennis or Geometry Wars, 1080p games and then compare the image.

Sorry, but this vid is a misinformation. You shouldn't believe some random goy from youtube who has no idea what he's doing.

Digital Foundry
Geometry Wars 2: Retro Evolved utilised the Xenos GPU within the Xbox 360 to create a huge amount of particles, enemies, and bullets - all rendered at full 1080p at an uncompromised 60FPS.
Form an article about iPad version, http://www.eurogamer.net/ar...

BlackKnight4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

Exactly what fireproof said, Dashboard runs at 720P at all times.

This just goes to show both the old video maker doesn't understand what is going on and neither do you Layproof.

What too many PS3 fanboys or just plain ignorant gamers can't seem to grasp is the 360 can only output 1080P through HDMI. This would then mean any of the very old 360's with no HDMI cannot play any of the few 1080P games on the 360 @ 1080P, such as:

Fifa Street 3 = 1920x1080 (4xAA)
NBA Street Home court (demo) = 1920x1080 (4xAA)
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel = 1920x1080
Virtua Tennis 3 = 1920x1080 (2xAA)

And then there a lot of XBLA games that run at 1080P

This site is full of people arguing about tech, yet have little to no knowledge about what they discuss...

multipayer4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

Only until just recently they banned the usage of 1080p through component, and I think it was only for bluray players... Plenty of TVs accept 1080p through component anyway.

The wii emulator activision slapped together was farther along on PS3, that's my best guess.

Thoreau4674d ago

bubble, the truth. i play on a 50 in sony, and i can tell the difference between the 360 1080p and the ps3 1080p, it seems that the 360 could only do 1080i, the xboxslim360 still has that 1.2 hdmi.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4674d ago
fireplace4674d ago

Xbox 360 can output native 1080p. Virtua Tennis prove you wrong!

ILikeTurtles4674d ago

you're telling me that the 360 can't do native 1080p when an ati radeon 3600 can go beyond it?

LNDCalling4674d ago

Yes but an ati radeon 3600 on PC isnt limited like the 360 by 10MB of eDRAM which isnt enough to hold a 1080p image which is 16MB, or even a 720p image with AA so the 360 needs to tile the image, splitting the framebuffer and passing in to normal memory!..

Whether thats deemed 'true' 1080p.. I don't know!

Ulf4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

Naw, the 360 can do 1080p via tiled rendering.

Apparently, the 360 version of GoldenEye is just bad at 1080p, so they went with 720p. It wasn't bad on the PS3, so they went there. Simple.

Ulf4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

LoL @ the disagrees. You poor saps will never land a job outside of the Walmart you work at, with that mindset.

I challenge even one of you to come up with a different, reasonable explanation as to why its 1080p on the PS3, and not on the 360, outside of the blatantly untrue "360 can't do 1080p for realz".

It can do it, it just sucks at it, because tiled rendering is hideously expensive (on the 360) due to the same feature that makes the 360 GPU so darn fast at 600p.

artynerd4674d ago

Did all you Sony Ponies forget when the PS3 was about to launch, Sony claimed they were the only "true HD" console? Yeah, they tried to sell everyone on how all of their games would be 1080p.

I can probably count on one hand how many true native 1080p titles are out for the PS3.

The only people that can claim true resolution superiority are PC gamers. Don't call me a PC fanoby either, because I don't even game on my computer.

It's funny - Sony fanboys have no problem acting high and mighty with their *slight* power advantage over the 360, but they'll be the first to whine and cry when a PC gamer starts talking real stats.

PirateThom4674d ago

Find me where Sony said "all games" would be 1080p.

They only ever said capable.

They have 1080p games.

kreate4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

that was true in 2006. which is when sony made 'some' of those comments.

its not like im going take a comment microsoft made back from the 90's and use it in 2011 and say they are liars. ur taking it out of context.

LNDCalling4674d ago (Edited 4674d ago )

True in that 360 does 1080p 'tiled'...

As far as I remember its down to the eDRAM, the Xenos GPU achieves large throughput due to the eDRAM but unfortunately the eDRAM @ 10MB isnt enough to hold a 1080p image @ 16MB, it is enough for 720p but even then only with no anti-aliasing.

To incorporate anti-aliasing simultaneously, resolution needs to drop to around 1024x600 or the frames need to be tiled, where the framebuffer is split into chunks and swapped out into normal memory, this comes at a cost.. for '720p, 2xMSAA' around 1.4 times the level of keeping everything in the eDRAM and 1080p 1.6 times!

I think thats what people mean when they say 360 does not output 'true' native 1080p.

Edit: as @Ulf just said.. sorry only just seen your comment.

Bladesfist4673d ago (Edited 4673d ago )


"The most important graphics consideration for programming for the Xbox 360 console is the wide variety of televisions that the Xbox 360 system supports. The Xbox 360 system supports both HDTV and normal television sets, at multiple resolutions (480p, 720p, 1080i, and 1080p)"

I don't own a 360 but i hate it when people make crap up to attack a system

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Goldeneye 007: Reloaded - The Reason Why We Need an N64 Port

GoldenEye 007: Reloaded proves that is nothing is broken, don't try to fix it. A disappointing remake that failed to live up to the original.

After10Ben694d ago (Edited 694d ago )

While Goldeneye reloaded didn't have the same magic as the original n64 version, I enjoyed it. I liked how the entire game could be played with motion controls if you had the Wii or the PS3 version.


Split-Screen Vs. Online - Story of a Lonely Gamer

"There is nothing the video game industry loves more than a good trend. “Hey, that game with the bald, gruff space marine sold really well, we need that in our game!” or, “people are all talking about that cover system, can you make it more like that?” It’s an unfortunate reality of any big entertainment industry, if something sells or seems popular, every game is clamoring to make sure they have it too. -- PlayStation Enthusiast

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LaWiiG3197d ago

Local split screen with dual monitor capabilities would be nice.

scark923197d ago

Some of my favorite games are held up so high to me are because of Split Screen alone, it is more fun than online with a friend imo

TLG19913196d ago

Local co-op wins every time. weather its split screen or not. either playing something like fifa or rocket league with friends or recently i got my girlfriend into diablo 3, we started it together its was fantastic and couldn't have imagined playing it any other way.


Breaking Down FPS Games – Gaming Happens

Yami from Twinfinite writes: "Anyway, in this Gaming Happens, I’m depreciating FPS games. Really breaking them down; telling you everything I took away from some of the most popular games in the genre. Join me."

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Game0N3727d ago ShowReplies(1)
SteamPowered3727d ago (Edited 3727d ago )

She seems like a cool chick to hang out with and maybe get benefits on the side. But I prolly would keep it on the DL from my buddies.
Edit: Gentlemen never tell.

wls10123727d ago

what ever dude,you should be so lucky

SteamPowered3727d ago

Lol, easy champ. I meant no harm. Im sure she is a peach.

FailboatSkipper3727d ago

This is the most fedora-esque comment I've ever seen

wls10123727d ago

I didn't hear a word she said,I just like to look at her face

Omegasyde3727d ago

I heard her say Socom, and then I knew it was love.

thecastroregime3727d ago

Really guys, really?

Anyway, while I'd argue that there are some FPS games that deserve a bit more recognition here, she's pretty spot-on with the overall feel of FPSs.

Game0N3727d ago

lol my comment wasn't immature, it was fact. Although i probably shouldn't have shared that here, that was unkind. But fellatio skills are not something to be ashamed of, not in the slightest!

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