
Rocksmith Preview | Cheat CC

Back in the heyday of Guitar Hero, skeptics always seemed to have the same thing to say: "Why don't you just play a real guitar?" Guitar Hero was fun and all, but this was actually a valid argument. I mean, why would you sink hours and hours into learning to play a plastic toy when you could actually be doing something productive? Well, Rocksmith is aiming to end this discussion once and for all.

bwazy4686d ago

Why not just join a real band and make some cash, friends, meet chicks and get a tan instead?

DoomTater4686d ago

1.) Use Rocksmith to learn guitar.
2.) Find friends that want to start a band.
3.) ????
4.) Profit!

jaseo4686d ago

looking forward to this! I have a ps3 and a gibson les paul, so it's a no brainer :)


Rocksmith+ Comes To PS And Steam In June

This looks like a great way to play.
Rocksmith+, the award winning music-learning app that teaches you guitar and piano with thousands of hit songs, is coming to PlayStation and Steam on June 6, and is available to wishlist now on both platforms.


Rocksmith+: Learn Guitar Fast | Ubisoft Forward

Want to learn how to play acoustic, electric, or bass guitar?


Rocksmith+ Review - Thumb Culture

Join Dan as he picks up his guitar again. This time to learn he is using Rocksmith+. Keep reading to find out how he gets on!

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