
Dead Space 3: 8 Things We Want

OXM UK: "Hear that predatory rattling behind the walls? No, that's not the air con unit throwing a muscle. Visceral Games is hiring for work on Dead Space 3, the next chapter in space engineer Isaac Clarke's struggle to retain possession of his limbs, guts and sanity."

dirigiblebill4685d ago

Scares that actually scare you, for starters. Dead Space 2 was a fine third-person shooter, but a middling survival horror game.

JsonHenry4685d ago

They either just don't make horror games with enough "horror" or we are all just so used to it no matter what they do it will just be a shooter with survival-like ammo rationing added in.

The only way I can seem to add any suspense to these games at all anymore is to play on the hardest difficulty so that I will be more concerned about not using that ammo or getting through a fight without being hurt so I won't have to use one of my precious few health packs I need to save for a boss fight.

BeOneWithTheGun4685d ago

That's a very good point JsonHenry. Nowadays we are so saturated that it takes a lot to get us going. I remember in my teen years in the 80s, I would find a playboy and was like "Holy Shit!" Now, it's like looking at a Sports Illustrated. I get more graphic pics ala spam in my email account.

The old Resident Evil and Silent Hill games scared the crap outta me but with all the FEAR movies and stuff I am totally de-sensitized to it all.

WhiteLightning4685d ago

Dead Space 2 wasn't as scary as Dead Space, I think returning to the Ishimura was the best level in the game.

"A standalone co-op campaign"

No, No and No.....look what happened to RE5 and look what happened with Dead Space 2 when it tacked on an online mode, it was crap. They could of made the single player longer and more polished if they didn't have an online mode.

Why is everyone so obssesed about online in single player games, especialy horror games like Dead Space. You'll go on it for like a month and end up back on COD/Battlefield/Gears/Uncharte d online in like a week....making the co-op/onlne play you guys asked for dumbing down the game for the single playe players.

dirigiblebill4685d ago

I don't get why everybody's so terrified of co-op, especially as an alternative to a wonky competitive multiplayer mode. Providing they keep it separate from teh campaign, give it real substance - proper missions rather than linear maps - and leave things sandboxy enough to accommodate replay, where's the harm?

WhiteLightning4685d ago

"I don't get why everybody's so terrified of co-op"

Probably because every single player game it touches ends up not as good as the last game.

It's fine with games built up around co-op or had co-op in mind from the start like Borderlands, L4D, Fable and Halo

But why want it added where it's not really neccesary like in great single player games like Elder Scrolls, Mass Effect, Fallout, Bioshock, Dead Space, Resident evil.

Lord_Sloth4685d ago

I can't believe White Lightning used Fable as a reference for good co-op...Sure it's a fun game and I enjoy it but the co-op needs some serious work.

Also, none of you seem to grasp the concept of "Stand Alone Co-Op."

This means it doesn't effect the single player campaign.

MrSpace4685d ago (Edited 4685d ago )

@Lord_Sloth: "I can't believe White Lightning used Fable as a reference for good co-op"

Erm...where did he mention the word good, he was basicaly saying it's fine to make a co-op/single game if the game has been built around co-op from the start which Fable was. He never mentioned how good it was and I agree with Whitelightning, people who beg for co-op these "Co-op online freaks" would go on it for only a short while, get bored of it and go back to a big online game like call of duty, leaving the single player ruined for people who actually liked the franchise for it's single player.


Just make it optional just other games. It's not rocket science

trenso14685d ago

im not terrified of co-op but in a game like dead space i dont think it belongs it take away from the survival aspect of the game you dont really feel like you have to survive if you have a buddy that you can take turns shooting with.

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banjadude4685d ago

Honestly... I want something much closer to Dead Space 1 than 2.

Quagmire4685d ago

I loved DS1 morre than DS2. DS2 just didnt FEEL as scary as the first. The article is right about going back to a ship, because its secluded, claustraphobic, and in DS1 there was a max of maybe 5 people in the entire game, makes you feel more vulnerable, than watching about 20-50 people on the sprawl, which has wide open spaces.

banjadude4685d ago

Couldn't have said it better myself.

However, they definitely should keep some of the DS 2 stuff:
- The locator ability (the thing that shows you where the next save point, shop, etc are)
- The ability to stomp corpses for items
- Having your stasis energy auto-regenerate.

fooxy4685d ago

I wish they fuking release a patch to fix glitches that keep people from finishing the game

jdfoster004685d ago

1 thing we want:- NO MULTIPLAYER!

Eiffel4685d ago

I actually gave that a shot, it's pretty ridiculous. Spamming stasis is truly god mode.


The multiplayer is not bad it's just mindless fun. Which is a good way to relax after you have beaten the campaign to death.

jdfoster004685d ago

That's what I mean. They could put MORE into the Single player. Which is what most people, if not all buy DS for! I would welcome a co-op type of survival mode though if it doesn't hinder the single player experience but multiplayer = meh and not needed/not wanted

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DefenderOfDoom2434d ago

Simple, do not bother with a Dead Space 3 remake. Rather have a new entry for Dead Space.

myfathersbastard434d ago

Yeah I agree. Make a dead space 3, but have an original story/setting. They’ve proven they can do the game justice, and I think they could evolve 2 in a good direction, keeping a similar tone. I’d love s Dead Space 2 and 3 though. The remake was fantastic. Top tier remake, up there with RE2.

jznrpg434d ago

Remaking 3 would need to be a reworked and somewhat changed remake as 3 was flawed in most peoples eyes and the worst entry.

Ninver434d ago

It's the worst in the series.


Dead Space 3, A Ten Year Reunion

WTMG's Kyle Nicol:

"Was Dead Space 3 really that bad?

Well, it’s a complicated question. Dead Space 3 is undeniably the weakest of the trilogy. It’s a game that deviates so far from the original formula, that it throws a lot of what made Dead Space special in the first place out of the window. Although, where it does make up for it is one of the best cooperative shooters on the market, even after all this time. Do I recommend playing this game ten years later? Hell yes. But make sure your expectations are in the right place. It has a lot of problems that bring it down."

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SimpleSlave518d ago

Dead Space
Dead Space 2
The Callisto Protocol
...Lost Planet 3?

HeliosHex517d ago

They need to seriously continue this ip with a new entry. Even if it's just another movie I don't care I love everything about this game.