
Playdom's New Game: ESPN Sports Bar & Grill! First Impressions

Playdom have today released a new game; adding to their list of titles: ESPN Sports Bar & Grill! Now, telling by the name, this is an obvious sports themed game; in particular, baseball. But the thing is, this game doesn't just cater to baseball fans, this is also a simulation and management game that kind of has the essence of Market Street, another Playdom title.

The premise of this game is that you are in charge of overseeing and running a sports bar! Customers will walk in and sit in whatever seats are available, or stand at the front bar; and it is up to you to keep them enjoying themselves with drinks and food (which you also have to periodically restock). Playdom have also taken the next step in making the game incredibly interactive. Unlike in previous games, you are the one doing all the serving by having to physically click on the patrons when a thought icon appears above their head, when you run low on food or drink, etc. In return, the patrons drop experience, coins a...

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Marvel Avengers Alliance Season 2 delay causes anger

Product-Reviews writes: Avengers Alliance is an amazing game, but is often marred with Playdom’s questionable business tactics in failing to communicate with their customers in a timely manner, combined with the frequent content updates without fixing up bugs and errors that have been present in the game for months.

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tr00p3r3977d ago

Seems nobody on N4G plays Avengers Alliance.. because if they did, they would know what a mess it is at the moment!


MySpace Ends All Games

Go to visit any game on MySpace from today, and you will be greeted with a page telling you that the page can not be found. That is because MySpace has unexpectedly shut down all games on the site; ultimately alienating tens of thousands of its players; leaving them and several game developers in the dark.

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optimus4005d ago

that reminds me, i haven't logged in in yrs. i need to see if any of my "friends" are still on it...i got an email telling me they rebuilt the site and it is designed more around music...i bet justin timberlake is kicking himself over that investment.

doctorstrange4005d ago

A million dollars isn't cool, you know what's cool? Losing a million dollars on a social site.

optimus4005d ago

i think he payed more than that.


No Season 2; but PVP Season 8 is now out

A new patch has been implemented into Marvel: Avengers Alliance today. Its main feature is not the long-anticipated release of the PVE season two that everyone was expecting; but instead it is the release of PVP Season 8 - with Red Hulk as the reward hero for reaching the rank of Adamantium.

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